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1 Task+Project

2 P11 Part B Read the story on page 11 and complete the table below with the key words in it. Title Theme Author Symbols Genre Your opinion Then listen to the conversation and check your notes in part B

3 P11 Part B Read the story on page 11 and complete the table below with the key words in it. Title Theme Author Symbols Genre Your opinion ‘The home- made ball’ friendship The old home-made soccer ball, the old bench and the new sneakers Jerry Johnson Short story okay

4 Characters Star rating Plot Three out of five Kevin, Mike, Steven Kevin and Mike are good friends, and play soccer with their home-made ball every day. However, when Kevin gets new sneakers and a new soccer ball, things change.

5 Step 3 writing your review
Pre-reading activities read the instructions in step 3 on page 13. Group Work 2. Review the information gathered in Step and step2 . 3. Discuss your views on the story.

6 Write the review in groups of four.
writing Write the review in groups of four.   (you may refer to the structures in skills building 3)

7 Possible example   ‘The home-made ball’ is a short story written by Jerry Johnson. The story is set in modern-day America.   The main character of ‘The home-made ball’ is a boy called Kevin. Kevin and Mike are good friends who play soccer with their home-made ball every day, but when Kevin gets new sneakers and a soccer ball, things change.

8 Friendship is an important theme in this short story
  Friendship is an important theme in this short story. The author, Jerry Johnson, uses the old and new things, like the old home-made ball and the new soccer ball, and the old bench and the new sneakers as symbols. The old things symbolize the most valuable thing, friendship, which needs to be cherished.   I think this story is really good and I give it a rating of four out of five.

9 Unit 1 The written word Project Reciting a poem

10 赠汪伦 李白乘舟将欲行, 忽闻岸上踏歌声。 桃花潭水深千尺, 不及汪伦送我情。
Can you put this poem to English? 赠汪伦 李白 李白乘舟将欲行, 忽闻岸上踏歌声。 桃花潭水深千尺, 不及汪伦送我情。

11 To Wang Lun by Li Bai Li Po takes a boat and is about to depart When suddenly he hears the sound of footsteps and singing on the shore. The water in the Peach Blossom pool is a thousand feet deep But not as deep as Wang Lun's parting love for me

12 Part A Discussion What’s poetry? Poetry is a form of literature which
often focuses on the theme of love or other feelings. It’s a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.

13 Discussion 2. What’s more important than the language in the poem? The emotions expressed by the poet.

14 skimming Read the report on poetry of Robert
Burns on page 14 and skim for its main idea and structure.

15 Main idea of paragraphs
Para.1-4 introduction of Robert Burns Para. 5-7 some information about a movement of poets called the Romantic Movement Para.8-9 the poem “A Red, Red Rose” with its introduction and explanation

16 Detailed reading Read the report again and fill in the table about Robert Burns. Time Event 1750 1759 1794 1796 1870 1877

17 Check your answers: Time Event 1750 1759 1794 1796 1870 1877 The Romantic Movement started. Robert Burns was born. The poem A Read, Red Rose was published Robert Burns died at the age of 37. The Romantic Movement ended The monument to Burns was first publicly exhibited.

18 Practice Pair work Read the poem “A Red, Red Rose”
and talk about the meaning of each line. 2. Put the poem into modern language and recite it.

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