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Situation Comedies Unit 3.

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1 Situation Comedies Unit 3

2 TV Buzz Sitcoms typically begin with the introduction of dramatic tension. One or two characters find themselves in a predicament, often the result of the characters’ own shortcomings. The remainder of the show is then devoted to resolving this tension. A common ingredient of comedy is having unexpected things happen.

3 TV Buzz Setting Characters
Tend to be relatively low-budget programs in terms of sets Probably a home, an office, or a bar/restaurant Characters Older situation comedies featured the “nuclear family” (dad, mom, and children) Most today focus on a group of people who are roughly the same age

4 The Formulas of Situation Comedies
A formula is a way of assembling something by adding different elements to achieve a fairly standard result. What would you say is the formula for a good sit-com?

5 That Person Is Crazy A large part of the humor in a situation comedy comes from a character responding in a uncommon way to a common situation. Some situation comedies feature characters who do this all the time. These characters are typically called “crazy” or “weird” or “zany”.

6 Sit-coms as Stories As do literature and plays, most sit-coms have a narrative structure-they’re organized to tell a story The narrative structure of most sit-coms is usually linear (beginning, middle, and end)

7 Skip intro Top 10 ten videos/DVDs Top left—Data
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