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Case Studies: An Overview

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1 Case Studies: An Overview
The United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, China, Iran and Nigeria

2 Reading Quiz – 8/21 – UK and Mexico
Log on to Socrative student and take the 8/21 reading quiz If you do not have a device, get out a piece of paper and follow along with me 8/21 Reading Quiz

3 The United Kingdom History of the Political System

4 Reading Discussion - UK
Turn to your elbow partner and discuss the following questions: How was Britain able to become a hegemonic power? What are the three main parties in British politics? Why do you think “The Big Society” came into being in Britain? Share out! Any questions about the UK reading?


6 Vocab and People you need to know
Winston Churchill Margaret Thatcher Tony Blair Conservative Party Liberal Democratic Party Labour Party Prime Minister Hegemonic Power Collectivism

7 Create notecards with the following formats – person
Front Back

8 Notecard - term Front Back

9 Mexic0 History of Mexican Politics

10 Reading Discussion – Mexico
Turn to your front-back partner and discuss the following questions: Why do you think Mexican citizens originally accepted Diaz’s authoritarian government? What was the importance of the Constitution of 1917? Why do you think the PRI was able to rule for over 80 years? Share out! Any questions about the Mexico reading?


12 Vocab and People you need to know
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) Enrique Pena Nieto Porfirio Diaz Francisco Madero Constitution of 1917 Lazaro Cardenas Vicente Fox Partido Accion Nacional (PAN) Partido de la Revolucion Democratica (PRD) Andres Manuel Obrador Felipe Calderon

13 Homework Kesselman pp. 263-272 – “Russia”
Finish Notecards for United Kingdom and Mexico using format given – can be typed or hand-written Finish the following readings: Kesselman pp – “Russia” Kesselman pp – “China”

14 Reading Quiz – 8/22 – Russia and China
Log on to Socrative student and take the 8/22 reading quiz If you do not have a device, get out a piece of paper and follow along with me 8/22 Reading Quiz

15 Russia History of Russian Politics

16 Reading Discussion - Russia
Turn to your elbow partner and discuss the following questions: Why do you think the Communist Party was able to take control of Russia? What did Gorbachev do that helped to undermine the strength of communism in the Soviet Union? How did Yeltsin reverse any move toward democracy that Gorbachev had accomplished? Share out! Any questions about the Russia reading?


18 Vocab and People you should know
Tsar Patrimonial State Vladimir Lenin Bolsheviks Joseph Stalin Nikita Khrushchev Mikhail Gorbachev Glasnost Boris Yeltsin Kremlin

19 China History of Chinese Politics

20 Reading Discussion - China
Turn to your front-back partner and discuss the following questions: Why do you think the Communist Party was successful in taking power? Why did Chinese citizens choose the Communist Party over the Nationalist Party? How did Deng Xiaoping transform Chinese Communism? Share Out! Any questions about the China reading?


22 Vocab and People you need to know
People’s Republic of China (PRC) Nationalist Party Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Socialism Mao Zedong Deng Xiaoping Great Leap Forward Chinese Cultural Revolution Xi Jinping

23 Homework Finish notecards for Russia and China using the same format as the UK and Mexico Finish the following readings: Kesselman pp – “Iran” Kesselman pp – “Nigeria”

24 Reading Quiz – 8/23 – Iran and Nigeria
Log on to Socrative student and take the 8/22 reading quiz If you do not have a device, get out a piece of paper and follow along with me 8/23 Reading Quiz

25 Iran History of Iranian Politics

26 Reading Discussion - Iran
Turn to your elbow partner and discuss the following questions: What effects did Western colonial powers have on Iranian politics? What were the problems with the Pahlavi Dynasty? What is the importance of the 1979 Islamic Revolution? Share Out! Any questions about the Iran readings?


28 Vocab and People you Should Know
Theocracy Reza Khan The Islamic Revolution Ruhollah Khomeini 1979 Iranian Constitution Sunni Islam Shiite Islam Ali Khamenei Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Ayatollah Sharia Law

29 Nigeria History of Nigerian Politics

30 Reading Discussion - Nigeria
Turn to your front-back partner and discuss the following questions: How do you think British colonialism affected Nigerian politics? How do the diverse identities in Nigeria affect nationalism and unity there? How do you think Nigeria can resolve its ethnic conflicts? Share Out! Any questions about the Nigeria reading?

31 Video on Nigeria States of Independence - Nigeria

32 Vocab and People you Should Know
Hausa-Fulani Yoruba Igbo Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Boko Haram Biafra Aguiyi Ironsi Yakubo Gowon Olusegun Obasanjo Umar Musa Yar’Adua Goodluck Jonathan

33 Homework Finish notecard on Iran and Nigeria – use same format as previous days Print out and bring in FRQ Verb Sheet that is on the website

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