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Vilnius University Centre of Paediatrics

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1 Vilnius University Centre of Paediatrics
Importance of combined hepatitis B vaccines, point of view of a paediatrician Vytautas Usonis Vilnius University Centre of Paediatrics

2 Clinical trials of combined hepatitis-B vaccines in Lithuania

3 Antigens given at the first year of life
Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis (Pw Pa) Polio (OPV IPV) Hepatitis-B Hemophilus influenzae-B Pneumo- Meningo-

4 Burden of VH-B VH-B is the only vaccine preventible disease which can be transmitted vertically Risk of prenatal and intranatal transmission of infection has an impact on the immunisation strategy

5 Primary infants immunisation:
Three doses of the VH-B vaccine Different strategies, depending on the prevalence of hepatitis-B first dose at birth first dose at the age of 2-3 months

6 First dose of the VH-B vaccine at the age of 2-3 months
Countries with low incidence of VH-B Countries with high incidence of VH-B where the universal maternal screening is implemented: high coverage of the universal maternal screening immunisation of newborns is available

7 First dose of the VH-B at the age of 2-3 months
HBV/1 HBV/2 HBV/3 1 6 2-3 3-4 Age months DTP/1 DTP/2 DTP/3 IPV/1 IPV/2 Hib/1 Hib/2 Hib/3

8 HBV/1 HBV/2 HBV/3 DTP/1 DTP/2 DTP/3 IPV/1 IPV/2 Hib/1 Hib/2 Hib/3
1 6 2-3 3-4 Age months

9 DTPw based combinations
DTPw-HBV DTPw-HBV-Hib DTPw-HBV-Hib-IPV (?) Pw is the most reactogenic component parents’ concern regarding reactogenicity of Pw adverse events interchangibility of Pw and Pa containing vaccines

10 DTPa based combinations
DTPa-HBV DTPa-HBV-Hib DTPa -HBV-Hib-IPV Good compliance, high safety, high effectiveness, but: high costs

11 First dose of the VH-B vaccine at birth
Countries with high or moderate incidence of VH-B where the universal maternal screening DOES NOT exist: selective screening of ‘risk groups’ of pregnant women is not reliable with no maternal screening programmes - focus on universal neonatal immunisation vaccination of new-born infants is as effective as passive/active immunisation (HBIg+vaccine)

12 HBsAg-positive mothers should not be discouraged from breast-feeding

13 First dose of the HBV vaccine at birth The schedules most widely used are 0,1,6 or 0,1,2,12 months, both of which are effective HBV/1 HBV/2 HBV/3 1 6 2-3 3-4 Age months BCG DTP/1 DTP/2 DTP/3 IPV/1 IPV/2 Hib/1 Hib/2 Hib/3

14 Forthcoming antigens Pneumo-conjugate Meningo-conjugate

15 New vaccines Hib PnC McC + DTPa HBV IPV OR DTPa HBV IPV Hib PnC McC

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