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Hunting down the Alien (gene)!

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1 Hunting down the Alien (gene)!
Lavanya Rishishwar School of Biology

2 Primary Objectives HGT PAI An understanding of HGT
Methods of analyzing HGTs Finding candidate HGT regions in a genome PAI An understanding of PAI Searching for PAIs using PAIdb and PAI Finder

3 Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)
Part - I Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)

4 What is the science that studies vertical transfer of genes?
Introduction HGT, also known as Lateral Gene Transfer (LGT), is the transfer of genetic material between organisms other than through vertical gene transfer They are “alien” regions in the genome (chromosome or plasmids) What is the science that studies vertical transfer of genes?

5 Mechanisms

6 Why they are interesting?
Bacteria can steal a beneficial gene that arose in another cell instead of waiting for it to evolve, e.g. Antibiotic Resistance Pathogenecity If a bacterium loses a gene, it can reacquire it through HGT

7 Why they are interesting?
There is a limit to which it can acquire these genes: Bigger the genome, slower the replication LGT may not always be functional: Non-coding LGT Duplicate copy Requires other genes Might disrupt a gene at the insertion site Might interfere with existing function Acquiring a selfish gene – e.g. a viral insertion

8 How can we detect them?

9 Pathogenicity Islands
Part - II Pathogenicity Islands

10 Introduction HGT! They are mobile genetic elements that confer virulence to a pathogen Could be located on the chromosome or the plasmid

11 PAIdb and PAI Finder

12 Part - III Utility

13 An example

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