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Internet Protocol Formats

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1 Internet Protocol Formats
(seen as data structure diagrams)

2 IP (V4) Packet source address destination address
byte byte byte byte 3 4 8 Version IHL Serv. Type Total Length Identifcation flags Fragment Offset TTL Protocol Header Checksum 12 16 20 source address destination address options Unused Padding data ... – up to 65 K including heading info

3 IP (V6) Packet source address destination address data – up to 65K
byte byte byte byte 3 4 8 Version Traffic Class (16) Flow Label (20 bits) Payload Length Next Hops source address 24 40 destination address data – up to 65K

4 UDP Header IP Header UDP Header Data…. Source Port Destination Port
IP Header UDP Header Data…. UDP Header byte byte byte byte 3 4 8 Source Port Destination Port Length Checksum data

5 TCP Header Sequence Number Acknowlegement Number U A P R S F Window
byte byte byte byte 3 Source Port Dest. Port Sequence Number Acknowlegement Number U A P R S F Window Offset Reserved Checksum Urgent Pointer options Unused Padding Data Like UDP... All this sits inside the data area of an IP packet

6 TFTP Protocol OpCode message RRQ/WRQ filename…
The opcode is one of: RRQ (read), WWQ (write), Data, ACK or ERROR RRQ/WRQ filename… DATA Block # data: 0–512 bytes (size in TCP header) ACK Block # ERROR Error # message This is stored in the data area of the TCP header

7 RTPC (incomplete) byte byte byte byte 3 Type Code Checksum

8 BOOTP Source:

9 SMTP (basic) byte byte byte byte 3 Type Code Checksum

10 ICMP (basic) byte byte byte byte 3 Type Code Checksum

11 ICMP Type 3 – Dest. Unreachable
byte byte byte byte 3 Type Code Checksum Unused Internet Header + 64 bits of original datagram

12 ICMP Types 8 (echo) 0 (echo Reply)
byte byte byte byte 3 Type Code Checksum Identifier Sequence Number Data ....

13 ICMP Timestamp and Reply (Types 13,14 )
byte byte byte byte 3 Type Code Checksum Identifier Sequence Number Original Timestamp receipt Timestamp @ dest. reply

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