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WMO Global Meteo Alarm System (GMAS)

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Presentation on theme: "WMO Global Meteo Alarm System (GMAS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WMO Global Meteo Alarm System (GMAS)
First Advisory Group and Technical Team meeting Item 3.4 Tropical Cyclone Programme C/TCP: Taoyong Peng SO/TCP: Anne-Claire Fontan 13-15 March 2017 GENEVA

2 Tropical Cyclone Programme Mission
To assist and support its Members to: Provide reliable and improved forecasts of tropical cyclone tracks and intensities, and related forecasts of strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, along with timely warnings, in multi-hazard approaches, covering all tropical cyclone-prone areas; Establish and upgrade early warning systems with multi-hazard configuration;

3 TCP Implementation Strategies
TCP effected on both national and regional levels through cooperative action. TCP covers activities of Members, WMO regional associations, other international and regional bodies and the WMO Secretariat. TCP activities implemented mainly through two components, i.e. the General Component and the Regional Component.

4 RSMCs/TCWCs & TC Regional Bodies
TCP benefits ~ 80 WMO Members 1972 (9) (14) 1968 (27) 1977 (15) 1973 (19) 1985 (Nb of Members) Committees established in 19xx

5 Warning system -1/2 The RSMC Tropical Cyclone Centre / TCWC will be responsible for providing TC watch over its area of responsibility with the most skillful advisory diagnosis available regarding the technical parameters position, intensity, dimensions, forecast of intensity and track, associated hazards. For international users - international marine and aviation (TCACs) requirements

6 Warning system -2/2 NMSs should utilize the advisory statements issued by the RSMC Tropical Cyclone Centre/TCWC as the basis for its national cyclone warning strategies. Each Member is responsible for issue of warnings for its area of responsibility.

7 RA IV - NHC Coordination of International Watches & Warnings
NHC will recommend the placement of watches/warnings Coordinated via phone with Met. Offices throughout the region Each country is responsible for issuing watches/warning for their respective country or jurisdiction

8 Severe Weather Information Centre -SWIC
Based on advisories issued by Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) and Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres (TCWCs), and official warnings issued by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) for their respective countries or regions.

9 TCP Contribution to GMAS – 1/2
Under the framework of TCP, tropical cyclone warning systems are already established at national level with support of regional coordination through TC regional bodies. In case of active tropical cyclones, forecasting and warning information on tropical cyclone tracks and intensities, and related forecasts of strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, to be available from concerned Members. The TC forecasting and warning information be included as an important part of the GMAS

10 TCP Contribution to GMAS – 2/2
TC forecasting and warning information following the existing systems as stipulated in TC operational plans/manual of the five TC regional bodies, respectively. The ways to feed the existing TC forecasting and warning information into GMAS need to be developed, in particular in compliance with CAP format

11 Thank you Merci

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