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What is special about MA-URI® Massage is the dynamic application of movement, touch and rhythm. The practitioner is in constant movement around the massage table following specific patterns of foot placement and body posture. The arms sweep over the body in long and continuous movements to the rhythm of the music (primarily Polynesian), creating a continuous flow and rhythm to cleanse, vitalise and activate innate healing properties, memories and wisdom as held within the body, the mind and spirit of the person on the table. MA-URI® Massage is a very beautiful medium, compassionate and graceful like the Hula and at the same time it can be very challenging and provoking like the Haka, since it confronts us with our complacency, dependencies and all the unresolved issues that we tend to hold on to. In the advanced levels of training we move into the realm of MA-URI® BODYWORK. The focus is here on the wide range of techniques and principles developed for the holistic and multi-dimensional aspects of MA-URI® BODYWORK. Emphasis is put on the alignment of body, mind & emotions, soul and spirit through movement, rhythm, breath and touch. Furthermore, emphasis is here put on the principles of attentiveness, connectedness & oneness as well as on the creation of sacredness through prayer, ritual and ceremony.

In MA-URI® Massage & Bodywork the client is recognised as the 'healer' whose choice of thought, beliefs and actions create the person's state of health and happiness. The practitioner then is the 'Navigator', trained to maneuver safely and surely through the sea of human turmoil; a 'pathfinder' and beacon in the darkest of nights. The catamaran symbolises his craft and medium, the double hulled 'waka' (c: canoe) that ensures safe and swift passage by joining together the masculine energies of the narrow, pointed hull and the feminine energies of the rounded, encompassing one. In this powerful and dynamic interaction between masculine and feminine energies, in their strong and well-balanced union lie one of our most important keys to a successful and passionate journey through life.

One way of approaching MA-URI® Bodywork is as a 'Rite of Passage'. Another approach is to see it as a holistic bodywork system focused on personal empowerment and self-healing. It is based on ancient Polynesian principles, yet designed to meet the requirements, needs and reality of modern day society. With their focus on personal transformation and the total mastery of one's reality, words like healing, health and therapy did not exist in the ancient Polynesian languages and were therefore not part of their focus or concern. Consequently, the understanding today of MA-URI® Bodywork as a medium to enhance health, healing and personal growth, is a modern development and focus. MA-URI® Bodywork and Huna Training has been created and developed from this base as a medium to enhance personal health and as a medium to refine and create perpetual growth within all aspects of life. Within the framework of the Training Programme every workshop can be explored as a step or passage into new realities, into a deeper understanding and realisation of who your are and what your purpose in life is. Each step offers an opportunity to refine and expand your awareness of self and to attune yourself to the world around you.



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