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Sedimentary Rocks Sediments Lithification Deposition Transport Erosion

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary Rocks Sediments Lithification Deposition Transport Erosion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary Rocks Sediments Lithification Deposition Transport Erosion

2 Weathering Mechanical & Chemical Weathering
The sediments that make up sedimentary rocks are produced by: Mechanical & Chemical Weathering

3 Mechanical Weathering

4 Chemical Weathering

5 Mineral Stability

6 Products of Weathering
Lithic (Rock) Fragments (granite, basalt, schist, etc.) Dissolved Ions (Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, etc.) Rust Minerals (Hematite, Goertite, etc.) Clay Minerals (Bentonite, Montmorillonite, etc.) Residual Minerals (Quartz, Orthoclase, Muscovite, etc.)

7 Erosion & Transport Water Wind Ice Gravity

8 Deposition

9 Lithification Sediment Rock

10 Cementation Typical Cement: Calcite Quartz

11 Sedimentary Rocks Identification Note: Use the same terms to describe
sediments & sedimentary rocks. Only difference is lithification!

12 Rock Identification is based on:
Composition What minerals make up the rock? Texture What is the shape, size and orientation of the mineral grains that make up the rock? Major Difference: Crystalline vs. Clastic

13 Types of Sedimentary Rocks
Detrital Rocks Chemical Rocks vs.

14 Difference: Texture Detrital (Clastic Texture) vs
Difference: Texture Detrital (Clastic Texture) vs. Chemical (Crystalline Texture)

15 Detrital Rock Composition
Detrital Rocks Lithic Fragments Quartz Clay Minerals Fossil Fragments Rust Minerals Orthoclase Muscovite / Biotite

16 Detrital Rock Texture Clastic Texture Grain Size Grain Sorting
Grain Rounding Sediment Maturity

17 Grain Size Gravel 2mm Sand 1/16 mm Mud - Silt 1/256 mm Mud - Clay

18 Detrital Rock Names (Based Primarily on Grain Size)
Gravel Sized: Conglomerate Sand Sized: Sandstone Mud Sized: Mudstone Siltstone Shale

19 Sorting

20 Grain Roundness

21 Gravel Sized Detrital Rocks (Subdivided Based on Grain Roundness)
Conglomerate Breccia

22 Maturity Immature Mature Well Sorted Poorly Sorted Well Rounded
All Quartz Immature Poorly Sorted Angular grains Mixed Composition including clay

23 Sandstones (Subdivided based on maturity)
Quartz Sandstone Arkose (Sandstone) Lithic Sandstone Sandstones (Subdivided based on maturity) Greywacke

24 Sandstones Under a Scope

25 Detrital Sedimentary Rock ID

26 Chemical Rock Texture Crystalline Texture Coarse Fine

27 Chemical Sedimentary Rocks (Names based primarily on composition)
Calcite Quartz (silica) Halite Gypsum “Carbon” / Plant Remains Basic Rock Name Limestone Chert Rock Salt Rock Gypsum Peat or Coal

28 Chemical Rocks (Names based mainly on composition)
Crystalline Limestone Limestones Fossiliferous Limestone Chalk

29 Chemical Rocks (cont.) Evaportites Chert Rock Salt Rock Gypsum Coal

30 Chemical Sedimentary Rock ID

31 Sedimentary Rocks on Earth

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