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CSE494/598 Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (Fa2011)

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1 CSE494/598 Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (Fa2011)
Class 4

2 Agenda Context-Aware App (cont.) Intro to Wireless Sensor Networking
Implementation of adaptive applications Mapping adaptive application requirements to hardware constraints Adaptation in hardware

3 Context-aware Computing
Beyond application-aware adaptation Instead of adapting only to resource levels, adapt to contexts Context: Enumeration-based (categories) Role-based (roles of context in building mobile applications)

4 Types of Context Computing context includes network connectivity, communication costs, communication bandwidth, and local resources, such as printers, displays, and workstations User context includes user profiles, location, and people in the vicinity of the user Physical context includes lighting and noise levels, traffic conditions, and temperature Temporal context includes time of day, week, month, and season of the year Context history is the recording of computing, user, and physical context over time

5 The 5 W’s… Who is the user? Who are the people with which the user is interacting, or who is nearby? What is the user doing? Where is the user? Home? Work? Bathroom? Familiar coffee shop? When? What time is it? Why? Why is the user performing a certain task? What is the task’s priority in the “grand scheme”? Low-level vs. High-level details

6 Context Overview

7 Context-aware Requirements
Contextual sensing detection of environmental states Contextual adaptation capability of the system to adapt its behavior by using contextual information Contextual resource discovery capability to discover available resources in an environment Contextual augmentation capability to associate contextual information with some digital data Example: association of a particular meeting place and attendees with a set of minutes Example: association of a digital photo with a specific location

8 Designing CA Applications
Build list of relevant contexts e.g., “home”, “office”, “traveling”, “sleeping”, … Specify context-aware behaviors Presentation of context-sensitive information Automatic discovery of relevant objects (e.g., nearby people for transmission of business cards) Modification of the physical and digital environments Integration of application with methods for sensing context

9 Simple Example: stick-e notes
Context-aware Post-it notes Build list of relevant contexts Based on location (latitude/longitude via GPS) Temperature, whatever else can be sensed Specify context-aware behaviors stick-e notes “pop up” on a PDA when contextual info is appropriate Reminder to return a library book when near the library Reminder to buy a new winter jacket when temperature drops below 60F Integration of application with methods for sensing context Most difficult part Ubiquitous sensing of environmental characteristics, such as location, temperature, number of human beings nearby, the cat is near, not widespread

10 Where Does Context Come From?
Returning to the “difficulty” point on the previous slide Environmental sensors Temperature, humidity, location, noise, motion Cat sensor Potential need for multiple types of sensors GPS vs. indoor location sensors History Recording user actions and previous contexts User’s personal computing environment Schedules, notes, address books, financial info Need real-time analysis to provide context

11 Example: Location Indoor locating systems
e.g., infrared or ultrasound Wireless nanocell communication activity Association with short-range base stations GPS Associations with nearby computers Motion sensors and cameras, computer vision Ask the user!

12 Service-oriented Architecture
Provide services to context-aware applications Context subscription and delivery service Delivers contextual information as available Context query service Delivers contextual information on-demand Context transformation and synthesis services Transforms low-level contextual information (location, temperature, lighting levels) into high-level (“YOU’RE IN THE CLOSET IN YOUR BEDROOM”) Service discovery Discovery of nearby services We’ll examine service discovery protocols next!

13 Paper: Out of Context: computer systems that adapt to, and learn from, context (authors H. Lieberman & T. Selker)

14 Key Points Context-Sensitive (Aware) computing is antithetical to traditional computer science (search for context-independent abstractions) Black box approach Model of Context Aware application: Context as implicit input System boundary decides what’s implicit and what’s explicit Context-Abstraction trade-off

15 Key Points (Cont.) Models of context:
System model: description of the system User model: User’s state, history and preferences Task model: goals and actions intended to be performed by the user To create context-aware applications these models should be dynamic and have ability to explain themselves.

16 Context from other fields
Mathematics and AI Statistical data mining techniques: knowledge discovery by analyzing large amount of data HCI Ambient interfaces Sociology and Behavior Studies Situated action – stresses the effect of shared social context on human behavior Activity Theory: agent strategies for successful behaviour Nass and Reeves work on understanding how context affects human interaction with computers

17 In Summary Context awareness requires adaptation to changes in the environment How to adapt applications? Detection of changes sensors, e.g. physiological and environmental sensors, network connectivity sensor, battery capacity sensors Detection-driven behavior State-based approach, i.e. chose an operating state according what is sensed. Employment of compensating mechanisms Profiling, Caching, Prefetching

18 Implementation of Adaptive applications
Two pronged approach Adapt in hardware Use reconfigurable hardware such as FPGA, Atom + FPGA (Tunnel Creek) Design configurations for different adaptation cases Develop a reconfiguration logic Design hardware given worst case system requirements Develop system requirements for the worst case scenario in adaptation Map the system requirements to requirements on the hardware Develop the hardware to meet the requirements Write the software for the adaptive application keeping in mind the resource constraints of the hardware

19 Hardware Adaptation

20 Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Basic idea: two-dimensional array of logic blocks and flip-flops with a means for the user to configure: 1. the interconnection between the logic blocks, 2. the function of each block. Select interconnects and logic blocks to have different hardware functionalities with the same FPGA Simplified version of FPGA internal architecture:

21 How do you program an FPGA?
Create a circuit design Graphic circuit tool Verilog VHDL AHDL Compile the design for the selected device Download the compiled configuration

22 Reconfigurable heterogeneous architecture
Tunnel creek Altera FPGA Intel Atom

23 Application driven hardware design

24 Gap between application and hardware
Application Designer Hardware Designers Knows contexts to be sensed Knows adaptation requirements Need to map to platform specifications Need to quantify platform performance Provide datasheet Need to improve design based on new, emerging applications Need to objectively compare performance of multiple platforms A STANDARD EVALUATION METHODOLOGY IS CURRENTLY LACKING NEW PLATFORM DESIGNER – UNDERSTAND CORRELATION BETWEEN PERFORMANCE AND INDIVIDUAL DESIGN CHOICES. AND THESE CHOICES MUST BE QUANTITATIVE FOR YOU TO SPECIFY THE PLATFORM DESIGN. Require standard evaluation method and performance metrics

25 Challenges Mapping diverse platforms to common evaluation ground
Design Coordinate: A feature of a hardware platform that determines its performance, e.g. Available Memory. Design Space: The space defined by the design coordinates Quantify design coordinates, performance parameters Evaluation Metrics, e.g. kB of RAM, W of power consumed Measure performance in real application scenarios Develop benchmarks based on building block context aware applications Search design space for suitable platform EVALUATION GROUND… THIS EVALUATION GROUND IS COMPOSED OF DESIGN COORDINATES. DEFINE … FOR OBJECTIVE COMPARISON, WE NEED TO QUANTIFY THE COORDINATES AS WELL AS THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PLATFORM. FOR THIS, WE NEED EVALUATION METRICS

26 Solution Methodology Design Space Determination

27 Example Healthcare applications using Body Sensor Network
How to choose the best suited platform for a given BSN application ?

28 Nano-scale Blood Glucose level detector @ UIUC
Pervasive Health Monitoring Applications Components Used Miniature sensors, gateway device Services Enabled Continuous, remote patient monitoring: No time & space restrictions Utilize wearable and in-vivo medical sensors Reduced medical errors Early detection of ailments and actuation through automated health data analysis Nano-scale Blood Glucose level UIUC Temperature Tele-sensor @ Oak Ridge National Lab Vivometrics WIRELESS MEDICAL SENSORS AND SMARTPHONE,PDA OR LAPTOP THIS SIMPLE DESIGN ENABLES SEVERAL SERVICES SUCH AS …. FALL DETECTION FOR ELDERLY, CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF HOSPITAL PATIENTS WITHOUT STRESSING STAFF Applications Sports Health Management Home-based care Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Medical Facility Diverse types of adaptive applications with various requirements

29 Diversity in available platforms- How to choose?
BSN Platforms Components: Microprocessor, radio, onboard memory, power supply interface, etc. Applications: Used for BSN research experiments and clinical trials. BSN node v3 Imote2 TelosB Shimmer Radio – CC2420+ miniaturized chip antenna Processor – MSP430 Size – 26mm x 16mm x 2mm Radio – CC2420 ( ) + RN-42 (Bluetooth) Size – 53mm x 32mm x 15mm Radio – CC2420 + Inverted-F antenna Processor – MSP430 Size – 65mm x 31mm x 6mm Radio – CC Surface mount antenna Intel Xscale Size – 36mm x 48mm x 9mm INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BOARD DIFFERENT PLATFORMS DESIGNED WITH DIFFERENT DESIGN GOALS Diversity in available platforms- How to choose?

30 Processing Requirements
Example: Determination of heart rate variability Ratio of the high frequency to low frequency components of the heart rate variation is considered Sampling and storage of signals Peak Detection Fast Fourier Transform

31 Wireless communication requirements
Packet delivery ratio The percentage of packets correctly received amongst the number of packets sent Depends on the antenna design, power input to the antenna, and the properties of the wireless medium Average radio power consumption Depends on the radio duty cycle Duty cycle is the percentage of time the radio is in “ON” state actively transmitting data

32 Energy and Form Factor Requirements
Battery is the primary source of energy which has a definite capacity Applications have specific life time requirements Lifetime is the number of hours the application should run without interruption This imposes upper limit on the power consumption Form factor has to be small so that it is wearable This imposes constraint on the battery size and hence battery capacity

33 Design Space Determination
Set of available platforms Design Coordinates Average Radio Power Consumption Form Factor On-board data memory mW mm3 kB of RAM Metrics Evaluation Method BSNBench Datasheet Datasheet

Design Coordinates Based on typical BSN application requirements Decompose platform functionality into individual modules (Processor, data and program memory, signal processing capability) COMPUTATION (Radio reliability, average power consumption, interoperability) WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DESIGN COORDINATES (Battery, energy scavenging support) ENERGY SOURCE (Form factor, thermal safety, sensor integration) PHYSICAL ASPECTS

35 Design Space Exploration
Average Radio Power Consumption (mW) Form Factor (mm3) P1 P2 P4 P3 Design coordinate axis Constraints on design coordinates RAM Availability (KB) Sensor platforms Appropriate region in the design space

36 Capacity (mAh), size (mm3)
Evaluation Metrics Use suitable metrics to quantify design coordinates: Some traditional metrics are independent of the target applications. e.g. MIPS, MIPS/W Consider BSN application characteristics to develop more suitable metrics. For example, processor speed measured in units of samples processed per second Design Coordinate Metric Radio Reliability On-body PDR [1] Battery Capacity (mAh), size (mm3) [1] A. Natarajan, B. Silva, K. Yap, and M. Motani. To hop or not to hop: Network architecture for body sensor networks. In IEEE SECON, 2009.

37 SPSW Metric for Processor
SPSW (Samples Processed per Second per Watt) is defined as: Captures tradeoff between processor speed and power consumption. “Processing a sample” is application-specific. For example, a platform motes calculates mean of 1000 data samples in 100 ms and consume 25 mW power. Then, SPSW = 1000/(100 X 25) = 400 samples/mJ (Time taken) (Power consumed) (No. of Samples Processed) SPSW =

38 EPC Metric for Radio Radio power consumption depends on radio specifications as well as duty cycle. EPC (Expected Power Consumption) is defined as: For example, if radio transmits for 5% time, with power draw 10 mW and is in SLEEP state for remaining 95% time, with power 0.1 mW, EPC = 0.05 * * 0.1 = mW Fraction of time in state S * Power consumed in state S EPC = all states

39 BSNBench: A BSN-specific benchmark
Key Observation: In spite of diversity in BSN applications, some basic tasks are common. Type of benchmark: Microbenchmark Composition: Data Operations (Statistics, Differential Encoding) Signal Processing (FFT, Peak detection) Radio Communication (Duty-cycled handshake, PDR) Sensor Interface (Sensed Data Query) Implemented in TinyOS 2.0

40 Design Space Exploration
Application Requirements Constraints on Design Coordinates Define subspace of design space We look at the given application. The application requirements are first characterized in terms of constraints on design coordinates. If the application has constraints on multiple design coordinates then we can represent them as a surface in the design space. From the constraints thus we can derive a subspace bounded by these surfaces, The set of platforms that lie within the subspace obey all the constraints and are hence possible candidates for use, In case multiple platforms the design coordinates can be prioritized to make the choice. Tie prioritizing design coordinates to application requirements. Prioritize design coordinates Set of suitable platforms Identify most suitable platform

41 Case Study We consider two typical BSN applications:
Epileptic Seizure Detection (ESD): Detect onset of epileptic seizures using an ECG sensor. Perform peak detection on ECG signal to calculate RR intervals. Intervals are converted to FFT coefficients and sent to the gateway device. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM): Long term monitoring application Sensor measures the blood glucose level and transmits this data to a gateway device. As an illustration of the design space exploration procedure we show two case studies. The first one concerns with a continuous long term glucose monitoring system which senses the blood glucose level and transmits them to a gateway device. The next one is an epileptic seizure detection system, which senses ECG signals and performs signal processing tasks such as peak detection, FFT computation and sends the processed signals to the gateway device. Our set of platforms include TelosB. BSN node v3, Mica 2 and iMote2.

42 Mapping application requirements to design coordinates (ESD)
Requirement 1: store 5 seconds of data at 256 samples per second and perform FFT Constraint on the RAM = at least (3×256×5×12)/8 = KB of RAM required assuming 3 channel ECG 256 point FFT computation requiring at least 6 KB of RAM. Requirement 2: power consumption should be limited to 5 mW Compound constraint: Processing power + communication power < 5 mW Processing Power = number of samples per second / SPSW = 3 × 256/SPSW Communication power = EPC at the required duty cycle Duty Cycle = transmit time / total time Transmit time = 3 × 256 × 12/22000 assuming 22 kbps bit rate and 12 bit representation of data Hence, duty cycle = (3 × 256 × 12/22000)/5 = 4.1 % Compound constraint Requirement 3: On body PDR greater than 0.7

43 Mapping platforms into design space
Data sheets for RAM FFT signal processing task for RAM requirements EPC – communication task in BSNBench PDR – BSNBench on body and off body PDR

44 Mapping contd …. SPSW characterization
Sensor query task, peak detection, and FFT computation task in BSNBench Combination of SPSW Application 2 (app2) B bpB N1 N2 Application 1 (app1) A IF (PB, tB) (PA, tA) NA (1-bpB) C NB NC A B C (PC, tC) (PA, tA) (PB, tB) (PC, tC)

45 Constraints and platform mappings
Constraints on signal processing capability and communication reliability (on-body PDR) Imote2 BSN node v3 TelosB 256 - point FFT Available RAM Signal processing is the core computation in this application. In order to detect epileptic seizures successfully, the platforms need to perform 256 point FFT. FFT processing hogs up a lot of RAM in the processor. Hence, there are constraints on the RAM availability. For Mica2, just say “it has insufficient RAM for 256 point FFT” 128 – point FFT Mica2 0.7 On-body PDR

46 Compound constraint Map
Forms a complex contour in the design space Can be modeled as an optimization objective 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sensor Query SPSW (samples/mJ) EPC at 4.21 % duty cycle (mW) 112 BSN v3 TelosB Mica 2 Imote 2 (104 MHz) (13 MHz) Suitable Subspace Constraint Shimmer

47 Case Study: CGM Set of platforms: TelosB, Mica2, Imote2 and BSN v3
Constraints on EPC and Form Factor coordinates iMote2 35.62 mW In the first application the communication was an important aspect and consumed the most amount of energy. Further, since the platform has to be worn 24/7 so wearability was important. Thus constraints were imposed on the form factor of the platforms. We wanted to last the application on 2 alkaline AAA batteries continuously for 4 days. This requirement demanded an EPC less than mW. Further, we restricted the form factor to a 50 cubic volume. Platforms are mapped to design space through experiments we conducted. Mica2 EPC (W) BSN node v3 TelosB (50 X 50 X 50) Form Factor (mm3)

48 Design New Platforms Obtain the optimal point in the design space solving an optimization problem Calculate the distance of your platform from the optimal points in terms of evaluation metrics Choose which one to improve Problem ??? Design coordinates may not be orthogonal

49 Ad hoc / sensor networks (Ch 8)

50 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks May need to traverse multiple links to reach a destination

51 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Mobility causes route changes

52 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Formed by wireless hosts which may be mobile
Don’t need a pre-existing infrastructure ie, don’t need a backbone network, routers, etc. Routes between nodes potentially contain multiple hops Why MANET? Ease, speed of deployment Decreased dependence on infrastructure Can use in many scenarios where deployment of a wired network is impractical or impossible Lots of military applications, but there are others… ,

53 Many Applications Personal area networking Civilian environments
cell phone, laptop, ear phone, wrist watch Civilian environments meeting rooms sports stadiums groups of boats, small aircraft (wired REALLY impractical!!) Emergency operations search-and-rescue policing and fire fighting Sensor networks Groups of sensors embedded in the environment or scattered over a target area

54 Many Variations Fully Symmetric Environment Asymmetric Capabilities
all nodes have identical capabilities and responsibilities Asymmetric Capabilities transmission ranges and radios may differ battery life at different nodes may differ processing capacity may be different at different nodes speed of movement different Asymmetric Responsibilities only some nodes may route packets some nodes may act as leaders of nearby nodes (e.g., “cluster head”)

55 Many Variations Traffic characteristics may differ
bandwidth timeliness constraints reliability requirements unicast / broadcast / multicast / geocast May co-exist (and co-operate) with an infrastructure-based network

56 Many Variations Mobility patterns may be different
people sitting at an airport lounge (little mobility) taxi cabs (highly mobile) military movements (mostly clustered?) personal area network (again, mostly clustered?) Mobility characteristics speed predictability direction of movement pattern of movement uniformity (or lack thereof) of mobility characteristics among different nodes

57 Challenges Limited wireless transmission range
Broadcast nature of the wireless medium Packet losses due to transmission errors Environmental issues (“chop that tree!!”) Mobility-induced route changes Mobility-induced packet losses Battery constraints Potentially frequent network partitions Ease of snooping on wireless transmissions (security hazard) Sensor networks: very resource-constrained!

58 Hidden Terminal Problem
C A Nodes A and C cannot hear each other Transmissions by nodes A and C can collide at node B On collision, both transmissions are lost Nodes A and C are hidden from each other

59 First Issue: Routing Host mobility
Why is Ad hoc Routing Different? Host mobility link failure/repair due to mobility may have different characteristics than those due to other causes traditional routing algorithms assume relatively stable network topology, few router failures Rate of link failure/repair may be high when nodes move fast New performance criteria may be used route stability despite mobility energy consumption

60 Routing Protocols Proactive protocols Reactive protocols
Determine routes independent of traffic pattern Traditional routing protocols for wired networks are proactive Reactive protocols Discover/maintain routes only if needed

61 Trade-Off: Proactive vs. Reactive
Latency of route discovery Proactive protocols may have lower latency since routes are maintained at all times Reactive protocols may have higher latency because a route from X to Y will be found only when X attempts to send to Y Overhead of route discovery/maintenance Reactive protocols may have lower overhead since routes are determined only if needed Proactive protocols can (but not necessarily) result in higher overhead due to continuous route updating Which approach achieves a better tradeoff depends on the traffic and mobility patterns, but most ad hoc routing protocols are reactive

62 Sensing and Communication Technology

63 Sensing Technology To be useful, systems must interact with their environment. To do this they use sensors and actuators Sensors and actuators are examples of transducers A transducer is a device that converts one physical quantity into another examples include: An ECG sensor (digitizes the electrical pulses from the heart) A microphone (converts sound into an electrical signal).

64 Example Sensors Environmental Sensors Physiological Sensors Thermistor
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) Inductive Proximity Sensor Accelerometer ECG sensor PPG sensor GSR sensor Glucosemeter

65 Sensor Performance Range Resolution or discrimination Error
maximum and minimum values that can be measured Resolution or discrimination smallest discernible change in the measured value Error difference between the measured and actual values random errors systematic errors Accuracy, inaccuracy, uncertainty accuracy is a measure of the maximum expected error

66 Precision vs Accuracy Precision
a measure of the lack of random errors (scatter)

67 Sensor Platform Hardware Software MSP 430 microcontroller
CC2420 radio (ZigBee) 10 KB RAM 256 KB flash Software Runs TinyOS Program using nesC USB interface to download code

68 Wireless communication
A radio module to implement MAC layer protocols + An antenna to transmit Two of the most common protocols are ZigBee ( ) and Bluetooth ( ) Both operate on the unlicensed 2.4 GHz ISM band

69 Zigbee Low power mesh networking
IEEE Standard, based on Motorola’s proposal “Low power”, “Networked”, “Open standard” Personal Operating Space (POS) of 10m radius, or greater range Mesh self-healing network

70 Bluetooth Alternatives to cables IEEE 802.15.1 standard (2002)
“Short range” and “Mobile products” POS of 10m radius, with mobility Ad-hoc connections between devices

71 But ZigBee is Better Bluetooth is Best IF : For :
The Network is static Lots of devices Infrequently used Small Data Packets For : Ad-hoc networks between capable devices Handsfree audio Screen graphics, pictures… File transfer

72 Air Interface: Bluetooth ZigBee
FHSS (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum) 1 M Symbol / second Peak Information Rate ~720 Kbit/second ZigBee DSSS (direct-sequence spread spectrum) 11 chips/ symbol 62.5 K symbols/s 4 Bits/ symbol Peak Information Rate ~128 Kbit/second

73 ZigBee Protocol Stack Size/Complexity
Application Application Interface Network Layer Data Link Layer MAC Layer MAC Layer PHY Layer Silicon ZigBee Stack Application

74 Bluetooth Protocol Stack Size/Complexity
User Interface Voice Intercom Headset Cordless Group Call vCard vCal vNote vMessage Networking Dial-up Fax Service Discovery Protocol Telephony Control Protocol OBEX HOST RFCOMM (Serial Port) L2CAP Host Control Interface Link Manager MODULE Link Controller Baseband RF Silicon Bluetooth Stack Applications

75 Timing Considerations
ZigBee: New slave enumeration = 30ms typically Sleeping slave changing to active = 15ms typically Active slave channel access time = 15ms typically Bluetooth: New slave enumeration = >3s Sleeping slave changing to active = 3s typically Active slave channel access time = 2ms typically ZigBee protocol is optimized for timing critical applications

76 Power Considerations Bluetooth ZigBee
Power model as a mobile phone (regular charging) Designed to maximise ad-hoc functionality ZigBee 2+ years from ‘normal’ batteries Designed to optimise slave power requirements

77 To reduce latency, Bluetooth would:
The two devices must stay within 60 us (~1/10 of a hop) 30ppm crystals => could increase at 60us per second. Devices communicate once a second to track each other's clocks. Possibly could be improved by a factor of 100. The devices would then need to communicate once every 100 seconds to maintain synchronisation. => 900 communications / day with no information transfer + perhaps 4 communications on demand 99.5% Battery Power wasted

78 To reduce power consumption, Bluetooth would
Undertake Bluetooth inquiry procedure to find out which part of the spectrum is used May typically take 10 seconds using Bluetooth 1.1 ? Much Better In Bluetooth 1.2 possibly reduced to tens of ms BUT Not all requirements have been adopted yet

79 Conclusion ZigBee radio using DSSS need only perform CSMA before transmitting, a delay of only 200 us (Radio wake up time) ZigBee offers longer battery life and lower latency than a Bluetooth equivalent.

80 Two different solutions optimised for different applications…...
Solution Prices Bluetooth: Price Now - $10 Price $5 ZigBee: Price $6 Price $ Two different solutions optimised for different applications…...

81 Conclusion ZigBee and Bluetooth are two solutions for two application areas

82 Reference

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