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OSSLT Review Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion

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Presentation on theme: "OSSLT Review Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion"— Presentation transcript:

1 OSSLT Review Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion

2 What is a Series of Opinion Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion?
This is a task on the OSSLT that asks you to express your opinion on a particular subject. Your goal is to convince your audience that the opinion you are presenting is correct. The expectation is that you will write using proper paragraph structure. The series of paragraphs expressing an opinion asks for a minimum of three paragraphs. You may write more than three, but do not write fewer than three paragraphs.   

3 Here’s What The Question for a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion looks like

4 Tips for Writing a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion
Before You Begin: Read the topic question carefully and DECIDE WHICH SIDE OF THE ISSUE you are going to talk about in your series of paragraphs -- example: positive aspects or negative aspects about the issue, not BOTH! Use the “rough notes” section to make a “T-chart” to see if you agree or disagree with the topic. You must choose a side! It will make your job a lot easier if you are only arguing one specific point of view. Once you have chosen a side, review your brainstorming thoughtfully. Select your best points to support your opinion.

5 Tips for Writing a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion
Presenting your argument Begin with a brief introductory paragraph. Clearly state your opinion. Do you agree or disagree? 2-3 Body Paragraphs: clearly state two - three reasons with proof about why you believe your opinion is correct. If you are uncertain as to whether you are effectively proving your argument use the point, proof, explanation summary method of development that you learned last year ENG 1DI/ENG 1PI.

6 Tips for Writing a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion
Presenting Your Argument Cont…. It is very important that you stay ON TOPIC. Writing that is off topic or that does not fit with the format of the opinion paragraph will receive a failing mark. Concluding paragraph: clearly summarize your opinion and proofs. ***Keep your introduction and conclusion brief. These short paragraphs are only to give the evaluator a clear sense of the argument you are presenting.

7 In the end your argument should look something like this.
FIRST PARAGRAPH: state your opinion clearly SECOND PARAGRAPH: explain using your first reason that supports your opinion -- include specific supporting details and explanations THIRD PARAGRAPH: explain your second reason that supports your opinion -- include specific supporting details and explanations FOURTH PARAGRAPH: restate your opinion and summarize your supporting reasons

8 Additional Tips: Writing with Style
Write neatly Paragraph divisions must be clear. You may choose to use indentations or to leave an extra line between paragraphs Use transition words to connect your ideas. Check the grammar and spelling. You may write informally (use “I” and contractions), however, you should avoid using slang and inappropriate language Re-read your answer to make sure all the ideas make sense.

9 Additional Tips: Try to Fill the Space
The space provided for your written work indicates the approximate length of the writing required. Your writing skills cannot be assessed if you have not written enough. When an evaluator sees a page that is only partially filled, that immediately raises a red flag for them. Do your best to fill the space, but remember to stay on topic!

10 Exemplar Question: Does violence in the media have a negative effect on teenagers?

11 Today in Canada, there is a lot of violence among teenagers and there is more violence now than ther was when our parents were teenagers. (opening sentence) What is the cause of this increased violence? The television shows, movies teens watch and the music they listen to are all responsible for teen violence today. (opinion statement) TV is one of the major causes of teen violence. Action show, cartoons and sports are the kinds of shows that increase violence in teenagers. (topic sentence) Action shows like “Cops” and “CSI” show many scenes of violence that might give teenagers the idea that it is alright to hit and shoot other people. In the TV show “Cops” for example, police officers often beat suspects with clubs or throw them on the ground, showing that it is okay to hurt other people. (supporting detail) “CSI” shows violent acts by serial killers and other really disgusting things that might make teens want to act like that as well. (supporting detail) Seeing violent acts like these on TV can influence teens to act in a violent manner. (concluding statement)

12 Secondly, (transition word) movies are another thing that makes teens act more violently in today’s society. (topic sentence) Action movies and horror movies can both make teenagers more violent. Action movies have many acts of violence in them, such as fighting, shooting, and explosions. (supporting detail) Movies like “The Expendables” and other Jason Statham movies show the heroes beating people up, setting off bombs, crashing cars and other violent acts. Teens look up to action heroes and might try to copy the things they do in the movies, but they might not realize that these violent acts are all fake. (supporting detail) Horror movies can also promote violence in teens. Movies like “Friday the 13th” and “Halloween” all contain many violent, bloody acts that teens might like to watch. Even though these movies are not very realistic, seeing all this violence might make teens more likely to accept violence in real life. (supporting detail) Obviously movies are another thing that causes teens today to act more violently. (concluding statement)

13 Lastly, (transition word) music that teens listen to might also make them more violent. (topic sentence) Rap and R&B musicians like Eminem and Lil Wayne have music with very violent lyrics. (supporting detail) When teens listen to this music they may get the idea that violence is okay because their favourite muscicians promote it. Most muscicians also make music videos that are shown on TV channels like Much Music or MTV. (supporting detail) Many of these videos show scenes of violence and might make teens act more violently in their own lives. It seems like the music teens listen to could also be a cause of violence in young people today. (concluding statement) Television, movies and music are all influences that teens see and hear in every day of their lives and these influences present many violent acts and attitude to young people. (re-worded opinion or thesis) Obviously, being exposed to these violent media plays a big part in making teens today more violent than they were when our parents were young. (general conclusion)

14 How will the Series of Opinion Paragraphs be Marked?
The Writing a Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion is marked in two categories: 1. Topic Development 2. Conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation)

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