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Presentation on theme: "Pointers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pointers

2 Pointers are methods of tracking stars in the night sky
Pointers are methods of tracking stars in the night sky. This can be achieved by navigating through the constellations. Pointers do what they say. They just point in the direction of a star from the location of the constellation.

3 Sirius in the Canis Major constellation.
The brightest star in Canis Major also is the brightest in the entire night sky — brilliant Sirius, which is just 8.6 light-years away. That's only twice as far as our closest stellar neighbour.

4 Canis Major can be found near the constellation Orion
Canis Major can be found near the constellation Orion. Directly from Orion’s belt, go South-West and you’ll find Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major. ‘…It’s the bright one…’ Lauren.

5 Aldebaran is in the constellation of Taurus
Aldebaran is in the constellation of Taurus. Aldebaran is by far the brightest, and therefore the Alpha, star of the constellation Taurus

6 From the tip of Orion’s most northern star
From the tip of Orion’s most northern star. Look to the North-east of it and you’ll find the constellation Taurus. Aldebaran is the brightest star there.

7 Polaris is in the constellation of Ursa Minor
Polaris is in the constellation of Ursa Minor. Again it’s the brightest star in the constellation.

8 Ursa Minor is located inside the curve of the body of the constellation Draco, the Dragon. Polaris is known as the North Star, and it is directly above your head in the night sky.

9 Pollux and Castor are the twin stars in the constellation Gemini.

10 Gemini can be found from either going North-west of Orion, or from any of the constellations shown in the diagram.

11 Archturus is in the constellation of Bootes
Archturus is in the constellation of Bootes. It is an alpha magnitude star.


13 SPICA Found in the constellation Virgo.

14 It is situated South-easterly of Arcturus.


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