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Assignment 2 By Hrithik Kumar.

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1 Assignment 2 By Hrithik Kumar

2 Paragraph 1 Spectre is an action, adventure and thriller film made in the present year 2015, and released 26th October. The film was directed by Sam Mendes and produced by Michael. G Wilson who produced some of the other Bond films such as Moonraker and Octopussy and Barbara Broccoli who also helped with the Bond films such as ‘The spy who loved me’. Spectre appeals to a very big audience: Men who like thriller and adventure packed movies of 16-40, these people will enjoy watching the movie with or without 3D technology since The men aged 40 would be there just for the story. However women aged would come along with their boyfriends or husbands and mainly focus on the romance in the film. The film starred a well known actor, Daniel Craig who brought the audience from his previous James Bond film ‘Skyfall’. Where as the other actors are not really well known. However Ralph Fiennes played Voldemort in the Harry Potter franchise since Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire which makes him well known as well as Daniel Craig. The film was produced by EON productions who made all of the previous Bond films for 50 years. The budget for Spectre was $ million and has made a high amount of $681.1 from Box Office takings. The distribution company however is Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, Columbia Pictures. Lastly the film was edited by Lee Smith and cinematography was done by Hoyte Van Hoytema.

3 Action/Adventure Adventure: Happiness Suspense Bad endings
Action: Fights Car Crashes Big Cities Good people and bad people Destruction Gadgets Low key lighting Some high key lighting Guns Relationships Dramatic Irony Money Women Men Main Character Festival scenes Helicopters Suspense Adventure: Happiness Suspense Bad endings Good endings Endings with a twist High Key Lighting Plot Twist Joy The Unknown

4 Paragraph 2 In the promotional material for Spectre there are quite a lot of genre conventions shown. For example the promotional poster for Spectre shows a skeleton in the background foreshadowing the leader of the spectre organisation. And in the trailer we see a lot of helicopters which portrays the genre of Action and an act of suspense to see if it will crash etc.

5 Trailer Conventions Establishing Shot(ELS to show place)
Production company Title Release date Director Actors Tag line Voice over Star Promotion Music(2/3 different pieces that change with the pace of the trailer) Main Characters Single line conversations Montage of actions/best bits Strong last image/line Genre Conventions Close ups for character recognitions Exposition Disruption Action

6 Paragraph 3 In the trailer of Spectre there are a number of conventions , such as establishing shot(ELS) where the trailer shows a wide image of a new place to give us a taste, music which changes its volume during the trailer to set the pace and the amount of excitement and suspense during the trailer. The trailer also the sting, includes the title montage of actions and an intro to the main character , most of the actors, a lot of action and a strong last title(Spectre)/the franchise title(007) and a small image of a gun with bullet holes in glass to end of the trailer with a bang, however the trailer ends with the release date ‘October the 6th’, and in the USA trailer ‘6th November’ The trailer also includes the creators of the sound track the company and in small print some other information such as the production company.

7 Which conventions are in my release poster
Title Main character/image Production company Supporting actor Credits/Credit block Imax Min character name Posed promotional shots Famous actor Paragraph 4 On the release poster for spectre there are a number of generic conventions such as franchise logo, film name main image/actor. The franchise logo has been with the franchise for a very long time since one of the first bond films; ‘Dr. No’. The post promotional shots show James Bond as a very tough proud man who will do anything to stop the bad people who have negative effects on society.

8 Poster Representation Of People
In the poster of Spectre, the man is shown at the front with a bold and intriguing pose. He is represented as being a strong, smart quick thinking person as of his pose and his clothes. Suit and tie showing he is a smart looking and professional person. The colours of the poster are dark colours showing that the film wont be all happy and joyful since in the background there is a faint image of the leader of the Spectre organisation that is being shown. There is no woman in this poster also showing that the woman are not important in this film and only James Bond, who is the main character, is. The man in the image is meant to be the only person they want you to focus on mainly throughout the film and trailers.

9 Trailer Representation Of Places
The trailer starts of in an open desert for the helicopter scene which gives the taste of a long journey. It then transitions to evening time central London where the darkness represents action thriller and suspense. Then the trailer shows another desert or the same desert where there are people walking in a formation to the front gate of this building. This scene gives a sense of proudness and action. The trailer mainly revolves around James Bond and his scenes with action and thriller where ever he is able to go .

10 Trailer Representation Of People
The clear focus of the trailer is James Bond who plays the main actor of the film not to mention the whole series of the Bond films. The transition of the trailer portrays details that are in relation to James Bond and what he is set out to do. The shots vary from zoomed in shots to far distance shots to also show the area he is in as well as who he is in the trailer as a way of foreshadowing.

11 Film Promotion The film was promoted exceptionally well as it was shown in advertisement slots in television channels such as Sky Premiere, this is good because Sky Premiere is a film channel that most adults like watching. Another way it was promoted was by billboards in motorways, malls etc.. because most people drive which means they can see the billboards gaining information about the film. And lots of people go to shopping malls which is another way the film can gain a lot of information. Also James Bond who is Daniel Craig was interviewed with many magazines and also gained quite the publicity when he said he would never return to James Bond series after spectre. Overall the films promotion was very successful as most people then understood about the film and wanted to see it as it is a film in the James Bond series which can be very dear to some people and intriguing.

12 Film Promotion The promotion attracted the target audience by appealing to the audience with promotion campaigns they knew they would like. Such as describing the film as the best one yet and the fact that Daniel Craig said he would never ever want to return to the Bond franchise. So some people would like to see the last film that he would appear in since he appeals to some of the audience as well as the actual film and the concept.

13 People Media Texts The media text chooses to say that in the world of James Bond, there is always a hero and a bad guy who either plans to throw down James Bond or just be successful in his bad doings. This is stereotypical for these kind of films because usually the villains take down the hero and then the hero does the same to the villain usually resulting in death or a potential comeback in the next instalment. In a lot of cases there is a girl who falls in love with the hero but they aren't really shown as much as the man because the audience would rather focus on the make for an action film.

14 Life The representation of life in the trailer shows that James Bond is never at rest as there is always someone who wants to defeat him and take over the area and do bad things. This is something which usually happens in James Bonds life throughout the films that he has been in. However this would hardly occur in real life but since the films genre is action, thriller and adventure it makes sense for the film as a whole and would be enjoyable to watch.

15 How Successful Was Spectre?
The film spectre was very successful because the money it took to make the film (budget) was $ million which seems as if it is very expensive. However the amount it made as of now is $681.1 million which is a lot of money from Box Office takings. Therefore in conclusion the film was a very big hit and lots of people went to see it however there is no saying if they enjoyed it or not its just successful based on some ratings and its income of money.

16 Extension The ideas are represented with the main actors attitude through out the trailer. The attitude shows a type of hard man with traits of a secret agent who needs to stop the spectre organization with maybe a few companions. This is also shown in the release poster with the background being the skeleton head of the spectre organizations leader.

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