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By:Harman#16 and Harshan#1

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1 By:Harman#16 and Harshan#1
Canada's History By:Harman#16 and Harshan#1

2 Fur Trade: What caused the fur trade to become so popular with Europeans?
The fur trade became so popular with the Europeans because the Europeans found out that the Indigenous people have a fur that was thick and it was what the Europeans wanted because it was warm and it was worth about ten times more than beaver fur. It was so valuable that Russian traders called the sea otter "soft gold." 1. Thick fur 2. Clothing 3. Valuable

3 How did Europeans and early settlers trade with the aboriginals that lived in Canada?
When European traders arrived, they offered the Indigenous people blanket, knives, and other goods. The Indigenous people wanted these items because they were stronger and lasted longer than the tools they made out of stones and wood. In return, the Indigenous people gave fur and sometimes food to the Europeans and early settlers. 

4 What is the name of one important person in Canada's history during the fur trade? 
One important person in Canada's history during the fur trade is Amelia Connolly. She was important because she had to manage the fur trade when her father died. When she gave birth to her children, she made her children in charge of a fur trading post.

5 What did your important person do to shape the fur trade and Canada?
Amelia Connolly told everyone what to do and how to trade with anyone who came to trade with them. She also taught everyone how to trade when someone was offering goods to them. She told everyone how to make a deal if one person did not agree with the deal.

6 The Gold Rush: What caused the gold rush to become so popular with people in and outside of Canada? 
The gold rush became so popular with people in and outside Canada because once a man was searching for gold in the Fraser River and suddenly he finds gold. The news spread quickly in and outside of Canada. Later that year a ship arrived with gold seekers. When the gold rush began already gold seekers came to the Fraser River. People from United States, Europe, China, and the rest of Canada came to look for gold.

7 How did the gold rush change Canada?
The gold rush changed Canada by everyone in Canada came to the Fraser River to search for gold. The government then began to build roads so gold seekers can travel by horseback and wagon. The most famous gold rush towns was Barkerville in the Cariboo. In ten years, $26 million of gold was taken out of mines and creeks around Barkerville.

8 What is the name of one important person in Canada's history during the gold rush?
One important person in Canada's history during the gold rush is Billy Barker. He was important because he was the first man to find gold the Fraser River. Billy Barker left is house to seek gold the Fraser River. While he was searching for gold, he found gold. Once the news was spread gold seekers came to seek gold.  

9 What did your important person do to shape the gold rush and Canada?
To shape the gold rush and Canada, Billy Barker and others searched for gold until it was over in When he struck rich, he produced $300 of gold each day. When Billy Barker found gold, he used up all of his money and ended up living in poverty. 

10 The Canadian Pacific Railway: Why was the CPR built?
The CPR was originally built to travel from British Columbia to Barkerville in cariboo. It was built when Billy Barker found gold and then people came to search for gold. To travel, you had to use horses and wagons to go to Barkerville in cariboo. It linked to the east to the west of British Columbia.

11 How did the CPR change Canada?
The CPR changed Canada by people built new houses and that meant there was going to be more people in little towns. The CPR provided to bring in people. With more people, British Columbia began to grow. The CPR also let people to travel and communicate better. 

12 What is the name of one important person in Canada's history during the building of the CPR?
The name of one important person in Canada's history during the building of the CPR is John A. McDonald. He was important because he promised to build a railway that joined the east to the west. The railway was finished in 1885 across the western plains and over the Rocky Mountains. 

13 What did your important person do to influence/form the CPR and Canada?
To form the CPR and Canada, John A. McDonald promised everyone that he would build a railway that everyone can travel and communicate. The CPR helped you communicate better because there were power lines next to the railway. For ten years, builders had been building the track across swamps and mountains. When someone paid to ride the train, the money went to John A. McDonald, so he could improve the railway.

14 Summary In the past, a lot of things have happened to help and improve Canada. The fur trade started when hunters killed animals such as beavers, so others can trade the animals fur for other resources the Indigenous people needed. The gold rush started in Jan 24, 1848 by a man named Billy Barker started to search for gold in the Fraser River when suddenly he finds gold. The news spread quickly across Canada. Later that year, a ship arrived with gold seekers wanting to search for gold. The CPR was built to travel across Canada and help people to communicate better.

15 Hope you Enjoyed!!

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