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Before we begin... Please silence all cell phones and pagers.

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Presentation on theme: "Before we begin... Please silence all cell phones and pagers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Before we begin... Please silence all cell phones and pagers.
As an association, please provide as much information on the Local Royalty Competition Overview as you can. Hang your Overview on the wall. We will begin at promptly at 10:30 a.m.

2 IGRA Royalty Competition Prep School
IGRA University CS-01 Saturday, February 23, 2008 Las Vegas

3 Course Overview Welcome & Introductions Local Royalty Programs
IGRA Royalty History Titleholder Requirements IGRA Competition—New Orleans Dates & Deadlines Q & A

4 Gallery Walk Competition Dates Requirements Prior To Competing
Competition Components Rules/Judging Titleholder Requirements Interesting Items

5 Match the year with the correct event as best you can.
IGRA Royalty History On your table is an envelope containing years and important events in the history of IGRA. Match the year with the correct event as best you can. You have 2 minutes.

6 Requirements Prior To New Orleans
Meet local requirements Must be a Titleholder or 1st Runner Up Raise $500 for 501.c charity Raise a minimum of $250 for IGRA Compete in one sanctioned rodeo event OR volunteer a minimum of four hours Send in verified application prior to September 30 deadline with $100 entry fee.

7 IGRA Royalty Competition
Wednesday, October 29 through Friday, October 31 New Orleans Competition held in conjunction with the 24th Annual IGRA Convention

8 What will New Orleans look like?
All events will take place at the New Orleans Marriott—Canal Street Wednesday, October 29 Evening Registration

9 Western Wear/Public Presentation
Thursday, October 30 Interview Horsemanship Western Wear/Public Presentation Entertainment

10 IGRA Committee Meetings IGRA 2008 Royalty Step Downs
Friday, October 31 IGRA Committee Meetings IGRA 2008 Royalty Step Downs Recognition of 1998 Royalty Team Announcement of 2009 IGRA Royalty Team

11 24th Annual IGRA Convention
Saturday, November 1 & Sunday, November 2 24th Annual IGRA Convention

12 Competition Components
Interview Horsemanship Western Wear Public Presentation Entertainment

13 Where do the questions come from?
Interview What does it look like? Where do the questions come from? How do I begin to study? How is it judged?

14 Horsemanship What does it look like? Where do I begin?
Who can help me? How is it judged?

15 Western Wear What does it look like? What’s appropriate?
I’m supposed to find that where? What’s a western wear description? I have to write a bio, too? How is it judged?

16 Public Presentation What does it look like?
Where do the questions come from? Should I bring my soap box? Can I prepare for this? I’m petrified of the microphone! How is it judged?

17 Entertainment What does it look like?
Does it have to be entirely country? I’m a horrible singer. What’s good entertainment? How is it judged?

18 Titleholder Requirements
Rodeo Attendance Committees Competing or Volunteering Work With Member Associations Fundraising, Fundraising, Fundraising

19 Dates & Deadlines May 23: Royalty Packets distributed to Trustees at Oklahoma City meeting September 29: New Orleans Marriott $99 rate deadline September 30: Postmark deadline for Competition entry forms; program photos due to LSGRA October 29: Competition materials due

20 Questions & Answers

21 Miss IGRA 1997 Beverly DeMarco Miss IGRA 2006 Jymmye Jaymes
Miss IGRA 2003 Jada McRae Miss IGRA 1997 Beverly DeMarco Miss IGRA 2006 Jymmye Jaymes Miss IGRA 2000 Harley Quinn Miss IGRA 2004 Mandy Barbarell

22 Is Royalty Right For ME? Do I have what it takes?
Am I willing to be a valuable part of a team? How do I want to be remembered? How WILL I be remembered?

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