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Hurt Locker Shot Selection

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Presentation on theme: "Hurt Locker Shot Selection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples P.O.V. Shot from remote robot Extreme Close Up of robot tires P.O.V. = Point Of View

2 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Roving Camera Shots around city to establish setting from high angles. Cut to shot of remote robot unit.

3 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Cut to mid-length shot of remote robot Cut to P.O.V shot of people running Cut to control monitor and soldiers.

4 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Introduce soldiers with tight shots on face and hands. Shooting technique and fast editing creates tension and suspense.

5 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Soldier looks up and off screen. P.O.V. shot from soldier looking at balconies and people.

6 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Establishing Shot of soldiers from a high angle through fencing. Solider P.O.V. through riffle.

7 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Cut to close up of legs walking Camera moves up body to mid-shot of helmet. Cut to P.O.V shot through glass visor.

8 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Cut from roving P.O.V Visor shot to establishing shot of soldier walking toward the bomb.

9 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Rule of Thirds

10 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Rule of Thirds- Character Placement

11 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Rule of Thirds- Horizon Line Placement

12 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Rule of Thirds- Character and Object Placement

13 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Rule of Thirds- Horizon Line Placement

14 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Design Examples Pattern and Repetition- repeating objects in a room creates visual interest and emphasis.

15 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Design Examples Pattern and Repetition- P.O.V through helmet visor creates a black oval frame for a shot of the ground.

16 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Design Examples Pattern and Repetition- a high angle shot through a balcony railing mimics the previous visor shot. The shot remains focused on the ground showing the soldier walking in his bomb suit.

17 Hurt Locker Shot Selection
Scene 1 Examples Pattern and Repetition can add visual interest to a single shot. Or this design element can also be used as an editing tool to cut between two shots.

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