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Mikrobiologi Fak Peternakan

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1 Mikrobiologi Fak Peternakan
Disiapkan oleh Prof Dr.drh.Pratiwi Ts, MS 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

2 Ragam mikrobiologi Sub mikroscopis 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

3 Bacteria The smallest cells Visible only with the aid of a microscope
The smallest bacteria: Chlamydia and Rickettsia micrometer Larger bacteria: many microns in length 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

4 I. The same microorganism must be present in every case of the disease
Koch’s Postulates: Set of guidelines which provides a definite correlation between the pathogen and the associated disease it cause in it’s host I. The same microorganism must be present in every case of the disease II. The pathogen must be isolated and retrieved from the diseased host, grown in pure culture and identified III. The same disease must be produced when the pathogen from pure culture is introduced into a healthy host IV. The pathogen must be recovered from the inoculated animal and must be shown to be the original organism (?) 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

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6 Introduction: Microorganisms – several classes of living beings
Based on the organization of their cellular structures, all living cells can be divided into two groups: eukaryotic and prokaryotic Eukaryotic cell types - Animals, plants, fungi, protozoans, and algae Prokaryotic cell types - bacteria & blue green algae Dr Ekta Chourasia

7 SIZE OF BACTERIA Bacteria of medical importance
Unit for measurement : Micron or micrometer,μm: 1μm=10-3mm Size: Varies with kinds of bacteria, and also related to their age and external environment. Bacteria of medical importance 0.2 – 1.5 µm in diameter 3 – 5 µm in length 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

8 Ukuran dan morphologi 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

9 Methods Simple staining;
Microscope Light Microscope Electron Microscope Darkfield Microscope Phase Contrast Microscope Fluorescence Microscope Cofocal Microscope) Staining Methods Simple staining; Differential staining ( Gram stain, Acid-fast stain), Special staining( Negative stain, Spore stain, Flagella stain) 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

10 Microscopic measurement
Cocci: sphere, 1μm Bacilli: rods , μm in width -3 μm in length Spiral bacteria: 1~3 μm in length and μm in width 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

11 Structure of Bacteria Particular structures capsule flagella pili
spore 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

12 Essential structures cell wall cell membrane Cytoplasm nuclear material
7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

13 Shape of Bacteria Cocci – spherical/ oval shaped major groups
Bacilli – rod shaped Vibrios – comma shaped Spirilla – rigid spiral forms Spirochetes – flexible spiral forms Actinomycetes – branching filamentous bacteria Mycoplasmas – lack cell wall 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

14 Arrangement of bacteria: Cocci
Coccus Cocci in pair – Diplococcus Tetrad – groups of four Cocci in chain - Streptococci Sarcina – groups of eight Cocci in cluster - Staphylococci Dr Ekta Chourasia

15 Bacterial shape Sperical (coccus) Rod-shaped Spiral
Spiral or spirillum Helix or spirochete 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

16 Bacterial arrangement
Diplococcus Chains: streptococcus Clusters: staphylococcus Packets of eight:sarcina 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

17 Other shapes of bacteria
Comma shaped Spirilla Spirochetes Dr Ekta Chourasia

18 Arrangement of bacteria: Bacilli
Dr Ekta Chourasia

19 Shape Spherical: coccus (Staphyloccus)
Rod-shaped: bacillus (Escherichia) Snakelike: spirillum (Treponema) Branched filamentous (Nocardia and Actinomyces) ( Clusters: diplococcus (Neisseria) chains (Streptococcus) grapelike (Staphylococcus) ) 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

20 Anatomy of A Bacterial Cell
Outer layer – two components: Rigid cell wall Cytoplasmic (Cell/ Plasma) membrane – present beneath cell wall Cytoplasm – cytoplasmic inclusions, ribosomes, mesosomes and nucleus Additional structures – plasmid, slime layer, capsule, flagella, fimbriae (pili), spores Dr Ekta Chourasia

21 Staining Simple Differential: Gram and Acid-fast stain
Gram-stain : cell wall Acid fast stain : Mycobacterium Negative stain : Indian ink (capsule) Special staining 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

22 1884: Christian Gram: First publication for the Gram stain method)
Editor's note: I would like to testify that I have found the Gram method to be one of the best and for many cases the best method which I have ever used for staining Schizomycetes. Gram + Gram - Cell wall Cell (inner) membrane Outer membrane Ribosomes Granule Nucleoid Cell membrane Capsule Flagellum Pili Gram, C Ueber die isolirte Farbung der Schizomyceten in SchnittÄund Trockenpraparaten. Fortschritte der Medicin, Vol. 2, pages 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

23 Figure: 04-28 Caption: Cell walls of Bacteria. (a,b) Schematic diagrams of gram-positive and gram-negative cell walls. 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

24 Differential staining ( Gram stain, Acid-fast stain),
Staining Methods Simple staining; Differential staining ( Gram stain, Acid-fast stain), Special staining( Negative stain, Spore stain, Flagella stain) 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

25 Gram stain Two major classes of bacteria are distinguished:
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria Except: Mycobacteria (waxy outer shell , distinguished by acid fast stain) Mycoplasmas(no peptidoglycan) 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

26 Figure: 04-04a-01 Caption: The Gram stain. (a) Steps in the Gram stain procedure. 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

27 Figure: 04-04a-02 Caption: The Gram stain. (a) Steps in the Gram stain procedure. 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

28 Bacterial growth curve
Lag phase Exponential phase Stationary phase Death phase 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

29 Figure: 06-01 Caption: The general process of binary fission in a rod-shaped prokaryote. For simplicity, the nucleoid is depicted as a single circle in green. 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

30 Figure: 06-08 Caption: Typical growth curve for a bacterial population. See Sections 6.5 and 6.6 for a description of the counting methods employed. 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

31 Bacterial growth Bacterial replication Two equivalent daughter cells
Binary fission (Escherichia coli: 20 minutes Mycobacterium much slower: 12-24h) 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

32 35 kinds of infectious diseases
class one: plague, cholera class two: viral hepatitis, bacillary dysentery and intestinal amebiasis, typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever, AIDS, gonorrhea , avariosis, poliomyelitis, measles, pertussis, diphtheria, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, scarler fever, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, rabies, leptospirosis, brucellosis, anthrax, typhus, kala-azar, epidemic encephalitis B, malaria, dengue fever, lung tuberculosis, fetal tetanus class three:schistosomiasis , filariasis, hydatid disease, leprosy , influenza, mumps, rubella, infectious dysentery, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

33 Spores Resistant to harsh conditions
(loss of nutritional requirement, dessication, intense heat, radiation and attack by most enzymes and chemical agents) 6-8 hours 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

34 Kinds of spores Endospore: Bacillus subtilis
Terminal endospore: Clostridium tetani ‘drumstick’ Subterminal: Clostridium botulinum 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

35 Endospores (spores) Identification of Bacteria Pathogenesis Resistance
7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

36 Endospores (spores) Dormant cell Resistant to adverse conditions
- high temperatures - organic solvents Produced when starved Contain calcium dipicolinate DPA, Dipicolinic acid Bacillus and Clostridium 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

37 Figure: 04-62 Caption: Formation of the endospore. Phase contrast photomicrographs are of cells of Clostridium pascui. 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

38 Shape & position of bacterial spore
Oval central Spherical central Non bulging Oval sub terminal Oval sub terminal Bulging Oval terminal Spherical terminal Free spore Dr Ekta Chourasia

39 Metabolism Catabolism: substrate breakdown and conversation into usable energy Anabolism: synthesis of cellular constituents (cell wall, proteins,fatty acids, nucleic acids 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

40 Bacterial growth Bacterial replication Two equivalent daughter cells
Binary fission (Escherichia coli: 20 minutes Mycobacterium much slower: 12-24h) 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

41 Figure: 01-04 Caption: The machine and coding functions of the cell. In order for a cell to reproduce itself there must be an adequate supply of energy and precursors for the synthesis of new macromolecules, the genetic instructions must be replicated such that upon division each cell receives a copy, and genes must be expressed (the processes of transcription and translation) to form the proper amounts of necessary proteins and other macromolecules that will make up the new cell. 7/5/2018 mikro PTS - pet

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