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Security in the Arctic - the Icelandic Perspective

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1 Security in the Arctic - the Icelandic Perspective
June 2013

2 The Arctic – A Foreign Policy Priority
Parliament approved an overarching Arctic policy in 2011: Promoting and strengthening the Arctic Council. Securing Iceland’s position as a Coastal State. Resolving differences on the basis of UNCLOS. Promoting cooperation. Safeguarding security interest through civilian means. Avoiding militarisation.

3 The main security challenges?
Risk of military confrontation low. Environmental threats as a result of increased economic activities: Oil spills. Other kinds of pollution. Accidents.

4 How are we addressing those challenges?
Through cooperation: The Arctic Council. - Evolving as a decision-making body. - Binding SAR and Oil Spill agreements. MoUs with Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom and Canada. Declaration on Arctic cooperation between Iceland and Russia. Bilateral Defence Agreement and Joint Declaration with the United States. Membership of NATO. Northern ChoDs forum.

5 Capabilities The Icelandic Coast Guard:

6 New Multipurpose OPV “Þór”
Maritime surveillance. Environmental response. Fire fighting. Search and rescue. Fisheries control. Salvage and hydrographic survey.

7 MPA - Bombardier Dash-8 Maritime traffic. Ice and pollution.
Search and rescue. Volcanic activities.

8 The Iceland Air Defense System
Four radar stations. Aerial search. Host nation capabilities and tasks. NATO Air Surveillance.

9 International Cooperation
Cooperation with foreign fleets, coast guards and maritime organisations. North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum. Arctic Council SAR Task Force. Frontex Joint Operations.

10 Air and Maritime Service Centre
Domestic consultations ongoing. Options ranging from dormant logistics hub to Centre of Excellence. Link in a circumpolar network of service centres. International Conference 2014.

11 Thank you

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