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The Conservative Order & Challenges of Reform & Revolution

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1 The Conservative Order & Challenges of Reform & Revolution
Chapter 20

2 Congress of Vienna Prince Klemens von Metternich Goals
Principle of Legitimacy Balance of Power Concert of Europe

3 Romanticism Return to the art and architecture of the Middle Ages
Discounted the objectivism of the enlightenment Believed in a spirituality that would promote nationalism

4 Liberalism Favored a republic over a monarchy
Believed In constitutional government Comprised mostly of wealthy middle class business owners Adherents to the ideas of Adam Smith Strongly encouraged economic freedom Influenced by the ideals of the enlightenment Believed in religious toleration

5 Conservatives Favored Monarchies Believed in Limited Constitutions
Supporters came from Landed aristocracy Supported positive relations with the Church

6 Nationalism Nationalism
Opposed the ideas of legitimacy upheld at Vienna. Preferred that ethnicity be the determining factor in the creation of nations Language, influenced by the prevalence of print culture, became the cornerstone of the nationalist movement

7 Nationalism Determining Nationhood Areas of Nationalistic Discontent
Common language Ability to have a sustainable economic, political and military system Areas of Nationalistic Discontent Balkans [Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania] Austrian Empire [Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians] Poland, Ireland, Italian States, German States

8 Conservative Reaction in Britain
Decline of the Monarchy Glorious Revolution of 1688 William III and Mary II ruled via support from Parliament Bill of Rights signed granting people individual liberties Parliament became the driving force in British politics

9 Decline of the Monarchy
The House of Hanover Death of Queen Anne [Stuart Dynasty] meant the royal dynasty went to the German elector of Hanover George I [ ], George II [ ] More concerned with events in Germany, let Prime Minister Robert Walpole run the show George III [ ], George IV [ ], William IV [ ], Victoria [ ]

10 Conservative Reaction in Britain
Parliamentary Parties Tories [supporters of the monarchy and conservative] Whigs [supporters of Parliament and liberal] Conservative Politicians began to protect the propertied interests by passing “Corn Laws” 1815 Poor harvests made agricultural interests take drastic measures Resented by the common people, made food expensive Passed the Six Acts 1819 Forbade large public meetings Increased fines for libel Speeded up trial for political agitators Increased newspaper taxes Allowed local officials to search homes

11 Reform in Britain Catholic Emancipation Great Reform Bill 1832
Test Act of 1673 prohibited Catholics and Puritans from holding public office Union with Ireland in 1801 resulted in many Irish Protestants serving in Parliament 1820s Daniel O’Connell agitated for Catholic emancipation, and won a seat to Parliament but could not legally take it. To avoid civil war and unrest in Ireland, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel pushed an emancipation bill Great Reform Bill 1832 Increased the number of voters by 200,000 but far from universal suffrage. Still it opened the door to further political reform

12 Conservative Reaction In France
Bourbon Restoration Louis XVIII, brother of executed Louis XVI, became King The Charter of 1814 Constitutional monarchy with bicameral legislature Guaranteed most of the declaration of the rights of man Voting however required a high property qualification Murder of the duke of Berri, heir to the throne, led to repressive measures on the part of the monarchy

13 Conservative Reaction in the German States
German Confederation Created in the aftermath of dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire 39 German states dominated by Austrian leadership Austria’s ethnic mix forced it to suppress German nationalism

14 Conservative Reaction in the German States
Student Nationalism Burschenschaften [student associations] Many former students fought against Napoleon Many demanded constitutions and liberalization

15 Conservative Reaction in the German States
Karl Sand German student who assassinated a conservative playwright Became a martyr Carlsbad Decrees Metternich pressed the German states to dissolve the student groups

16 Nationalism in Spain & Latin America
Bourbon Restoration in Spain Ferdinand VII promised to rule via a Constitution but failed to do so. Army officers rebelled and Ferdinand relented Latin American Revolt Buenos Aires junta under Jose San Martin liberated much of S. America from Spain Simon Bolivar liberated Venezuela and most of Northern S. America

17 Congress of Troppau Led by Tsar Alexander, Russia, Austria, Prussia, as well as reps from Britain & France met in Troppau in 1820 to discuss revolution in Europe Protocol of Troppau granted stable government the authority to intervene to restore order in countries experiencing revolution

18 Revolt in the Ottoman Empire
Greece Revolt against Ottoman control began in 1821 1827 Treaty of London, Britain, France & Russia decided to intervene. British & French sent naval forces, Russia invaded Rumania 1830 Treaty of London made Greece and independent kingdom under Otto I [ ], son of the king of Bavaria Serbia Achieved independence in 1830

19 Revolution in France 1830 Parisians went to the barricades
Charles X [ ] Wanted to pay aristocrats money for lands lost during the revolution Restored primogeniture Liberals kept winning elections so Charles passed the Four Ordinances resulting in a Monarchist coup d’etat Restricted freedom of the Press, dissolved the Chamber of Deputies, limited the franchise to only the very wealthy, and called for new Elections Parisians went to the barricades Kings attempt to regain Paris failed

20 Revolution in France 1830 Louis Philippe & the Orleans Dynasty
Liberals seize control of the Revolution Charles X abdicated on Aug Fearing a return of the sans culotte, liberals name Louis Philippe, the kings cousin, the new “King of the French” New Constitution expanded the right to vote but not universal Censorship removed Economic restrains remained in place for the working class The Tricolor Flag was restored Louis Philippe was coined the “Bourgeois King” for he represented the wealthy and growing industrial class.

21 Conservative Reaction in Russia
Decembrist Revolt 1825 During the reign of Alexander I Army officers were influenced by enlightened ideals after occupying France. Wanted Reform and revolted after the death of Alex I and favored Alex’s older brother Constantine over his younger brother Nicholas. Nicholas crushed the revolt and declared himself Tsar Nicholas I To reinforce his rule Nicholas embraced an official nationality where Russians were instructed to value Russian culture and accept their lot in life. Revolt in Poland in 1830, Nicholas put it down severely Zach Webb was crushed by Mr. Gillespie

22 Perspective The Post Napoleonic Era was a conservative reaction to the ideals of the French Revolution. Conservative forces had some measure of success but by and large Liberals made successful inroads into government and society. The union of liberalism and Nationalism would play a significant role from 1830 onward.

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