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Presentation on theme: "PLACE VALUE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Partner Work Take it in turns to role the dice – you must decide where to put the number you get A.) The player who makes the largest 4 digit no. wins B.) The player who makes the smallest 4 digit no. wins

3 To know that each digit in a number represents a different place value
Learning Objective To know that each digit in a number represents a different place value

4 I can identify the place value of a digit in a number
Success Criteria I can identify the place value of a digit in a number

5 Place Value Whole numbers are made up of units, tens, hundreds, thousands and so on. In the number 6325: The digit 6 means six thousands The digit 3 means three hundreds The digit 2 means two tens The digit 5 means five units In words, we write this as six thousand, three hundred and twenty-five. THOUSANDS HUNDREDS TENS UNITS 6 3 2 5

6 What’s the place value of the underlined digit?
48 90 264 902 7328 5039 86452 What number is 100 more than: 472 8793 21743 What number is 1000 more than: 8675 34612 221853

7 Independent Work Remember to write and underline: Worksheet
today’s short date (30/09/15) today’s heading (Place Value) Worksheet


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