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Click to edit Master title style

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1 Click to edit Master title style

Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi, M.Si., M.Sc WAKIL REKTOR UNIVERSITAS LAMBUNG MANGKURAT Dr. Ahmad Alim Bachri, SE., M.S DEKAN FAKULTAS TEKNIK Dr. Ing. Yulian Firmana Arifin, ST., MT WAKIL DEKAN I FAKULTAS TEKNIK Dr. Chairul Irawan, ST., MT WAKIL DEKAN II FAKULTAS TEKNIK Maya Amalia, ST., M.Eng WAKIL DEKAN III FAKULTAS TEKNIK Nurhakim, ST., MT KEPALA PRODI TEKNIK MESIN Achmad Kusairi S, ST,. MT., MM. DOSEN PENGAMPUH Prof. Dr. Qomariyatus Sholihah Amd. Hyp, ST, M.Kes. MAHASISWA Ismail Mansyursyah H1F114026


4 by motor vehicles are vehicles driven engineering equipment for the movement, and is used for ground transportation. Generally, motor vehicle using a combustion engine, driven by human power or motor, using fuel oil or natural force). Classification of motor vehicles varies according to each country. ISO 3833: 1977 is the standard for the type and definition of ground vehicles.

5 From comparison of the capacity requirements of the production time RCCP with time capacity tersediapada process of regulating short length sacks with details: hours / year, in the process of cutting the bag with details: hours / year, while the pressing process of finished products to dipacking sdengan details: hours / year it meets the needs of the production capacity or is optimal. Raw material mixing process time is available with details: hours / year, the process of making yarn with details: jam / tahunproses spinning to form a sack with details: hours / year, the process of sewing sacks with details: hours / tahunbelum meet the needs of production capacity because the time available capacity is smaller than the capacity of production time RCCP so that there is a lack of production time available..

6 Production controller

7 Control of production is a variety of activities and methods used by majemen enterprise to manage, organize, coordinate, and direct the production process (equipment, raw materials, machinery, manpower) into a flow stream that delivers results with a number of minimum cost and time as soon as possible.

8 On the Production Control Can Do:
Order Control: Firms that operate based on orders from customers so that its operations are also dependent on the order Follow Control: Companies that operate to produce a standard product that portion of the product is a product for supplies in bulk Both control is aimed at how the material flow time period is already in line with the planned thus also how the transportation from the factory to the warehouse and production processes from the warehouse to storage

9 Stage in the production control ???

10 Production forecasting
Production Forecasting is forecasting production to determine the number and production benefits that would be made in the future, so that any deviation will quickly held production adjustments in the future. Routing Routing is an activity to determine the sequence of the production process and the use of raw materials smapi into the final product, so before production begins an issue already listed on rout sheet. Schedulling Scheduling is a schedule of activities to make the production process as a whole from the beginning of the process samapai complete production process. This Scehedulling dlaksanakan to find out how long it takes each stage of processing in accordance with the order of the route. Dipatching Dispatching is a process for giving orders to carry out the work in accordance with the routing and scheduling are made. Follow up Follow-up is an activity to eliminate the occurrence of delay / delay work and encourage coordination of the implementation of the work.

11 Inventory Control and Quality

12 Raw Material Inventory Control
The raw material is one of the determining factors of the goods so that everything related to raw materials should be properly addressed. How to determine the actual number of raw materials that need to be provided the company with the most cost minimum (in the sense of the most profitable companies) is to use the analysis of EOQ (Economical Order Quantity). In other words, the corporate company has the most favorable inventory jikamelakukan economical bookings. Factors that affect EOQ is as follows Total demand of raw materials per year (B) Booking fee (BP) Storage costs (BS) Prices of raw materials (H) Control kualiatas (Quality Control) Quality control is a process for determining the goods are damaged and are attempting to be reduced as well as maintain the goods that have been good and then control that results in the production of the future will no longer decrease the quality or damages.

13 Control and Maintenance Costs
Controlling production costs Control production costs was conducted to determine how much the volume of sales that generate profits, losses, or just enough to cover the total cost that has been incurred by the company. Maintenance and replacement of production facilities Maintenance and replacement of production facilities is done in order to maintain the level of productivity of machinery and other equipment. To support this activity should be drawn regarding the regular schedule of maintenance in accordance with the current workforce capabilities for service but not new to checked when it was severely damaged.

14 Forecasting Definition and Objectives Forecasting
Forecasting is the estimation process (measurement) the size or amount of something in the future based on past data is analyzed scientifically, especially using statistical methods (Sudjana, 1989: 254). Forecasting is used to determine when an event will occur atautimbul, so that appropriate action can be done. This applies if the grace period is the main reason for planning and forecasting. Good forecasting is forecasting done by following the steps or procedures either. There are basically three steps are important forecasting (Makridakis et al, 1993: 24), namely : Analyzing past data. Determine the method used. Projecting the data and then using the methods used and to consider several factors change.

15 Master Production Schedule
Master Production Schedule or commonly also called the Master Production Schedule is one of the functions of management. MPS can be determined in the steps that need to be taken by the leadership to achieve its goals by considering problems that may arise in the future. Results of MPS is a work plan which is a good alternative to achieve the goals set. MPS is a final statement about "how" a lot of items that must be produced late and "when" to be produced. MPS is usually developed for a period of time weekly for 6 to 12 next .

16 forecasting Vehicles

17 Forecasting method used is MPS (master production schedule) is one way to forecast the demand for goods by using a percentage of the data of the past, following the exposure calculations. Periode (month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Presentase Honda 348626 339128 380019 203659 388847 423256 75,58% Yamaha 120158 112145 127224 91015 123972 119717 23,91% Suzuki 1833 3109 378 38 6445 4628 22.725 0,60% 470617 454382 507621 294712 519264 547601 100%

18 Presentase Periode (month) 7 8 78,12% Honda 392.448 400.631 21,26%
To get the data forecasting at month 7 and 8 is by multiplying the percentage of historical data and from month to 7 and 8, it will get the following data Presentase Periode (month) 7 8 78,12% Honda 21,26% Yamaha 0,62% Suzuki 3.115

19 Forecasting results for the month 7 and 8 obtained the following data:
Periode (month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Presentase Honda 348626 339128 380019 203659 388847 423256 75,58% Yamaha 120158 112145 127224 91015 123972 119717 23,91% Suzuki 1833 3109 378 38 6445 4628 3.115 3.180 22.725 0,60% 470617 454382 507621 294712 519264 547601 502365 509661 100%

20 Results forecasters above shows the Honda at month 6 to get the highest sales while in the 4 to get the lowest sales, Yamaha in the 4 to get the highest sales while at months 2 to get the lowest sales, Suzuki month to 5 get the highest sales while in month 4 get the lowest sales.

21 Conclusion Results Master Production Schedule (MPS) has been done it can be concluded that. From the test results of the Master Production Schedule (MPS) in vehicle sales in Indonesia, it can be concluded that this method can work well. With limited data or historical data at least then the result is not 100% accurate.

22 thank you

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