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Wonder Box Questions!!!.

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1 Wonder Box Questions!!!

2 How do people get headaches?
Tension headaches: most common headache. (Muscle) Up to 90% of adults have had tension headaches. Tension headaches occur more commonly among women than men. Migraine headaches: second most common headache. (Arterial/ Veins) An estimated 28 million people in the United States (about 12% of the population) will experience a migraine headache. Migraine headaches affect children as well as adults. More women than men are affected.

3 What is dandruff? The shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp
When the skin cells on our scalp are renewed the old ones are pushed to the surface and out of the scalp about 50% of people in North America suffer from dandruff.

4 What is the brain made of?
About two-thirds of your brain is composed of fats. Our brains are a big bundle of nerve cells, which are gray, white, and a little pink in color and have a texture There are nerves that are as thin as an individual hair, or others that are as large a ½ inch thick rope disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's appear to be from membrane loss of fat

5 How do chips form & could hot chips harm you?
Hot, spicy foods raise body temperature. It can also increase the need to eat by causing more saliva to be produced, possibly leading to over eating. But other then that, in moderation, no.

6 When people lose weight where does it go?
RESPIRATION Stored food is converted to energy as your body needs it If you intake more the body stores more & weight is gained If you use the energy the body has less stored & weight is lost

7 How do people get breast cancer?
Your body creates cells & replaces those that die with new ones. Most cell replacements are healthy, but some change into a harmful cell. These harmful cells can divide quickly over and over again without dying, making many, many copies of itself, this is “cancer.” There are many different kinds of cancer, named by where they form in the body. This group of harmful copies is called a cancer tumor. Tumors can form anywhere in the body & will not stop growing or spreading. When these cells spread it’s called metastasis. This causes sickness in the body as the healthy body tries to fight the cells.

8 Tumors can be benign, which means the lump is not cancer
Tumors can be benign, which means the lump is not cancer. Or the lump can be malignant, which is cancer. A tumor is benign until it spreads to another area of the body (metastasis) Having a family history, being older, and a persons diet and lifestyle choices can affect their risk of having cancer. Women with breast cancer can have healthy lives after treatment if a lump is caught early. Doctors and scientists are working to find cures. They are researching new medicines that may even help prevent the disease. For now, it's important for women to catch the disease early.

9 Why do we have fingernails & how are they made?
The base of the fingernails and toenails, as well as some of the nail along both sides of the nail, are embedded into the skin nails are made of protein (that is also in skin and hair). As new cells grow in the matrix, the older cells are pushed out, compacted and take on the familiar flattened, hardened form of the fingernail.

10 How does hair turn gray or white?
Hair is white. It gets its natural color from a type of pigment called melanin. The natural color of our hair depends upon the amount of melanin in the middle layer of the hair shaft. hair turns gray because of age and genetics, in that genes regulate when the pigment runs out of each individual hair follicle. This occurs at different rates in different hair follicles

11 What is in glow sticks?

12 How is chocolate made?

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