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Enrollment Counts Instructions for Designee

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1 Enrollment Counts Instructions for Designee
Enrollment counts are snapshots of student enrollment and demographic information taken the first three weeks of school. Enrollments counts are extremely important and are required for apportionment, allocations, AYP, and determining growth. The Nevada Department of Education will audit a certain percentage of WCSD schools each year to ensure the reported enrollment numbers are accurate. If each of us does our part we will not lose apportionment for reporting students incorrectly.

2 Many staff members have key duties for enrollment counts
Many staff members have key duties for enrollment counts. On the link below tasks are separated by suggested key personnel. The Principal may assign tasks differently.  NOTE: All of the requirements must be completed throughout the school year, not just for the enrollment counts. This is extremely important because the NDE is now conducting two audits, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. To find all the enclosed information on-line, go to: Or use the path: District Homepage>Departments>Student Accounting> Enrollment Counts (in the right margin).

3 Enrollment Count Dates
ENROLLMENT COUNT DATES All schools must the completed worksheet to no later than 12 p.m. with the exception of schools with PM PK, and TMCC HS. the worksheet as soon as it is completed. Enrollment Count Dates Balanced Calendar, TMCC HS, and Multi-Track Calendars- Yellow, Blue and Purple Tracks Incline Schools and Revitalization Calendar Schools Multi-Track Calendar- Green Track Enrollment Count 1 Friday, August 11, 2017 Friday, August 25, 2017 Friday, September 8, 2017 Enrollment Count 2 Thursday, August 17, 2017 Friday, September 1, 2017 Friday, September 15, 2017 Enrollment Count 3               Friday , August 25, 2017 If not balanced by Enrollment Count 2. Enrollment Count 3 If not balanced by Enrollment Count 2. Enrollment Count 3 Friday, September 22, 2017 Student Accounting Enrollment Count Tuesday, September 5, 2017

4 Enrollment Count Designee Tasks Prior to Enrollment Count 1
Read the complete Enrollment Count Instructions. Check that the Principal has presented the Enrollment Counts PowerPoint. Provided the Teacher Instructions for Enrollment Counts to teachers. Provide the Scheduling Start and End Dates Instructions to counselors and any other staff who may make schedule changes. Verify all PK students with an IEP are enrolled and included for Enrollment Counts. Verify all Kinder students are enrolled and included for Enrollment Count 1 although they will not start until the following week. Verify the Secretary/Registrar has read and completed their tasks. Verify all Counselors have read and completed their tasks. Verify the AP of Attendance read and completed their tasks. Verify the Attendance staff read and completed their tasks.

5 Enrollment Count Designee Tasks Prior to Enrollment Count 2
Verify the AP of Attendance, attendance staff, and secretary/registrar are corresponding with each other regarding students who may need to be withdrawn for whereabouts unknown. Verify the secretary/registrar have all no-shows completed within the first ten days of school.

6 Enrollment Count Designee Tasks Prior to Enrollment Count 3
Verify all no-shows are completed in IC. If a student was missed who needs to be no-showed after the first ten days of school please contact your Student Accounting troubleshooter with the student name. Verify the AP of attendance, attendance staff, and secretary/registrar are corresponding with each other regarding students who may need to be withdrawn for whereabouts unknown. Verify the attendance staff has begun the process for the Attendance Summary Reports (ASRs).

7 Enrollment Count Designee Tasks on the day of each Enrollment Count
Generate and hand out the Sub Attendance Roster (SARs) to teachers. Remember to retain any off campus SARs so those students are not missed for the count. Verify the Secretary/Registrar generated and balanced all the enrollment count reports first thing in the morning. Retain a copy of the NV02 to input the totals on the Enrollment Count Worksheet. Remind all counselors not to make any schedule changes on the day of the count until the count is completed. If there is a new enrollment or withdrawal during the count, contact your Student Accounting troubleshooter for instructions. DO NOT LET ANY STUDENTS WHO COULD ATTEND WALK AWAY. Contact Student Accounting if any students enroll after the count has been turned in so the numbers can be adjusted. If a parent wants to withdraw his/her student on the day of count and the student will not attend that day, withdraw the student and have the secretary/registrar rerun all reports. Cross the student off the roster noting the withdrawal.

8 Enrollment Count Designee Tasks on the day of each Enrollment Count -Continued
Collect all SARs once teachers have completed the count. For Enrollment Count 3 the total number of students from the SARs must balance with the total number of students on the enrollment count reports. Once all SAR’s are collected, complete the Enrollment Count Worksheet. (Enrollment Count Worksheet Instructions) Save the worksheet to your desktop with your school name in the title as well as the EC (Enrollment Count) 1, 2, or 3. Example, Anderson EC 1, Anderson EC 2, Anderson EC 3. Once the worksheet is completed and saved, create an with the name of your school and Enrollment Count 1, 2, or 3 (depending on which count it is) in the subject line, TO: Student Accounting will pull your NV02 and Enrollment Summary Report to balance with your worksheet. It is imperative that no changes occur until the count is over and the designee has received an that the school has balanced and is released. Retain copies of all count information sent to Student Accounting along with the signed SARs from enrollment count 3. File each report (NV02, Enrollment Summary Report, Master Register, and Gains & Loss) with a printed copy of the worksheet for each count for that school year.

9 Enrollment Count Worksheet
The worksheet has two tabs, the Student Count tab and the Filtered Students tab. The first tab is where you will input numbers from the physical count and numbers from the NV02 (Ethnic Report). The second tab is to input students who are attending your school part time from another school, Typical PK, or home school.

10 Enrollment Count Worksheet- Student Count Tab
Physical Count Section Teacher Column-Input the teacher’s last name in all CAPS. Present Column-Input the number of students present for that teacher. NOTE: Any student who shows up on the Filtered Students Ad Hoc report must be subtracted from the SAR if the student is in a course that is being counted. Absent Column-Input the number of students absent for that teacher. Only students who have attended at least one day do not input no-shows as being absent. No-shows are not counted on the SARs. Room Total Column-Will auto populate. Enter Grade Level Column- Using the drop down menu choose the appropriate grade level for the class. If a course has multi grade levels the information must be input separately. For example, if a teacher has both 7th and 8th grade students the teacher would have to be input twice. High school will only choose high school from the drop down menu. Roster Total Column-Input the number of students listed on the SARs (on the right of the room number). Check Column-Will auto populate. i. If you get a red “N”, you are not balanced for that course. This is okay for Enrollment counts 1 and 2 only if the teacher is reporting that they have some students that have not showed for the course. ii. If you get a “Y” you are in balance for that course. All Schools must balance for Enrollment count 3. Recount the numbers and check IC to see if there were any changes while conducting the count if you do not balance.

11 Enrollment Count Worksheet- Student Count Tab
NV02 Count Section Grade Level Column- Prefilled NV02 Males Column- Input the total number of males from the NV02 the secretary/registrar printed the morning of the count. NV02 Females Column- Input the total numbers of females from the NV02 the secretary/registrar printed the morning of the count. NV02 Totals- Will auto populate. Balanced Y/N Column- Will auto populate. If you get a red “NO”, you are not balanced with the physical count. This is okay for enrollment counts 1 and 2. If you get a “YES” you are in balance with the physical count. All Schools must balance for Enrollment count 3. High schools must balance with the High School Total on the right side of the NV02 counts. If you find that the school total matches but not the grade levels this indicates that a grade level was marked incorrectly. If you cannot balance, please call and you will be transferred to a troubleshooter.

12 Enrollment Count Worksheet- Filtered Students Tab
Have the secretary/registrar run the list of concurrent, part-time, and typical PK students. These students go on the Filtered Students tab at the bottom of the worksheet. Input the names of the students who are part time at your school site and should not be counted for apportionment.

13 Thank you Please contact your Student Accounting troubleshooter with questions: Elementary Schools: Cecilia Mansfield (775) Middle Schools: Shannon Yoelin (775) High Schools: Jeannine Bell (775)

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