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How are you?.

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Presentation on theme: "How are you?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How are you?

2 London

3 What is London? beautiful street famous river art square wide park main stadium wonderful gallery

4 Make up proper names Westminster … Big … … Bridge The Houses of …
Buckingham … Trafalgar … The Tower of … The … Thames

5 Find the English equivalents
Трафальгарская площадь Тауэр Колонна Нельсона Национальная галерея Вестминстерское Аббатство Дом парламента Темза The Tower Westminster Abbey Trafalgar Square The Houses of Parliament Nelson’s Column The National Gallery The Thames

6 Faces of London

7 Westminster Abbey

8 The Houses of Parliament & Big Ben

9 The Tower of London

10 ресурсы tp://

11 Thank you! Good luck!

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