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Presentation on theme: "PARTS OF A LEARNING RESOURCE"— Presentation transcript:


2 SMALL/BIG BOOK 1. Cover Page …………………i
2. Copyright Notice (Back of cover page)…………ii 3. Preface/Foreword……………………….iii a. Learning Area: f. Date of Development : b. Grade Level g. Resource Location: c. LR Type: d. Competency and Competency Code: e.Quarter/Week:

3 4. Acknowledgement………. iv 5. Title Page 6
4. Acknowledgement………..iv 5. Title Page 6. ( First Picture on the left leaf)……………Page 1 onwards Note: Last page is the translation of the book, either in English or Filipino. It is done in paragraph form. Indent the first sentence. Translate it by ideas, not by sentence.

1.Cover page…………..i 2. Copy right page……ii 3. Preface………………..iii a.Learning Area: g. Learning Resource Location b. Grade Level: c. LR Type: d. Competency and Competency code: e. Quarter/Week f. Date of Development

5 4. Acknowledgement…….iv 5. Table of Contents…….v

6 WHAT IS A MODULE According to Russel (1974), a module is an instructional package dealing with a single conceptual unit of subject matter. A Module is designed to help students accomplish certain well-defined objectives. With the use of a module, instruction can be individualized. Learners can go through the material at their own pace and at their own time. Module can also be used to complement instruction

7 MODULE ELEMENTS 1. Title 2. Overview 3. Learning Competency/ies 4. Pre-test 5. Basic Concepts 6. Activities/Exercises 7. Summary 8. Post Test 9. References

8 TITLE – Shows the specific topic
- Should be clear, concise and reflective of its content ex. MATTERS THAT UNDERGO DECAY

9 OVERVIEW Serves as the introduction of the module
Describes its scope and rationale

10 Ex. This lesson discusses what an instructional module is all about, its part and the different formats used in writing it. Also included are pointers in writing instructional objective and some tips for effective writing. Modules allow the learners to go through the material at their own pace. They may be used for self-instruction or to complement instruction.

11 COMPETENCIES Statement of learning objective/s or competency/ies
Help you to focus and organize the information you want to present Help the learners do self-evaluation Must be SMART Must be based on K-12 Curriculum Guide (except Grade Vl at this time)

12 Example: After going through this module, you should be able to: 1
Example: After going through this module, you should be able to: 1. Identify the matters that undergo decay 2.Classify the materials that undergo decay Or At the end of this presentation, you are expected to: Identify the matters that undergo decay

13 BASIC CONCEPTS Must be focused on the topic/title
Ex. Nouns are names of persons, places, things and animals. Nouns are classified into: 1. Proper 2. Common Noun

14 PRE-TEST Should jibe with the competencies/objectives
Must be the same with the post test

15 ACTIVITIES Activities should be described. Questions are clearly stated. Activities can be given names like in the SIM ex. Activity 1: Let’s Do Our Measurement Activity 2 : Find Me Illustrations and tables can be included. Activities should jibe with the competency/ies This part can have words of encouragement at the bottom of the page like You are doing great, proceed to the next.

16 SUMMARY Some sort of generalization or conclusion of the lesson
This is very much related to the objectives Important notes on the lesson are mentioned particularly with reference to the objectives Values can be integrated in this portion, like Extra care should be considered in handling matters that decay. Proper waste segregation is necessary.

17 POST TEST -Should be the same with the pre-test in order to determine the variance

18 REFERENCES This is a list of books or guides used in preparing the module or other materials that may be consulted for further understanding or appreciation of the lesson presented.

1.Cover Page 5. Enrichment Title - 3 activities Grade Level 6. Reference Card Name of the Writer 7. Answer Key 2. Guide Card Main Tasks Sub-task 3. Activity Card - 3 activities 4. Assessment Card- 3 activities


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