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Student Magazine Front Page and Contents Page Analysis

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1 Student Magazine Front Page and Contents Page Analysis
Maddie Ellis

2 Front cover and Contents Page

3 How have I used magazine features and mise-en-scene effectively?
I have managed to effectively incorporate a lot of features often seen on magazine covers into my front cover and contents page pieces. For example, the top of my front page features a bold title which stands out to the consumer. The front cover features cover lines stating the content of the magazine which is a standard feature of any cover. The main image relates to what the magazine is about as it depicts a school student. The contents page includes images related to the articles of the magazine and states what is on each page. I have used mise-en-scene effectively within my magazine front cover as the photo used on the front cover page features a student holding school books. These props relate to the theme of the magazine as it is a student magazine. By using this image, it lets the consumer/target audience (students) know what the contents of the magazine will be.

4 How have I attracted a potential readership or audience?
In both the front cover and contents page I have used bright colours and bold text to attract the target market (students). I have also features images and text (for example, in the cover lines) which relate to school life and work. How have my PhotoShop skills developed since my Time magazine work? What tools am I able to use effectively? I am now able to use photoshop a lot more quickly than I could when creating my Time magazine cover, as the more I used it the more familiar I became with the features if the programme. One particular feature I am now able to use effectively is the shapes tool. By using this tool I was able to create the banner which is placed across both pages. I was also able to use this tool to create the spots on the background of the contents page which made it look more interesting and eye-catching.

5 What would I change if I was to redo either piece?
Front Page: If I was to redo my front page, I think I would use a different colour scheme as it is not very vibrant or colourful. This could make it less appealing to the target audience. I would also make the font of the cover lines slightly smaller in order to be able to fit more information onto the page. Context Page: If I was to redo my context page, I would include a background colour or image as the finished page looks slightly bare. I would also include one main image instead of lots of individual images as I believe this makes the page look unprofessional.

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