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Staff Survey 2015 Thursday, 18 June 2015.

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1 Staff Survey 2015 Thursday, 18 June 2015

2 Staff Survey 2015 71% response rate from the PSS (2013: 50%)
70% of all eligible staff completed the Staff Survey 2015 (2013: 71%) 71% response rate from the PSS (2013: 50%) University-level results, produced by Capita, were published on 3 June along with local level results and action plan templates Guidance on sharing local results and action planning has been distributed to all University’s leadership and action plan leads assigned Jan Wilkinson, University Librarian and Graham Smith, Head of PSS HR are leading the PSS Action Plan

3 The University-wide results
94% said the University is a good place to work (2013: 94%) 92% said they are proud to work at the University (2013: 92%) 89% said working here is more than just a job (2013: 88%) 82% feel satisfied with their job (2013: 82%) But… 77% said more could be done to prepare people to cope with change (2013: 78%) 32% said their line manager doesn’t help them to achieve a good work-life balance (2013: 37%) 37% said communications are not effective (2013: 39%)

4 PSS-level results The PSS performed better than the University as a whole in 51 questions including: The University is a good place to work (PSS 96%, University 94%) I feel part of the University (PSS 87%, University 84%) Achieving a good work-life balance (PSS 82%, University 71%) There are effective channels for me to feed my views upwards (PSS 60%, University 55%) Being aware of the University’s Dignity at Work and Study Policy (PSS 86%, University 74%) Feel the University offers a good pay and benefits package (PSS 88%, University 80%) Job security (PSS 81%, University 72%)

5 PSS-level results The PSS performed worse than the University as a whole in 15 questions, the main ones being: I have a place I can go for a break (PSS 73%, University 79%) Support staff are valued (PSS 67%, University 73%)

6 PSS-level results The PSS performed at the same level as the whole University, but still comparatively poorly in these areas: Change within the University is managed well (PSS 59%) My immediate line manager deals with poor performance effectively (PSS 67%) Communications between teams/sections are effective (PSS 64%) Have you had an individual performance and development review in the last 12 months (69%) I feel the University acts fairly with regard to rewarding exceptional performance (PSS 57%)

7 Action Plans PSS Directors have now shared local results and are carrying out further consultation with staff where appropriate Draft local level action plans to be submitted to the PSS Action Plan Group by 12 August High level action plans to be ready by 18 September for inclusion in APR process

8 Action Plan leads Professional Support Services (Jan Wilkinson/Graham Smith) Faculty of EPS (Tim O’Brien/Pia Pollock) Faculty of Humanities (Ken McPhail/Andrew Mullen) Faculty of MHS (Kath Checkland/Graham Cadwallader) Faculty of Life Sciences (Martin Humphries/Simon Merrywest/Jonathan Winter) Cultural Institutions/Library (Jan Wilkinson/Graham Smith)

9 Discussion points for today:
Managing change What could be done to help PSS staff prepare for and cope with change? Communication What can we do to improve two-way communication within teams and better communication between teams? How can ideas be fed upwards? Feeling valued How can PSS staff feel valued for the contribution they make? What other issues emerge from the results? Which other areas should the PSS Staff Survey Action Plan focus on?

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