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Presentation on theme: "Promotion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion

2 Distribution The practice and means through which certain movies are sent to and placed in theatres, video stores, and television and cable networks.

3 Target audiences Viewers who producers feel are most likely to want to see a particular film.

4 Marketing Identifying an audience in order to bring a film to the attention of viewers so they will come to watch the film.

5 Promotion Specific ways a movie can make an object that an audience will want to see.

6 Advertises a movie as the vehicle of one or more well-known actors.
Star System Advertises a movie as the vehicle of one or more well-known actors.

7 Ancillary products such as tee shirts, CD soundtracks, and toys
Tie-ins Ancillary products such as tee shirts, CD soundtracks, and toys

8 Advertising Central form of promotion that uses television, billboards, film trailers, or previews, print ads, and other forms of display to bring a film to the attention of a potential audience.

9 Theatrical trailer Previews a few scenes from a film in theatres before the main feature film or television commercial. Cast Away Trailer

10 Rating systems Provide viewers with guidelines for movies. (MPAA rating system: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17) Short and from 2:47 to end.

11 Product Placement A practice in which manufacturers of goods or providers of a service gain exposure for their products by paying for them to be featured in movies and television Short programs.

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