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10th Inkaba yeAfrica/!Khure Africa (AEON) Conference/Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "10th Inkaba yeAfrica/!Khure Africa (AEON) Conference/Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 10th Inkaba yeAfrica/!Khure Africa (AEON) Conference/Workshop
Lord Milner Hotel, Matjiesfontein - Karoo 29 September – 3 October 2014 The Seismicity of the Eastern Cape Province: During the period of 1980 to 1989. Charmaine Mahlagaume, I. Saunders and C.J.S. Fourie Department of Environmental, Water and Earth Sciences Faculty of Science of Tshwane University of Technology,South Africa

2 OUTLINE Introduction Seismicity of the Eastern Cape Catalogue for the Eastern Cape Province Seismological Stations Methodology Results Error Ellipse Conclusion Recommendation References

3 Introduction Re- evaluate Earthquake locations in the Eastern Cape Province. Determine hypocenters and depths of earthquakes using ray tracing (Chapman et. al 1988) to identify additional seismic phases after relocation. Re- evaluate the phase readings. Evaluate Earthquake hypocenters (depths) in the Eastern Cape Province.

4 Catalogue for the Eastern Cape Province
The data used for this study was provided by the Seismology Unit of the Council for Geoscience, which is responsible for the operation of the South African National Seismograph Network (SANSN), (Saunders). The data set had a total of 63 earthquakes from the year 1970 to 1989 and I covered the year period of 1980 to 1989

5 Seismicity of the Eastern Cape Province
Events before relocation

6 B-value Before relocation
The bars are number of events and crosses the accummulated number of events. The more the number of events the popular it becomes. B-Value is expressed by Gutenberg-Richter law (Log N=a-bM) which shows the relationship between the magnitude and total number earthquakes. Where; N is the number of events having a magnitude ≥ M a and b are constant.

7 Seismological Stations

8 Methodology Fault plane mechanism(FOCMEC, FPFIT),determining fault plane through a grid serach method (Snoke Using a ray tracing software called the WKBJ, Secondary phases were identified The Seisan Earthquake Analysis Software version 9.0 (Jens Havskov, 2011, Lars Ottemoller, Peter Voss). Depth determination. Determined Errors related to data. Refined the original phase picks by re-picking seismic phases.

9 Seismicity of the Eastern Cape Province
Events after relocation

10 ERROR ELLIPSES Compiled from the SANSD and ISC online catalogue.
Some Errors in location unacceptable (red ellipses)

11 Conclusions Seismologic events that occur in the Eastern Cape are mostly naturally induced, which are characterized by earthquakes of tectonic origin – correlate with structure. Much less events after relocation. Majority of the relocations are good, some are poor (ellipses).

12 Recommendations There must be a comparison of historical seismic data of the Eastern Cape Provine. with the current seismic data, to improve and give more understanding of seismicity in th Eastern Cape Province. The Seisan Software must be improved to allow reading P polarity using a filter because it was difficult to read polarity for more than 90% of the events due to seismic noise. More seismology stations must be deployed in the Eastern Cape.

13 References Fernandez, L. M., M. A. Otto, and J. Steyn.,1991. The South African National digital Seismological System (SANDSS), a dial-up telephone-linked network.Tectonophysics 209,35-42. Saunders, I., M. B. C. Brandt, J. Steyn, D. L. Roblin and A. Kijko.,2008. The South African National Seismograph Network, Seismolocical Research Lettters,79,2, Havskov, j., Ottemöller, , L, and Voss , P., Editors of SEISAN: The earthquake analysis software for windowsris, Linux and Macosx. Version 9.0. University of Burgen, Norway. Chapman, C.H.C., Jen-Yi and Lyness, D.G., The WKBJ seismogram algorithm. In: Seismological Algorithms, edited by Doornbos, D.J. Academic Press, London. Snoke,J.A.,2003a.FOCMEC:focal mechanism determination.In;Lee,W.handbook of earthquake and engineering seismology Academic Press,San Diego,815.

14 Thank You

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