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Born again to a living hope 1Peter 1:3

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1 Born again to a living hope 1Peter 1:3
Onesimus Asiimwe

2 Introduction Peter wrote this letter
To Christians in Asia Minor who were bewildered because they were being persecuted He gives them practical guidance on how they should react even when their suffering was not deserved (3:13-17) Asia Minor was a stronghold of Emperor worship Audience in Asia Minor consists mainly of Jewish Christians but Peter’s audience probably includes Gentile Christians (4:3-4)

3 God’s Elect V1: Jewish people spoke of Jews who lived outside Palestine as the “Diaspora” or those who were “Scattered” V2: In the OT and Judaism, God’s people were corporately “Chosen” or “Predestined” because God “Foreknew” them. Peter applies the same language to Believers in Jesus.

4 Rebirth V3 “Rebirth” alludes to the language Jewish people normally used for the conversion of Gentiles to Judaism which meant: you received a new nature when you converted. Believers were reborn to a living hope by Jesus’ resurrection an inheritance (v4) and future salvation (v5) Cf. Revelation 1:18

5 Living Hope Original source of the idiom Inheritance
Inheritance of the Promised Land subsequent to their Redemption from Egypt. Redeemed with the precious blood (vv 18-19) Emphasis in v23 (Cf. Eph. 1:13-14) Urges them to stand firm. Suffering has a purpose (v7)

6 3 stages of Salvation Justification
Justification: To declare righteous. God’s unconditional love for us through the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. 2. Sanctification: The process of being set apart for God’s work and being conformed to the image of Christ. Reciprocation of our Love toward Jesus. 3. Glorification: The ultimate reward we will receive when Jesus returns. 1John 3:2 We will be like Him.

7 Therefore be holy Vv13-16 V14 obedient children: picks up the image of 1:3 born new. They were no longer what they had been before. Cf. 2Cor. 5:17 Obedience of minors to their parents was highly valued. V15 Israel called to be holy. Distinct.

8 Conclusion Keep your hope in Christ alone.
Hope does not disappoint. Romans 5:5 Hebrews 12:14 To God be the Glory!

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