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2 Bible Studies From Ecclesiastes
Finding Life's Meaning Under The Sun Bible Studies From Ecclesiastes

3 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Overview Man often “searches” for life’s meaning

4 “The meaning of life. Sorry, you’re on the wrong mountain
“The meaning of life? Sorry, you’re on the wrong mountain. I’m the guru of handy household tips.”

5 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Overview Man often “searches” for life’s meaning Asking this question is not bad…the concern is where one looks for answers God inspired Ecclesiastes to aid the “honest seeker” in his quest

6 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Overview Some see the book in “unflattering” ways Full of contradictions Creates cynical, pessimistic readers Proper view Ù a positive affirmation of what really matters “under the sun”

7 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Overview Like all the rest of Scripture, Ecclesiastes is relevant & timely…even “up-to-date” When sin entered the world, God subjected creation to futility Rom 8:20 Gen 3:9-19 He did this “…in hope” This can give life a “puzzling” aspect

8 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Overview Because life “under the sun” now had to be figured out, men searched for purpose Not everyone looks in the same place for the answers Not everyone lives by the same rules Judg 17:6

9 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Overview The book asks the question early on 1:3 Man tries to find the answers in pursuits that will only frustrate him 5:10-11 These will fail because they involve things that aren’t as eternal as man is 3:11 Col 2:22a Jn 2:15-17

10 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Overview Besides answering the question, the book also vindicates God’s dealings with man Yes…life does have injustices Yes…life is like a “puzzle” at times 1:15 But, God is always righteous…serving Him is always best 8:12-13

11 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Overview After presenting all the “wrong” answers, the book concludes properly :13-14 Life is best lived when man seeks to do his Creator’s will Acts 17:26-27

12 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Authorship Who wrote the book? Do we know? The Bible does have anonymous books… their messages can still be learned This book is different…we contend we must know the author to properly learn what the book is teaching

13 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Authorship The book chronicles the author’s experiences as he pursues life’s meaning His identity will validate his attempts to answer the probing question re: life’s meaning

14 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Authorship He was “Koheleth” (“Preacher”) “Ecclesiastes” = the Greek equivalent His description 1:1, 12, :9a Who else but Solomon? Kings 4: Chron 29: Chron 1:11-12

15 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Authorship Despite his promising & faithful beginning, he fell…“affectionally,” not “intellectually” He went after what he felt, not what he knew This is how all men fall into sin He fell from what he had been, what he had seen, and from what he had written

16 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Authorship Though God did not cause Solomon’s fall, He still could use it to teach others Solomon reached a “plateau” no other man will ever reach (wisdom, wealth, etc.) If he could not find happiness in those areas, what will be our chances?

17 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Authorship Though God did not cause Solomon’s fall, He still could use it to teach others Solomon apparently writes as an older man It is also assumed he repented If not, he would be the first apostate God would inspire to write Scripture

18 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Authorship Though God did not cause Solomon’s fall, He still could use it to teach others As such an “experienced” older man, he tells his readers to not repeat his mistakes He tried them all…they all failed him He points us in the only right direction

19 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Message Koheleth is not… …a “stoic” Ù enjoy God’s gifts 2:24 …an “Epicurean” Ù judgment 12:9, 14 …a “cynic” Ù life has a purpose 8:12 …a “pagan” Ù only 1 God 5: :13

20 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Message Technically, Ecclesiastes is a “theodicy” A justification of a righteous God and His dealings with humanity, especially in the face of inequities and unfairness Life “under the sun” is unfair at times, but Koheleth strongly defends God

21 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Message Even though God’s purpose may not be visibly clear at times, He always remains gracious & good in how He deals with man His revealed will possesses the same characteristics Deut 6: Jn 5:3

22 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Message Some important truths taught about… …God (He is wise, sovereign) 3:14 7:29 cp. Isa 55: Cor 1: :4-5 …death (life is short; death is certain) cp. 3:19 9: Jas 4:14 Heb 9:27

23 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Message Some important truths taught about… …life (sometimes is hard, unfair) 2:10, cp. 2:24-26

24 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Message Key phrases found in the book “Under the sun” (29 times) The visible or created world Living without a relationship with God Without such wisdom & meaning, life truly is pessimistic & hopeless

25 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Message Key phrases found in the book “Vanity” (37 times) Empty or unsatisfying activities God did not design to have lasting value To make them more important than God intended is to “grasp for the wind”

26 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Message Key phrases found in the book “Vanity” (37 times) Man will indeed be left holding an empty bag if he emphasizes temporal activities too much Mt 16:26

27 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Outline As with any Biblical book, one can find several different outlines The one we will use is simple There are some “sub sections” But, the basic structure is a simple 3-part approach

28 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Outline The Prologue 1:1-11 An introduction of “themes” Solomon will discuss throughout the book The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 The largest section of the book Solomon’s “failed experiments”

29 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Outline The Epilogue 12:9-14 The firm conclusion and “rational” exhortation re: life’s meaning & purpose


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