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Presentation on theme: "Molecules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molecules

2 Compounds When the atoms of different kinds of elements bond together, they make a molecule called a compound How many different types of elements are there? How many types of molecules (compounds)?

3 Molecular Formula of a Chemical Compound
The molecular formula is how you write which atoms are bonded together to make the compound (molecule) For example: Water Molecular Formula: H20

4 NaCl Salt How many different types of elements are found in this chemical compound? List all of the elements found in this chemical compound. How many of each element? How many elements/atoms are there all together? 2 2. Na (Sodium) and Cl (Chlorine) 3. 1 Sodium and 1 Chlorine = 2

5 Sulfuric Acid - H2SO4 How many different types of elements are found in this chemical compound? List all of the elements found in this chemical compound. How many of each element? How many elements/atoms are there all together? 3 2. H (Hydrogen), S (sulfur), O (oxygen) 3. 2 Hydrogen, 1 Sulfur, 4 oxygen = 7

6 Sucrose - C12H22O11 How many different types of elements are found in this chemical compound? List all of the elements found in this chemical compound. How many of each element? How many elements/atoms are there all together? 3 2. C (Carbon), H (Hydrogen), O (Oxygen) 3. 12 Carbon, 22 Hydrogen, 11 oxygen = 45

7 What happens if you change just one little thing?
What happens if you get rid of one element’s atom or add one?

8 States of Matter 3 states/phases: Solid, liquid and gas
Atoms and molecules don’t change, the way they move does (physical change, not chemical change) It changes when you add energy (heat or pressure) or lower the temperature

9 3 States Ice (solid) Lowest energy and temperature
Molecules are held together tightly and hardly move Liquid Molecules moving around more Gas Steam or vapor Molecules are hotter, looser and move faster


11 Changes in State To change state you add kinetic energy (energy of movement) or take away kinetic energy


13 212* F 32*F



16 What is their natural phase? (state at room temperature)
gas gas gas Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid Solid Solid What is their natural phase? (state at room temperature)

17 Dry Ice Frozen Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Carbon Dioxide is a gas at room temperature and freezes solid at degrees Fahrenheit (-78.5 degrees C) (melting point) Carbon Dioxide changes directly from a solid to a gas (sublimation)

18 Dry Ice Make sure to wear goggles and gloves
Do not touch the dry ice, just look Slowly pour water over it and see what happens Question: Why does water make dry ice sublimate more quickly?

19 Choose an activity: Molecular Formula/ Chemical Compound Practice
2. Research on a Google Doc (share with Sascha): What is plasma? 3. Research on a Google Doc (share with Sascha): Why does dry ice sublimate and not melt (hint: pressure and temperature)

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