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India Viola Kluck.

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1 India Viola Kluck

2 People all over India use the word “namaste” and the gesture that accompanies it when they meet each other and when they say goodbye. Indians pray in the morning and at before bed everyday. Norms

3 Indians remove their shoes when entering any home or place of worship, even in some shops, so men and women alike always keep their feet clean and presentable Toilet paper is not used in most restrooms. There is a pitcher of water used to clean yourself up, and you must only use your left hand. That way, during the day you are only allowed to use your right hand for any activity. Folkways

4 Mores Statistics show that 92 women are raped everyday in India.
Rape is seen as a woman’s fault instead of the man’s and it brings shame into their home, causing even more punishment for the women. Mores

5 Rape laws against men in India are very rarely enforced, causing more women to become victims of sexual and physical abuse. Marital rape is legal in India, so a husband or someone legally married to their spouse has a right to have sexual encounters with their partner whether the partner consents or not. Laws against underage marriage are not commonly enforced. It is very common for a girl under the age of 11 to marry someone over the age of 40. Laws

6 Family is a very important value in India
Family is a very important value in India. Most people live with their parents until their parents pass away and spend a lot of quality time with their families. Religion is another important value and prayer must be performed at lest twice a day or some people are punished. Values

7 Material vs. Nonmaterial
People in the Indian culture care more about family and culture rather than materialistic items. Material vs. Nonmaterial

8 Cricket is the most popular form of past time or entertainment in India.
India is famous for different types of pottery and sculpture. Arts and Leisure

9 Communication and Education
Hindi is the language most commonly used in India. It is common for children and young adults to not attend any form of school and to work instead in the poorer areas of India. It is also not traditional for women to go to college or a further education other than elementary school, if any form of education at all. In cities and more populated areas, it is more common for people to have at least a high school degree. Communication and Education

10 India has a President and a Prime Minister
India has a President and a Prime Minister. The President is Ram Nath Kovind, and the Prime minister is Narenra Modi. Government

11 Jewelry, pottery, refined petroleum, diamonds, and fabrics are the main items for income in India.

12 India is not very advanced with their forms of technology, so it is uncommon in certain areas of the country to have flat screen TV’s or their own cell phones. In the larger cities where money is more prevalent, people are more likely to have the same forms of technology that we have in America. Technology

13 Sources

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