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Topical Tuesday! You will need a sheet of paper numbered 1-8.

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Presentation on theme: "Topical Tuesday! You will need a sheet of paper numbered 1-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topical Tuesday! You will need a sheet of paper numbered 1-8.
You will be given a reading passage spread over several slides. Each reading slide will automatically change. The time ranges from 1 minute to 1:10. The time indicator is shown at the bottom. There are 8 multiple choice questions to answer at the end of the reading. You have 25 to 40seconds to answer each before it changes. This activity will be collected by your SOCIAL STUDIES teacher.

2 The "Other" Elections WASHINGTON, D.C. (Achieve3000, March 22, 2012). Americans are very interested in the candidates who are running for president. Many are less interested in the other candidates on the ballot—the ones who are running for Congress. Congressional elections take place every two years (twice as often as presidential elections). These elections might seem minor compared to the race for the White House. However, they are very important. The results of these district and state elections have a direct effect on the lives of all Americans. In fact, when it comes to making laws, members of Congress have the starring roles. The president is only a supporting player. How Does Congress Work? To understand how important Congress is, you first need to know what it's all about.

3 Congress is the legislative branch of the U. S. government
Congress is the legislative branch of the U.S. government. It is made up of two houses: The House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives (often called just "the House") has 435 lawmakers. Each lawmaker represents a district in a state. The House divides representation according to state population; the larger the population of a state, the more representatives it has in the House. For example, Alaska and Wyoming are states with smaller populations. They each have one representative. California, with its large population, has 53 representatives. Officials study the results of the United States Census to determine how many people live in each district. Sometimes, districts will be re-mapped to make sure that no single lawmaker represents too many or too few people.

4 Unlike the House of Representatives, the Senate does not divide representation according to population. Every state has two lawmakers in the Senate, for a grand total of 100 senators. A state's population does not matter. The main job of the House of Representatives and the Senate is to create and pass legislation. How Does Congress Make Laws? When it comes to passing laws, Congress is enormously powerful. It can weigh in at the beginning and end of the lawmaking process. To pass, a bill must receive a majority vote in both houses. Then, it lands on the president's desk. The president can decide whether or not to sign the bill into law. If the president refuses to sign a bill, lawmakers can still pass it.

5 However, a two-thirds vote in both houses is needed
However, a two-thirds vote in both houses is needed. These steps make sure that the nation is in the hands of many, not just the president. The president can express ideas in speeches and speak with the lawmakers. However, the president cannot pass a law and does not have full power to reject a law. Only a member of Congress has a direct vote on whether to pass a law. That may be good news for Americans. Every one of us has a lawmaker in Congress representing our district. We can tell our representatives our opinions on bills. How Do Elections for Congress Work? All of this is important for voters to remember on Election Day.

6 The selection of lawmakers counts for a lot, no matter where voters live. Most votes in Congress need a simple majority. Therefore, a single legislator can make the difference between whether a bill passes or not. And every lawmaker has ideas that guide the laws that he or she supports. Many Americans choose to exercise their right to vote by going to the polls. They often support the candidates who share their ideas. It's never too early to start paying attention to congressional elections, or to the actions of the U.S. Congress. Only Americans who are 18 and over may vote for members of Congress (or in any U.S. election). However, the elections are important to everyone. Congress makes laws that affect all Americans.

7 Which best replaces the question mark in the box above?
Every one of us has a lawmaker in Congress. Congressional elections are very important. Congressional elections take place every two years. Most votes in Congress need a simple majority.

8 2. Suppose you were writing a summary of the news article
2. Suppose you were writing a summary of the news article. Which of these is most important to include in a summary? Americans who are 18 and over may vote for members of Congress. The House divides representation according to state population. Congressional elections have a direct effect on the lives of all Americans. Americans often support candidates who share their ideas.

9 3. Which is the closest synonym for the word reject?
Regret Alter Accept Refuse

10 4. According to the article, how are the Senate and the House different?
The House of Representatives can create new legislation, but the Senate cannot. The number of Senate members is determined by the United States Census. The House of Representatives divides representation according to population. Most votes in the Senate need a simple majority to pass, but votes in the House need a two-thirds majority.

11 5. Suppose that Susie wants to learn more about Congress
5. Suppose that Susie wants to learn more about Congress. She would find most of her information by looking __________. In an encyclopedia, under "legislative branch" At a ballot from a congressional election In a dictionary, under "Senate" On a map of the United States

12 6. The article states: Officials study the results of the United States Census to determine how many people live in each district. Sometimes, districts will be re-mapped to make sure that no single lawmaker represents too many or too few people. Look at the passage above and think about the article. Which would be the closest synonym for the word determine? Provide Release Subtract Establish

13 7. The news article says all of the following except __________.
Only a member of Congress has a direct vote on whether to pass a law. If the president refuses to sign a bill, lawmakers can still pass it. The legislative branch is made up of the House and the Senate. Congressional elections take place as often as presidential elections.

14 8. The article states: Most votes in Congress need a simple majority
8. The article states: Most votes in Congress need a simple majority. Therefore, a single legislator can make the difference between whether a bill passes or not. The author most likely included these sentences in order to __________. Explain which bills Congress is likely to pass Point out that the selection of lawmakers counts for a lot Convince readers to vote in all elections Explain what is meant by a "simple majority"

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