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What is the same and what will be different?

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1 What is the same and what will be different?
Welcome to Year 2 What is the same and what will be different?

2 Behaviour We still expect very good behaviour.
The same system of warnings will continue as in Year 1. Behaviour

3 Children will have maths learning set each week which will reflect the work they have been doing in the class that week. The Home Learning Passport, with a range of activities for children to choose from will continue. Home Learning

4 We have a greater expectation of the children taking responsibility for their own property. This applies for their own property, such as coats, bags, lunch boxes. Each child will have a named peg and a labelled trolley for their coats and lunch boxes etc. It is their responsibility to look after their things. As the children progress through the school they need to increase their own level of independence and responsibility and small steps - such as named above, help with this. Responsibility

5 This approach to learning will be continued to be used in Year 2 as it has been seen to extend and improve children's ability in 'talk for learning'. Talking and listening to different members of class widens the children's social network, helps the children improve on polite and productive conversation. It also extends children's vocabulary - whether they are learning from or explaining their ideas to other children. Learning Partners

6 Children will bring home a choice book and a book chosen by the teacher to suit their reading ability every week. The children will be bring home a list of spelling words from the National Curriculum that they will be expected to learn and they will be tested on these words in class. Reading and Spelling

7 Statutory Assessment Task
All children will be expected to take Statutory Assessment Tasks for reading and Maths. These take place during May. Most children do not even know that they have done them as they are presented in a way that is familiar to the children. The tasks for part of the end of year assessments. The teachers use these to make their final judgements. Statutory Assessment Task

8 Start and End of the Day Arrangements
This is one of the biggest changes for parents and children moving into Year 2. Children will enter the school via the white doors from the Key Stage 2 playground. They will walk to their classrooms on their own. There is always a member of staff at the white door to greet the children and help them if needed. The children will be greeted by their teacher at the classroom and will have an early morning activity to get on with. As in year 1, parents are asked not to seek unplanned meetings with the teachers during this period as it is a very busy period and the teachers will be very busy welcoming/dismissing the children. However, if you do need to speak to your child's class teacher, please book an appointment at the office or the teacher/team leader and this will be dealt with promptly. At the END of the day, the teacher will bring the children out through the brown doors and match each child to the adult that is collecting them. It is important that we are informed of any changes to arrangements. WASPs and children attending clubs will be taken to the appropriate room. Start and End of the Day Arrangements

9 Physical Education Forest School
The children are asked to have a school P.E. kit in school at all times. Each class will be given specific P.E. days, however, occasionally this needs to be changed and children do often choose to change into their P.E. kits for the Golden Mile. Children will continue to visit the forest on a regular basis (this may not be weekly)– in Year 2 it is known as Muddy Monday. Please make sure that your child comes to school with named wellies and wear appropriate clothing. Physical Education Forest School

10 Naturally we do not expect the children to be working throughout their summer holidays, however, its is very important that they do not completely leave their studies behind. Regular reading and maths work (particularly thoroughly knowing their number bonds) would be expected so that the children can start September in the best possible position to continue their learning. There will be a Summer Home Learning challenge with a range of activities for your child to choose from, should they wish. We will be sending out next terms letters before the end of this term so you will know what the topic is we will be covering - you may be keen to explore this during the holidays. Also, a wide variety of learning is available online. Summer Holidays

11 Any Questions?

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