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Activités du groupe LC Détecteur au LAPP
C. ADLOFF 17 Octobre 2011
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HCAL extensive studies with analog or digital/semi-digital readout : J. Blaha Optimization of multi-thresholds for better resolution and linearity (continued by D. Girard) Optimization of the SiD HCAL design Projective and tailed geometries Impact of the cracks on HCAL performance Energy containment and leakage corrections 2 Notes CALICE-SiD-LAPP tech note Impact of dead zones on the response of a hadron calorimeter with projective and non-projective geometry Optimization of the hadron calorimeter geometry for the SiD detector
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CLIC Detector effort CLIC CDR Heavy Slepton analysis : J.J. Blaising mSUGRA parameters for SUSY benchmarks Ex: e⁺+e⁻ → μ̃R⁺+μ̃̄R ˉ → χ̃⁰₁ μ⁺ + χ̃⁰₁ μˉ 2L topology Ex: e⁺+e⁻ → ẽL ⁺ + ẽL ˉ→ χ̃⁰₂ e⁺ + χ̃⁰₂ eˉ → χ̃⁰₁ h⁰ e⁺ + χ̃⁰₁ h⁰ eˉ 2L 4J topology full simulation and reconstruction, with overlay of beam-beam induced background: ->h, assuming ∫L=2 ab⁻¹. LCD-note et LCWS2011
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Top et RHN : partie physique de la thèse A. Espargilière Recherche d’un dans avec @CLIC Sélection d’événements Efficacité 68.6%, Pureté 72.9%
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Top et RHN : Extraction du signal Z′ d’un lot t¯ Observabilité du Z′ si mZ′ ≤ 500GeV Méthode de mesure d’une particule lourde invisible Résolution sur mZ′ < 10%, optimum vers mZ′ = 300GeV/c2
Evolution des activités R&D
New 1m2 chamber Improved mechanical design New readout electronics August 2011 beam tests Preliminary results October 2011 beam tests 2010 2011 GASSIPLEX (HARDROC1) (DIRAC) HARDROC2 HARDROC2b MICROROC 6x16 cm2 (8x8 cm2) (8x32 cm2) 32x48 cm2 1x1 m2 32x48 cm2 1x1 m2 Shaping 1.2 μs 97 % efficiency < 1.12 multiplicity Shaping 20 ns 50 % efficiency < 1.06 multiplicity Shaping ns 98 % efficiency < 1.1 multiplicity
Improved Mechanical Design
Gas tightness made by ASU and mask one side, drift plate on top side Base plate screwed instead of glued Access to ASIC side of ASUs Eventually get rid of Fe baseplate For WHCAL prototype: less steel For ILC steel HCAL : improve absorber stiffness (+2mm for the absorber plate) ASU mask thickness reduced from 3 to 2 mm → Thinner chamber (7mm instead of 8 mm active thickness) Easier access to DIF connectors and LV & HV patch panel when chambers are inserted inside structures
New Readout Electronics
New readout ASIC : MICROROC New PCB routing Improved EMC : minimize detector/digital signals X-talk Chip bypass correctly routed Analog readout Improved PCB spark protection network Faster More compact
New Readout Electronics
MICROROC: developed in collaboration between LAPP & LAL/Omega Details in R. Gaglione previous talks Feb, May From HARDROC2 to MICROROC: Same digital part : pin-to-pin compatibility Current preamp replaced by charge preamp Additional spark protections inside silicon Fast shaper (~20ns) replaced by 2 tunable shapers ( ns) 8 bit preamp gain corrections replaced by 4-bits pedestal corrections MICROROC Status: 341 chips produced 339 tested, 91,4 % yield (enough to equip two 1m2 prototypes plus 1 ASU for laboratory tests) 13 ASUs equipped and calibrated Chip threshold + channel offset → virtually 1 threshold / channel CALICE Meeting, Heidelberg
MICROROC ASU tests in test box
Study of chamber properties with an 55Fe X-ray source Cosmics :event display for the vertical chamber position
MICROROC 1m2 assembly June 2011
August 2011 Beam Tests Preliminary tests
Pedestal alignments (cf Maximilien previous talk) Cosmics at LAPP in July Beam tests 3rd to 22nd August 2011 at CERN SPS H4 3rd to 9th August : CALICE the most fruitful period 9th to 22nd August : RD51 with 3 other users
August 2011 Beam Tests Setup 3 Scintillators: for triggering
Pad telescope LAPP 3 analog readout MICROMEGAS 6x16 cm2 Pads size: 1cm2 Conversion gap: 3 mm Strip telescope NCSR Demokritos, National Technical University of Athens 3 analog readout MICROMEGAS 2.4x2.4 cm2 Strips length: 10 cm Strip pitch: 250 m Conversion gap: 7 mm 1m2 MICROMEGAS Chamber with 144 MICROROCs Gas used : 95% Ar, 2% isobutane and 3% CF4 not flammable.
August 2011 Beam Tests Acquisition telescopes 1m2 MICROMEGAS:
VME ADC + Sequencer CENTAURE DAQ 1m2 MICROMEGAS: 3 (interDIF + DIF) LAPP LabView DAQ Hardware Synchronization with busy handshake between VME sequencer and CCC : acquisition rate up to 200 Hz
August 2011 Beam Tests
August 2011 Beam Tests The first beam profile: 4/8/11 at 8pm fast and efficient start Muon Beam Telescope pad chambers Telescopes and scintillators structure rotated by 90 to increase coincidence events Hits in coincidence with triggers from scintillators
August 2011 Beam Tests Beams During more than 2 weeks: Data on disk
Muons: beam core on 3x9 pads Pions: high intensity beam and focused on 2 pads (RD51 users) During more than 2 weeks: Less than 10 HV trips on the m2 even in high intensity pion beam No MICROROC damage due to sparks Data on disk Drift voltage scan (405V to 570V) Mesh voltage scan (300V to 420V) for different shaping time (75ns, 115ns, 150ns 200ns) Position scan: 20 positions Threshold scan Analog readout (after hold adjustment) Different angle of beam incidence (0, 30, 60) Pion showers for different mesh voltage and thresholds. MICROROC tests: Ramfull mode With/without one stage of the preamplifier.
Very preliminary results
Mesh voltage scan (300V to 420V) for different shaping time (75ns, 115ns, 150ns, 200ns) DAC0 threshold ~ 0.7 fC Muon Beam Standard settings : Vmesh = 390V Vdrift=480V
Very preliminary results
Mesh voltage scan (300V to 420V) for different shaping time (75ns, 115ns, 150ns, 200ns) DAC0 threshold ~ 0.7 fC Muon Beam
Very preliminary results
Threshold scan Muon Beam 2008 beam tests (analog readout, threshold cut offline)
Very preliminary results
Analog readout Pion Beam DAC0 = 0.7 fC DAC1 = 20 fC = 1 MIP DAC2 = 100 fC = 5 MIP ADC counts Allows to fix and monitor the digital thresholds!
Very preliminary results
Different angle of beam incidence (0, 30, 60) Muon Beam 0 30 60
Very preliminary results
Pion showers for different mesh voltages and thresholds. 20 cm iron block Medium and high thresholds adjusted for the different Vmesh voltages.
Very preliminary results
Pion showers for different mesh voltages and thresholds. 20 cm iron block Medium and high thresholds adjusted for the different Vmesh voltages.
Very preliminary results
Pion showers for different mesh voltages and thresholds. 20 cm iron block Medium and high thresholds adjusted for the different Vmesh voltages.
Very preliminary results
MICROROC tests in Ramfull mode Data taken also outside the spill 10 noisy channels out of 9216 (6 are cut in hardware, 4 in software) Threshold about 0.7 fC from pedestal Muon Beam Ramfull mode ok All data from detector. No time cut applied. Very quiet Detector!
October 2011 Beam Tests Improve setup
First test with CALICE DAQv2 at LAPP on September the 28th ! Succeed to configure MICROROC chip and get data from MICROROC and HR boards simultaneously on the September 30 Beam tests 3rd to 12th October 2011 at CERN SPS H8
October 2011 Beam Tests Ready for insertion in CALICE-DAQv2 on the 6th
Very unstable DAQv2 untill 10th late night First insertion in CALICE-DAQv2 on the 11th no time to debug, no data taken Waiting for insertion in the DAQv2: Improve our knowledge on noisy channels HV SCAN 80 GeV/c pions ~ 50k evts 60 GeV/c pions ~600k evts 100 GeV/c pions ~130k evts 120 GeV/c pions ~120k evts 150 GeV/c pions ~ 70k evts 180 GeV/c pions ~ 60k evts
Conclusion pour 2011 MICROMEGAS m2
Bulk process with embedded chips: ok Mechanics : ok Tests beam results Electronic Readout: ok Nearly no Vmesh trips. Very quiet detector Performances compatible with HCAL requirements MICROMEGAS Framework : great tool for analysis A second chamber is constructed CLIC CDR Ambroise Espargilière thesis 2011 : goals accessible within the funding allocated are achieved
Le groupe FTE Phys Méca Elect Info TOT 2006 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.1 2.0 2007
0.7 0.4 1.8 2008 1.9 2.95 (1) 5.55 2009 4.6 (3) 5.2 12.1 (4) 2010 1.63 3.82 (0.98) 0.78 10.83 (3.98) 2011 1.42 3.3 (0.93) 0.73 10.05 (3.93) 1 doctorant (contribution des non permanents)
Le groupe en 2011 Physicists C. Adloff, J. Blaha, J.-J. Blaising, M. Chefdeville, A. Espargilière (PhD), Y. Karyotakis Electronics Engineers and Technicians A. Dalmaz (100%), C. Drancourt (90%) , R. Gaglione (42%), J. Prast (5%), G. Vouters (93%) Mechanics Engineer and Technicians N. Geffroy (28%), F. Peltier (90%), J.P Baud (24%) Software J. Jacquemier (73%)
Budget 2011 Alloué 20k FP 17k MP 18k CERN Report 2010 27k Etat au (nouveau : outillages méca et matériel info à la charge des groupes) 167 FP 428 MP ? CERN (pas d’accès au compte)
Future Larger production could be launched in 2012
Funding for studies of bulk-MICROMEGAS with resistive layer : ANR SPLAM 1 postdoc + test prototypes Continue DAQv2 developments for CALICE Continue effort for CLIC detector : J.J. Blaising CLIC summary document for accelerator, physics and detectors preparation of a common Linear Collider statement from ILC and CLIC for the European Strategy update in 2013
Demande 2012 Mission 50k Conférences, réunions de collaboration 40k
Tests faisceau 10k FP 162k Construction de 5 plans MICROMEGAS de 1 m2 102k 5 plans de MICROMEGAS = 100k Tests des chips MICROROC = 2k R&D MICROMEGAS 30k bulk-MICROMEGAS oriente protection contre les sparks = 10k Chip CLIC = 20k Services (BT, HT, Gas) pour 10 m2 30k
Aknowledegments LAPP LC Detector group Collaborators Catherine Adloff
Jan Blaha Jean-Jacques Blaising Maximilien Chefdeville Alexandre Dalmaz Cyril Drancourt Ambroise Espargilière Renaud Gaglione Damien Girard Nicolas Geffroy Jean Jacquemier Yannis Karyotakis Fabrice Peltier Julie Prast Guillaume Vouters Collaborators David Attié Enrique Calvo Alamillo Khaled Belkadhi Vincent Boudry Paul Colas Christophe Combaret Rémi Cornat Paul Dauncey Franck Gastaldi Mary-Cruz Fouz Iglesias Wolfgang Klempt Lucie Linsen Rui de Oliveira Dieter Schlatter Nathalie Seguin Christophe de la Taille Stergios Tsigaridas Yorgos Tsipolitis Wenxing Wang
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Slepton at CLIC (LCWS 2011) For μ± and e± final states, Pt > 4 GeV cut remove γγ->h background preserving the energy resolution. For e±4J final states, detector timing information must be included to remove γγ->h background, preserve the lepton energy resolution and the di-jet mass resolution. It requires detector time stamping capability of ~ 1 nsec and readout window ~ 10 nsec. With 2 ab¯¹ the μ̃R , ẽR, ẽL and ν̃e cross section are determined with a relative statistical uncertainty of ~ 2.6% , 0.7%, 8% and 2.4%. The μ̃R , ẽR, ν̃e, χ̃⁰₁ and χ̃±₁ masses are measured with a relative statistical accuracy of~ 0.6%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 1% and 0.6% Knowledge of the luminosity spectrum is essential for the mass fit. To establish sleptons chirality requires beam polarization To contribute to EU strategy document, ECM~ 1.5 TeV, new benckmark
Slepton - CLIC CDR
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