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Texas Independence Day

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1 Texas Independence Day
© State Bar of Texas

2 Texas Independence Day is celebrated every year on
March 2nd. Do you know why? © State Bar of Texas

3 Years ago, Texas was part of Mexico.
© State Bar of Texas

4 Texans became unhappy with the Mexican government and wanted to break away from Mexico .
© State Bar of Texas

5 Texan colonists fought Mexican troops to gain independence.
© State Bar of Texas

6 These battles were called the Texas Revolution.
© State Bar of Texas

7 All of the battles took place in Texas including the Battle of the Alamo.
This is what the Alamo looked like in 1836. This is the Alamo, located in San Antonio, as it looks today. © State Bar of Texas

8 On March 2, 1836, Texas declared its independence from Mexico.
© State Bar of Texas

9 Texas Declaration of Independence
The Texas Declaration of Independence was signed in Independence Hall at Washington-on-the-Brazos, which is near Brenham, Texas. Where representatives of Texas settlements met to make a formal declaration of independence from Mexico in early March 1836. This is a replica of Independence Hall that visitors can tour at the Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. © State Bar of Texas

10 The Texas Declaration of Independence explained why Texas wanted to separate from Mexico and become a free republic. © State Bar of Texas

11 During the Battle of San Jacinto, on April 21, 1836, the Mexican army was defeated.
© State Bar of Texas

12 Texas then became the Republic of Texas.
© State Bar of Texas

13 In 1845 Texas joined the United States and became the 28th state.
© State Bar of Texas In 1845 Texas joined the United States and became the 28th state.

14 Texas Independence Day is a state holiday celebrating the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence and those who fought to win independence. © State Bar of Texas

15 On Texas Independence Day some cities have…
© State Bar of Texas

16 parades © State Bar of Texas

17 battle reenactments © State Bar of Texas

18 chili cook-offs © State Bar of Texas

19 barbeques © State Bar of Texas

20 or music! © State Bar of Texas

21 You can honor Texas Independence Day by simply flying the Texas flag
© State Bar of Texas

22 or by eating some Texas birthday cake!
© State Bar of Texas

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