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Presentation on theme: "Landscape."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscape

2 What is a landscape? Landscape is a picture of land and the objects that occupy the land. Land has to be the emphasis and/or the artist’s intent . It is not

3 Not a picture of a river,

4 not a house or a barn,

5 Not boats, or a pier,

6 Not a luncheon on the grass,

7 It is just land

8 AND it should contain background, middle ground and fore ground.
There should be space and depth and scale. There should be value. There should be a motive an intent a reason to paint a landscape like,

9 The sublime,

10 Humbleness,

11 Beauty, visual scale,

12 More sublime.


14 “OR” Landscape then can be a metaphor, a psychological or emotional state. Could the last painting be a metaphor for Freedom, even learning or seeing?


16 The previous painting was about???
What did you see? What did the painter see? How did the painter respond?

17 Point of view (the house is not the center of attention
Point of view (the house is not the center of attention. Or the house is the center of attention?

18 POV

19 POV

20 They could be about being a painter and responding with paint

21 Describe the landscape with words
vastness, expansive, on going, Panaramic scenic

22 With paint




26 Describe how the landscape makes you feel.
Humble, quiet, ??? American???? SO again, how did the artist feel?

27 Is this really about horses?

28 Is this about a sunset?

29 What was Ryder saying? How does this landscape help tell the story?

30 Or how about????

31 History Real landscape painting started in earnest more or less with the French Barbizon School. 19th cent. Claude Lorrain was a 17th cent. Painter that broke away from the Neo Classical painters and mythical themes. His was an art of real people. The Dutch already had a history of landscape painting pre 17th cent. And their inspiration to the Babrizon school was exhibited at the Louve in Paris. The Barbizon school had found their muse.

32 Themes Pastoral Seasons Mountains Farmers
People working in the ladscape

33 Johan Weissenbrunch

34 Rembrandt

35 Lucien Griveau, FBS

36 Corot, FBS

37 Millet,FBS

38 SO, Landscapes-compositions about land,
Metaphor for the human condition, Space, distance, scale, psychological states and emotional states (same?)

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