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Sectoral Qualification Framework

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1 Sectoral Qualification Framework
Coast Guard Functions Sectoral Qualification Framework draft structure EUROPEAN COAST GUARD FUNCTIONS ACADEMIES NET PROJECT PHASE II WORK PACKAGE 4 Third Working Meeting 12th July 2017

2 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part I: Working methodology to build a SQF model Part II: Levels and learning outcomes identified for the Coast Guard Functions

3 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part I: Working methodology to build a SQF model Goals and objectives (in compliance with the Terms of References MARE/2014/36) Safer and more secure seas through increased interoperability through an inclusive and not prescriptive approach by: Support the review and accreditation of programmes Formal recognition of “on the job” learning Development of national occupational standards for CGFs Dissemination of best training practices and key recommendations Promotion of cross-border training (EU/non EU) Enhanced cooperation

4 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part I: Working methodology to build a SQF model Constraints and assumptions Inclusion of results already undertaken by the competent Agencies A useful example of SQF: The Sectorial Qualification Framework (SQF) for Border Guard, developed by Frontex The CGF activities cannot always be linked to any EU Agencies The CGF activities: the list adopted by the European Coast Guard Functions Forum (ECGFF) The support of the project partners is a key element The support of the ECGFF Members (other than the project partners) is essential to map the national contexts and assure the expected results of the project.

5 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part I: Working methodology to build a SQF model The ECGFA-Net Project Objectives Partners

6 Define basic elements and key recommendations 1st 2.
STAGE ACTIVITY PHASE ECGFA NET project 1. Define basic elements and key recommendations 1. Identify different functions, tasks, job competencies and profiles 1st 2. Sectorial analysis of needs and study visits 3. Define the goals and the nature of the SQF (basic elements and key recommendations) 2. Official bodies involved and work plan 1. Identify the international body / place for the formal discussion on the SQF 2nd 2. Identify a WG/SC to define levels and learning outcomes 3. Define a clear working plan and different responsibility 4. Identify different stakeholders at national and international level 3. Development of the CGFSQF structure 1. Define the architecture of the SQF 2. Map different E&T systems and qualifications 3. Identify the number of levels 4. Draft learning outcomes 5. Draft the CGFSQF final structure FURTHER STEPS 4. Consultation process 1. Consult different stakeholders on the drafted CGFSQF 3rd 2. Receive comments and suggestions by stakeholders 3. Review the CGFSQF after consultation procedure 4. Validate the final version of the CGFSQF by WG/SC 5. Quality assurance elements 1. Identify Advisory group (AG) to oversee quality assurance guidelines and minimum quality standards 2. Map different national quality assurance systems 3. Draft quality assurance guidelines 6. Adoption of the CGFSQF 1. Adopt the CGFSQF by country representatives 2. Draft a formal document among countries (MoU/Protocol) to define management aspects 7. NQFs structures and recommendations 1. Define the dissemination strategy at national and international level 2. Draft a document with basic elements and key recommendations to develop a sectoral NQF 3. Organise info days and training sessions for national authorities on CGFSQF in the view of NQF development

7 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part I: Working methodology to build a SQF model ECGFA-Net Project – Work Package 4 (WP4) Background of phase I. Identification of different functions, job competences and profiles Sector analysis of needs and study visits

8 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part I: Working methodology to build a SQF model ECGFA-Net Project – Work Package 4 (WP4) Phase II. Official Bodies involved Identification of an Apex body (postponed) Identification of Stakeholders Identification of SQF working group

9 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part I: Working methodology to build a SQF model ECGFA-Net Project – Work Package 4 (WP4) Architecture of the SQF

10 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part I: Working methodology to build a SQF model ECGFA-Net Project – Work Package 4 (WP4) Implementation activities 1. Mapping different qualifications 2. Identified number of levels 3. Drafting learning outcomes 4. Drafting the final structure

11 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Implementation activities 1. Mapping different qualifications Identified Learning areas for each task Request of entry requirements and qualification awarded by a questionnaire

12 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Implementation activities 2. Identified number of levels by: Study visits results Mapping of qualifications results Level descriptors SQF Experts contributions

13 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Level descriptors 1 Operator/Operational activities Acts carrying out work basic tasks independently Refers to the supervisor for his activity, if it is needed 2 Supervisor/Supervision activities Acts carrying out work basic tasks independently. Leads small groups for basic tasks. Supervises the operators, ensuring the quality of their work. Refers to experts and/or managers, supporting them to process the information flow, if needed 3 Expert/ Coordinator Advising/Coordination activities Coordinates the work of Operators/Supervisors/Units, to reach the objectives established by the Manager. Verify data and information collected in the implementation of the work, providing a processed information flow to the Manager. Carry out complex works, autonomously or in small groups, also coordinating a team. 4 Manager Management activities Establishes the work objectives. Manages the organization, leading the personnel and employing resources. Critically evaluates the effectiveness of the work of his subordinates (Operators/Supervisors/Coordinators).

14 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Implementation activities 3. Drafting learning outcomes by: Practical tools Meetings Video Conference Continuous monitoring activities Management of the unexpected obstacle

15 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Implementation activities 4. Drafting the final structure by: Collection of the SQF contributions Check of coherence

16 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Conclusions General results Results for each function

17 Sectorial Qualification Framework for Coast Guard Functions
Part II: Levels and learning outcomes identified for the Coast Guard Functions For each CGF Foreword Learning Outcomes Tables (detailed and summary tables)

18 CGFSQF Visual identity

19 Manuela Costone Associazione Cimea
Thank you for your attention! Manuela Costone Associazione Cimea

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