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© Hamilton Trust Simmering Term 1 Week 6 Day 1

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1 © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term 1 Week 6 Day 1
Decimals – Objectives Objectives: Know what each digit represents in numbers with two decimal places; Use place value for tenths and hundredths to complete additions and subtractions. You will need: Mini whiteboards © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term Week 6 Day 1

2 Decimals – Direct Teaching What is the total of the ringed numbers?
7.29 © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term Week 6 Day 1

3 Decimals – Direct Teaching
And the total of these? 4.05 Watch out for students who are confused using zero as a place-holder. Sometimes, a zero is used to hold the place of a missing digit… Was this any harder than the last one? © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term Week 6 Day 1

4 0.67 Decimals – Direct Teaching And how about these?
Watch out for students who are confused using zero as a place-holder. What makes this a bit trickier than the first one? © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term Week 6 Day 1

5 Decimals – Student Activity
Write out the place additions for these numbers: e.g = © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term Week 6 Day 1

6 3.57 Decimals – Direct Teaching 3.57 - 0.5 3.07 the digits…
What do you need to subtract from this number to turn the 5 into a 0? 3.57 _____________________________ 3.07 We don’t do a vertical subtraction! This just shows which digit has changed… Now change the other digits into 0s using two more Place Value calculations. © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term Week 6 Day 1

7 Decimals – Direct Teaching
6.48 the digits… Subtract 1s: – 6 = 0.48 Subtract 0.1s: 0.48 – 0.4 = 0.08 Subtract 0.01s: 0.08 – 0.08 = 0 Change each digit into a zero using three separate Place Value calculations... © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term Week 6 Day 1

8 Decimals – Individual Practice
Have a go at the calculations in each box: Write groups of PV calculations - as before - to change all the digits of these numbers into 9s. 8.79 6.05 5.41 6.25 3.82 1.28 0.64 2.07 The second box is more challenging as it requires subtraction and addition, rather than just addition. Write groups of PV calculations - as before - to change all the digits of these numbers into 2s. 5.39 4.14 © Hamilton Trust Simmering Term Week 6 Day 1

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