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Mini-RF Requirements Overview

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1 Mini-RF Requirements Overview
Mary Reden NASA/GSFC SGT, Inc. August 16-17, 2005

2 Mini-RF Overview Mini-RF is a NAWC/WD-provided synthetic aperture radar technology demonstration provided to the LRO spacecraft for the purpose of demonstrating new radar technology for future use in planetary resource mapping. Mini-RF is composed of the following major elements: Fixed planar antenna with dimensions 125 x 75 x 5.5 cm Electronics box with dimensions 14.2 x 20.3 x 12 cm Cable harnessing between the electronics box and the antenna, and to spacecraft electrical interfaces. Mini-RF is the second in a spiral technology development effort, preceded by the Forerunner radar to be placed into Lunar orbit aboard the Chandrayaan-1 satellite. Mini-RF will make a series of measurements to demonstrate enhanced technology capabilities over the Forerunner instrument.

3 Mini-RF Block Diagram

4 LRO Requirements Document Flow

5 Mini-RF Level 1 Requirements
Mini-RF Level 2 requirements are defined, and are traceable to a single Level 1 requirement: LRO Program Requirements Document, #ESMD-RLEP-0010 RLEP-LRO-P160 Technology Demonstration - The LRO shall accommodate the NAWC provided Mini-RF device in order to provide the opportunity for demonstration of this technology in the lunar orbital environment provided it does not increase the project cost, delay the launch date, adversely impact the achievement of full mission success, or increase the overall risk posture of the primary mission.

6 Mini-RF Level 2 Requirements
Key mission requirements: LRO Mission Requirements Document (MRD), #431-RQMT LRO Mission Concept of Operations Document, #431-OPS Mini-RF Requirements and Goals Document, #431-RQMT Key performance assurance requirements: Generic Instrument Performance Assurance User's Guide, #430-HDBK Tailored for Mini-RF to specifically address those areas that may adversely impact the achievement of full mission success, increase the overall risk posture of the primary mission, or have safety implications Key verification requirements: LRO Electrical Systems Specification, #431-SPEC LRO Mechanical Systems Specification, #431-SPEC LRO Thermal System Specification, #431-SPEC LRO SpaceWire Specification, #431-SPEC LRO Technical Resource Allocation Specification, #431-SPEC

7 Mini-RF Requirements Implementation
Implementation of the Mini-RF requirements: Mini-RF Spacecraft Mechanical ICD, #431-ICD Mini-RF to Spacecraft Thermal ICD, #431-ICD Mini-RF to Spacecraft Electrical ICD, #431-ICD Mini-RF to Spacecraft Data ICD, #431-ICD

8 Driving Requirements on the Spacecraft
Mechanical The spacecraft shall maintain a Mini-RF mass allocation of 12 kg, including margin The spacecraft shall mount the Mini-RF antenna such that the antenna normal is ~45-degree off-nadir, on the anti-sun side of the spacecraft Thermal The spacecraft shall provide survival heater switch service to maintain the Mini-RF devices within the following temperature limits: -34 to +71 C for electronics -160 to +100 C for antenna

9 Driving Requirements on the Spacecraft
Electrical The spacecraft shall provide 2 and 5 amp 28 v power services The spacecraft shall provide a SpaceWire interface directly to the Solid State Recorder The spacecraft shall accommodate a data transfer rate of 8 Mbps (nominal) up to 32 Mbps (maximum) during data collections Operational The spacecraft shall provide Mini-RF with a minimum of 12, 4-minute data collection opportunities over the LRO nominal 1-year mission Mini-RF desires 2 successive orbits in each of 6 modes (S/X-bands, dual/quad polarization, mapping/zoom resolution) Additional data collects at the lunar poles, bi-static radar operations and off-nadir pointing will be documented in the Concept of Operations Document as desirable targets of opportunity

10 Mini-RF Constraints The Mini-RF antenna and electronics box shall be thermally isolated from the spacecraft Accommodation of Mini-RF on LRO shall not interfere with achievement of full mission success, or increase the overall risk posture of the primary mission Mini-RF shall not interfere with LRO S/C S-band and Ka-band operations Mini-RF waveform and electronics shall be designed to eliminate any interference with spacecraft S-band operations Impact of interference shall be minimized by limiting, if necessary, the duration of Mini-RF collection intervals Mini-RF operations shall be deconflicted with LROC scenes and with the S/C communications timeline Data collection orbits will be infrequent and will be chosen to accommodate LRO mission constraints.

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