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LeicesterShire Case Recording & Petra Session 1.

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Presentation on theme: "LeicesterShire Case Recording & Petra Session 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 LeicesterShire Case Recording & Petra Session 1

2 Session Objectives Note Taking & Case recording-using Grows model
Case checking and feedback Petra

3 Why do we need to take notes?
Record relevant details Help summarise Record what information given to client Record next step agreed with client Make case record after the interview Identify any Research & Campaign/ Discrimination issues

4 Why do we need to keep case records?
to record advice given to individual clients and any work still to be done. to check to ensure accurate and complete advice has been given to use records to identify training and development needs of advisers/Assessors to show that we are giving a quality service to its clients to provide evidence to support research and campaign work to produce statistics for our funders to provide key evidence in the event of a complaint against us to provide continuity if client returns to give copy to client if requested

5 Why is the quality of writing important?
Makes case record easier to check Provides clear evidence for quality reviews Gives continuity when new adviser sees a client returning with the same problem To ensure that nothing is written that may cause offence to client if given a copy

6 Why do we need Case Checking
We have to ensure that the quality of our work is appropriate for satisfying the requirements of our funders, quality marks and standards Case checking assesses quality of information or advice given to clients to ensure assessors/ advisors are meeting the necessary standards REMEMBER Service leaders/Supervisors are assessing the quality of the information/advice not the individual, feedback given to you is for you to be able improve your work.

7 Quality Exercise You have been given ‘live’ write ups from Petra; 1xpoor, 1xgood Have a look at the comments from the quality team and compare the differences in the feedback given. Now in your groups have a go at critically evaluating some example write ups and decide which is poor, met or good We will then discuss as a group your answers

8 3rd Party Calls We can give information to anyone, however if an appointment is needed we need to make sure we have the client attending and not a third party. If the client has someone with them as long as they can give consent for us to talk to them then it is ok.

9 Important!! If you think there may be a discrimination or immigration issue involved, you should consult your advice session supervisor immediately. It will almost always result in the client needing full advice from a bureau adviser or a referral to an appropriate organisation.

10 Introduction to Petra You will now get an opportunity to practice using the Petra system. You should find a link to the Petra Training portal in favourites Username: cabsrv\leicestertraining1 Password: Charity2015

11 Introduction to Petra From your handouts you will be shown how to:
Create a new client Search for an existing client on the system Adding a Gateway to the client’s record AIC codes Make a Pension Wise referral Once you start volunteering you will be given your own Petra log in-make sure you have read Petra Acceptable Use Policy & ICT Policy!!

12 Grows model Goal - What does the Client want help with ?
Reality - What are the facts ? Options - What can the Client do ? What Will the Client do (& When) ? Source of information and advice given

13 Goal Identified what the client wants to achieve and why they have come to us (one line Statement). This is usually a very simple statement e.g. – Client asked for help in managing multiple debts. or Client asked for a benefits check

14 Reality (getting the facts)
Evidence that All relevant questions were asked in order to get a full picture All relevant details were recorded e.g. dates and times, deadlines, household incomes All information was gathered from the client’s documents e.g. amount of debt (s), name of the creditor (s), is enforcement action being taken, length of employment service, details of tenancy Client’s documents were copied where appropriate Details of action already taken by the client were recorded

15 Options Is there any information on CAPS? Are there any emergencies?
Are there any capacity or capability issues? Will there be any consequences to client not being seen by adviser ?

16 What & When Will the client do it?
What will the client do now? (next Steps Assisted information Appointment Sign post/ referral Was practical assistance offered? E.g. form filling, drafting letters etc. Was the client made aware any time limits? Was further help offered? If so does client know what to do and when?

17 Source of information given
Are all sources recorded? These will include: Menu refs from CAPS Leaflets Supervisors Local Help live

18 Guidelines for plain English
10 – 15 words per sentence Only one main point per sentence Use paragraphs No more than 3 sentences to a paragraph Use bullet points for lists Use simple words, the more one or two syllable words the better

19 10 – 15 words per sentence The client returned the burnt out toaster to Curry's and said that as it was only three months old she would like a straight replacement or an upgrade to a better model and she would be prepared to pay the difference or a refund of the purchase price.

20 10 – 15 words per sentence Better
The Client returned the burnt out toaster to Currys. As it was only three months old she asked for a straight replacement. She would also accept an upgrade to a better model and pay the difference. She was also prepared to accept a refund. Or The Client returned the burnt out toaster to Currys. As it was only three months old she asked for a straight replacement. an upgrade to a better model and pay the difference. a refund

21 One main point per sentence
Original The Client said she needed help and advice because her debts were becoming unmanageable, she could soon be out of a job, her husband had left her, her teenage children were out of control and could be taken into care and her dog had just bitten the neighbour

22 One main point per sentence
Simplified The client said that she needed advice about her debts becoming unmanageable losing her job her husband leaving her the possibility of her children being taken into care her dog biting the neighbour

23 Use of bullet points A list in which each point is a complete sentence
The most common ways of using bullet points. A list in which each point is a complete sentence The client said that there were three areas for which she was seeking advice. Debts were becoming unmanageable. Client considers that she has been unfairly dismissed. Client does not understand the benefit system. A list of very short points The Client was asked for: Proof of identity A recent pay slip A recent bank statement

24 Use simple words Simplified
Original The client alluded to the fact that she was awaiting to receive the necessary forms from DWP and on this happening she would return to the bureau for assistance in completing them and submitting them within the laid down deadline. Simplified When the client gets the forms from the DWP she will return for help in filling them in. She can then post them in time.

25 Unstructured notes exercise

26 Self Study & Resources all-roles/Petra-training1/ Booklets: Recording client cases in Petra 1 Petra handbook for gateway assessors and generalist advisers

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