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Political theory and law

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Presentation on theme: "Political theory and law"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political theory and law
Exam Preparation

2 Political theory and law
How to write an essay?

3 Political theory and law
What is an essay? An organised collection of YOUR IDEAS about literary texts

4 Political theory and law
1st Step: Read the question / title Read the question carefully and check that you understand what you are being asked to do. Identify key instructions such as: account for, assess, compare, contrast, describe, discuss, evaluate, explain, etc.

5 Political theory and law
2nd step: Prepare an outline Identify the key issues  Find an argument List the main points which will form the basis of your argument or discussion Identify the key arguments from the reading / course material

6 Political theory and law
3rd Step: Structure your essay An essay consists of a beginning, a middle and an end: Introduction, which explores the question, provides context and indicates the direction or structure of the argument to follow. Discussion, which develops a logical argument from a series of points and supports it with relevant evidence such as facts, examples, illustrations, theoretical references. Conclusion, which draws together your ideas, summarises your argument and demonstrates that you have answered the question.

7 Political theory and law
Democracy is the only form of legitimate government. Discuss

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