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Subject-Verb Agreement

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1 Subject-Verb Agreement
Game On, Angelina Jolie’s Leg.

2 1 Our dog Babe, together with her seven puppies, has/have chewed all the stuffing out of the sofa cushions.

3 2 Last weekend, a Great White shark, as well as a school of barracuda, was/were terrorizing the tourists at Daytona Beach.

4 3 Where is/are the bowl of squid eyeball stew and the platter of broccoli-chocolate muffins that Madison made for Elizabeth’s housewarming party?

5 4 Neither the Zorteks from Saturn nor the Martian ambassador approves/approve of the unfriendly greeting from the United States.

6 5 Here is/are the fifty-dollar bill that I promised for pet sitting Bo-Bo, my Jack Russell terrier, this weekend.

7 6 Neither of my two older brothers invests/invest money wisely.

8 7 Each of the yo-yo champions gives/give the same advice: you have to risk whacking yourself in the head a few times to master the really challenging tricks.

9 8 There is/are many misconceptions about gorillas; the most damaging is that these primates are ferocious, crazed killers like King Kong.

10 9 Every one of Jenny's six cats enjoys/enjoy relaxing on top of her new car; the paw prints create an Art Deco design in the dust that coats the hood.

11 10 The powdery sugar on lemon doughnuts makes/make Rhonda happy to start a new day.

12 11 Either the squid soufflé or the fried octopus makes/make a delicious snack to eat while you are watching 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

13 12 Each of my brothers annoys/annoy me with his bad habits, like nose-picking at the dinner table and spitting on the sidewalk.

14 13 Mrs. Mauzy told her student, "There is/are too many subject-verb errors in this essay for it to pass."

15 14 Neither the spoiled chimpanzees nor the pampered gorilla enjoys/enjoy bananas without ice cream, chocolate sauce, and chopped nuts.

16 15 My dog Floyd and cat Buster likes/like to play with money; the cat swats crumpled bills onto the floor where the dog shreds them to pieces.

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