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Entry What was the most important invention during the Industrial Revolution, in your opinion? Explain.

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1 Entry What was the most important invention during the Industrial Revolution, in your opinion? Explain.

2 North’s Economy

3 Industrialization Moving from cotton mills to factories.
Transportation had to improve in order to move products faster. People were creating products faster than ever before. The cotton mills are a thing of the past now. The people that were running the factory were no longer weaving individual items now, most people were attending the machines that were run by steam or water power.

4 Railroads Roads and canals helped to move large amounts of products.
Locomotives were created to move larger quantities of product faster than ever. Extremely hard work to put railroad tracks in. Immigrants were a large portion of the people that helped build these railroad tracks across America.

5 Locomotives Peter Cooper created the first American steam locomotive.
The engine he created failed and people went on to improve his engine. Peter Cooper - He was a very successful business man. - He also founded the Cooper Union (advancement of science and art.) - He believed that everyone no matter their race, religion, sex, or social class should not matter on getting into the best technology school that had been established at this time. - he ended up running for President of the United States in 1876 for the Greenback party. - He was the oldest person to ever be nominated for President.

6 What do you notice about this map?
Where are most of the railroad tracks at? What do you think the impact of railroads were in the north? Railroads were one of the reasons that the Midwest or Indiana were started to be populated.

7 Telegraph The telegraph followed the invention of the railroads.
Samuel Morse is the individual who invented the telegraph. The was the first invention that used electric signals to transmit messages. - The telegraph was demonstrated by Morse sending a message from Baltimore to Washington, D.C. The need for faster communication was important with the creation of the railroads and the large movements of people throughout the country. There needed to be a code created with this new invention. Only skilled readers could send and read a message transmitted by telegraph. This form of communication sped up the process of news coming and going from place to place. This invention was heavily used in the Mexican American War in many different ways. - Polk used it to communicate with his generals. - It was also used in communicating with people back home on what was happening in the war. - Kind of like a Vietnam war. First time people were hearing what was actually happening that day or day before. Many Europeans that visited America during this time were impressed at the Americans use of this invention. The creation of the telegraph was continually worked on where paper was not needed in order to receive the message. - It was replaced by noises that the receivers could understand and write down the message in short hand.

8 Agriculture in the North
People were introduced to new types of soil. They needed better inventions in order to work the land. John Deere created a plow that could plow the hard soil in the midwest. The plows that were used before his creation were not good for the soil in the Midwest. - The men would have to stop to clean the plow blades, so he created a plow that cleaned itself while still working the field. - The new land that was being settled would allow for more people to get their products to the market.

9 Agriculture McCormick’s Reaper was created in order to harvest wheat.
Wheat became the crop that was mostly grown in the Midwest. This replaced the gruelingly and tedious job of picking the grain by hand and a sickle. This invention led to wheat being the main crop that was grown in the Midwest. The farmers in the Midwest would send the grains to the northeast where grains could not be grown easily because of the land. In the Northeast farmers started focusing on growing fruits and vegetables. The rocky landscape of New England did not allow for farming what so ever so industry continued to grow in this area.

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