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Presentation on theme: "Forearm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forearm

2 Forearm Consists of radius (thumb side) and ulna (pinky side)
Connected by interosseous membrane Interosseous membrane is fibrous connective tissue Each has nutrient foramina – openings for nutrients

3 Ulna Olecranon process – at proximal end; forms the prominence of the elbow Trochlear notch – curved area that forms the elbow joint Coronoid process – articulates with the trochlea of the humerus Ulnar tuberosity – point of attachment for muscles Head – at distal end Radial notch – where radius butts up against ulna Styloid process of ulna – point of attachment for wrist muscles

4 Radius Head – articulates with capitulum of the humerus and radial notch of the ulna Neck – inferior to the head Radial tuberosity – rough area that is site of attachment for tendons of bicep brachii muscle Styloid process of radius – site of attachment for muscles

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