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MATHEMATICS Matrix Multiplication

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1 MATHEMATICS Matrix Multiplication
by Dr. Eman Saad & Dr. Shorouk Ossama

2 Matrix Multiplication:
We now need to define the concept of the product of two matrices. Not All Matrices Can Be Multiplied: they must have the right shape, or be conformable for multiplication to be defined. The product of A and B, in this order, is written as AB (no product sign is used), but it is only defined if the number of columns in A equals the number of rows in B. The product BA might not exist, and if it does, it will not in general be equal to AB.

3 The product AB is defined as the 1x1 matrix C given by:
Let us look at the case where A is a 1x3 matrix, which is a row vector, and B is a 3x1 matrix, which is a column vector, given by: The product AB is defined as the 1x1 matrix C given by: Here, the single remaining element is the sum of the products of corresponding elements from the row in A and the column in B, Thus the product of a 1x3 matrix and a 3x1 matrix is a 1x1 matrix, This is known as a row-on-column operation. 1x3 3x1 1x1

4 The product AB is now a 2x2 matrix C given by:
Suppose now that A is a 2x3 matrix and that B is a 3x2 matrix which are given by: The product AB is now a 2x2 matrix C given by: Note that each row in A 'operates' on each column in B giving four elements in the 2x2 matrix C. 2x3 3x2 2x3 3x2 2x2

5 Multiplication Rule: Example: AB is a 5x5 matrix BA is a 4x4 matrix
The element in the ith row and jth column of the product consist of the row-on-column product of the ith row A and jth column in B. Example: If A is a 5x4 matrix, B is a 4x5 matrix and C is a 6x4 matrix, which is following products are defined: AB, BA, AC, CB, (AB)C, (CB)A? AB is a 5x5 matrix BA is a 4x4 matrix AC is not defined CB is a 6x5 matrix AB is a 5x5 matrix; (AB) C is not defined CB is a 6x5 matrix; (CB) A is a 6x4 matrix

6 Example: Find AB if: We have 2x3 3x2 2x2

7 Example 1: Consider the matrices
Since A is a 2 × 3 matrix and B is a 3 × 4 matrix, the product AB is a 2 × 4 matrix. To determine, for example, the entry in row2 and column 3 of AB , we single out row 2 from A and column 3 from B.

8 (2 · 4) + (6 · 3) + (0 · 5) = 26 (1 · 3) + (2 · 1) + (4 · 2) = 13
2x4 (2 · 4) + (6 · 3) + (0 · 5) = 26 The entry in row 1 and column 4 of AB is computed as follows: (1 · 3) + (2 · 1) + (4 · 2) = 13


10 Exercise: A ( B + C ) = AB + AC (distributive law of addition)
If: Find AB and BA Note: this example illustrates the point that AB be a zero matrix without either A or B or AB being Zero. A ( B + C ) = AB + AC (distributive law of addition) A (BC) = (AB) C (associative law of multiplication)

11 Special Matrices: Transpose Matrix:
If A is any m × n matrix, then the transpose of A, denoted by A, is defined to be the n × m matrix that results from interchanging the rows and columns of A; that is, the first column of A is the first row of A, the second column of A is the second row of A, and so forth. Example: The following are some examples of matrices and their transposes.


13 1x3 1x1 3x2 1x1 2x3 3x1

14 ( A + B)T = AT + BT Example: Find AT, BT, (A + BT) Tand AB where:
And confirm that (AB)T = BT AT We see that: Note That: (AB)T = BT AT ( A + B)T = AT + BT 2x3 3x2 2x3 3x2

15 Diagonal Matrix: Identify Matrix:
A square matrix all of whose elements off the leading diagonal Zero is called a diagonal matrix. Identify Matrix: The diagonal matrix with all diagonal elements 1 called the identify or unit matrix. (AI =A , IA = A).

16 Application For Multiplication:
If Find the set of equations for x, y, z represented by A x = d The set of linear equations for x, y, z is: x – y + 2z = 2 3x + y – 4z = 1 -x + 2y + z = -1 3x1 3x3 3x1

17 Problem:

18 SUMMARY Pages From 35 To 36: Matrix Multiplication

19 Thanks

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