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Winners Cheque Analysis

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1 Winners Cheque Analysis

2 Menu 1 1 This option is the main method for importing data from Donorflex and also from Bank Statements. The imported files are in the form of Excel Workbooks, the data must reside in Sheet1 of each respective workbook. It is imperative that the Donorflex data is added to the Lottery workbook prior to adding the Bank Statement information. Both datastreams can be added at the same time if so desired. If any duplicate Cheque numbers are detected in the Donorflex source data then their numbers and associated Draws are reported. The process is aborted and no Workbook updates are performed. 2 3 4 5 6 2 Once the import processes have been performed the task of identifying where the outstanding cheques are allocated begins. This option provides the facility to select multiple data items and allocate them to a category. Once the data has been allocated to a category it can then be transferred to the relevant worksheet. The Transfer process also updates the charts on the Menu. 2 3 This option provides the same facility as Option except that category allocation is done on individual data items. The ability to amend or create data items is also provided to allow for correction of any erroneous details. 4 The different categories of data are summarised using this option, by Draw number. 5 This option enables the user to remove all detail relating to a specific Draw. This action would typically be used at Financial Year End. 6 7 It is good practice to backup any amendments, or make copies of the workbook prior to any major changes. 7 This option does exactly what it says. These charts are updated by the Cheque Validation process. Their initial values are set as illustrated.

3 Data Import The Data Import process is very straightforward. Initially, the data from Donorflex has to be added to the workbook. This data is extracted from a predefined workbook produced by the Donorflex application. The data must reside in Sheet1 of the source workbook. The data is transferred to the KHLottery workbook and placed in the IMPORT worksheet. The worksheet is then reformatted to extract the pertinent data. If only the Donorflex workbook is specified, the contents of the IMPORT worksheet is then appended to the Data worksheet, ready for processing later. If the Bank Statement is specified then the contents of Sheet1 in that workbook are manipulated to extract just the cheque numbers. These are then compared with the contents of the IMPORT worksheet and if a match is found then the data item in the IMPORT worksheet is flagged as being cashed. Once this process has been completed the contents of the IMPORT worksheet are appended to the Data worksheet. If only the Bank Statement workbook is entered then the contents of the Data worksheet are copied into the IMPORT worksheet and the comparison, as specified above, is carried out. The contents of the Data worksheet are then overwritten with the contents of the IMPORT worksheet. Prior to this action the Data worksheet is backed up into the BackupData worksheet as a precaution. Thus enabling data recovery in case of any issues.

4 Data Import 2 Part of the Import process is to determine whether there are any duplicate cheque numbers in the Donorflex input workbook, which would obviously compromise the validity of analysis. If any duplicates are found an error message is issued [ 1 ] and a list of cheque numbers and associated Draws is displayed [ 2 ] . At this point the Import process is aborted. Once the erroneous data has been corrected and a new Donorflex workbook produced then the Import process can be rerun. 1

5 Data Import 2 Similar to the duplicate cheque validation of the Donorflex input data, a check is run against the data worksheet to look for duplicate cheque numbers. This implies that the Donorflex source data has been imported twice. If any duplicates are found an error message is issued [ 1 ] and a list of cheque numbers and worksheet rows is displayed [ 2 ] . To recover from this error it is necessary to delete the Data worksheet and to rename the BackupData worksheet as Data. 1

6 Cheque Validation - Multiple
This screen is where the bulk of the activity happens after data has been imported. The main area of the screen displays the data items in cheque number order, which enables the user to easily locate the relevant data record. Prior to changing the status of any data records, it is advisable to perform a quick visual validation of the data. This option allows the user to select multiple data items. Just follow the on-screen instructions. Once selected, the category has been selected, and the “Apply Changes” button has been clicked, the display is refreshed with the Status column changed to the appropriate value. In this example it is “P” for Payment Don’t forget to select a Category

7 Cheque Validation - Single
The main area of the screen displays the data items in cheque number order, which enables the user to easily locate the relevant data record. Prior to changing the status of any data records, it is advisable to perform a quick visual validation of the data. In this example it is obvious that there is an issue with the first two data rows as the cheque numbers do not appear to be correct. Also, the cheque number of the third row, although in a valid format, appears to be incorrect in that the cheque number is a lower value than the cheques for earlier Draws. Potentially, there has been a transposition of characters when the data was entered into Donorflex. Don’t forget to select a Category The status of each data item is set to one of the following values: N – Not processed (this is the initial status set by the Import process) C – Cheque cashed D – Value of cheque has been Donated to KHH P – Value of cheque has been used as Payment for entries in the next series of Draws G – Value of cheque is used for multiple entries in the next Draw. To change the status of a data item the user should click on the relevant row and then select the appropriate radio button followed by clicking the Amend button. The status of that data item will then be changed. To remove a data item select the relevant item and change the Draw No. to DEL (This is case sensitive). The status will be set as “Z”. The data item will be deleted as part of the Transfer process.

8 Cheque Validation At any time the user can click the Transfer button, be it on the Multiple or Single selection displays, which will invoke a process to transfer the altered data items into their respective worksheets within the workbook. At this point the TOTALS section on the display will be updated as well as the charts on the Menu worksheet.


10 Data ; Cashed ; Donated ; Payment ; Buy_a_Go
Data Summary Standard Summary Summary with Sparkline Charts The user clicks on Proceed to produce the Summary data. The information held in the following worksheets is totalled by Draw number and stored in the Summary worksheet for further analysis If the “Sparkline Charts required?” checkbox is ticked then Sparkline graphics are included in the Summary sheet. Data ; Cashed ; Donated ; Payment ; Buy_a_Go

11 Remove Draw from Workbook
This option is self-explanatory, in that all details relating to a specific Draw are removed from the Workbook. The Worksheets affected are: 1 Summary 2 Cashed 3 Donated 4 Payment 5 Buy_a_Go 6 Data It is strongly recommended that a Security Backup is made prior to this process being invoked.

12 Security This option is self-explanatory. Select the appropriate option and then click on Proceed. Respond to prompts as required.

13 Bank Statement worksheet structure.
The import process checks column C for the string “CHQ” and subsequently extracts the cheque number from Column D which Is then validated against the Donorflex data for a corresponding Match.

14 Donorflex worksheet structure.
The import process checks column L for a data string and subsequently extracts the data from the following rows Cheque number ; Amount ; Play No. and generates the relevant Draw No for each row. Summary details are ignored.

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