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District 5000 Leadership Seminar June 4, 2011
WELCOME District 5000 Leadership Seminar June 4, 2011
“Where Rotary is Going”
RI Strategic Plan update Don Kremer, Zone 26 Rotary Coordinator, The ROTARY COORDINATOR started July 1, 2010. There are 41 Rotary Coordinators. My support area is Zone 26. I’m honored to have 4 very knowledgeable Assistant Rotary Coordinators working with me. You will hear from them and others in the RC Team breakout session. You have a roster of the Rotary Coordinator Team in you folder. Our Teams’ primary Responsibility is to Help Districts help clubs Attain the Goals of the new RI Strategic Plan. We are here to help. During my time with you this morning: I will review why and how the New Strategic Plan came about. The Rotary International commitment and what they are doing to support the Plan implementation And what clubs can do to attain the goals of the plan. FIRST LET ME QUICKLY REVIEW SOME MEMBERSHIP TRENDS AND THE RESULTS OF BACKGROUND RESEARCH BEHIND A CHANGE IN THINKING FOR ROTARY AND RESULTED IN THE New RI Strategic Plan. NEXT SLIDE
“Membership Trends” Worldwide
Membership growth of 1-3 % for many years Last 7 years leveled at approximately 1,230,000, however, in those years, 1,200,000 new members where inducted. Given 10% loss due to uncontrollable circumstances, the math says Rotary lost approx. 50,000 members every year. Members that should still be in Rotary. Quick
“Membership Trends” Region
Region = US, Canada and Caribbean % of Rotary membership Currently 31% of Rotary membership June 99 – June 04 Down 4,000 members June 99 – June 09 Down 21,000 members Serious acceleration of a BAD TREND Quick
“Membership Trends” Zone 26
5 year history to July 1, 2010 Zone 26 Lost 1688 members or almost 5% When we look at Membership Erosion, our region and zone are major contributors. There were several research projects. I will refer to two in particular
“Non Rotarian” Focus Group
Professional men and women conducted in several countries. Their Perceptions What is Rotary? Limited awareness of purpose. I think Rotary does good things, but I don’t know exactly what they do. They have a lot of rules and not very flexible: like meet every week. I don’t have the time. Sounds like a second job.
“Non Rotarian Focus Group”
Perceptions “cont” Rotary is “Exclusive”- a big deal to get invited to join. I don’t own a business or have a high level job so I don’t think I would qualify as a member. Diversity- There are a lot of old white men. They were telling us that Rotary needs increased diversity including gender, age, ethnicity and race. Cost: It is not about cost. Its about What value will membership bring to me?
Survey of 14,000 Rotarians under 35 with less that 2 years in Rotary
What do the need to stay involved in Rotary? Growing, vibrant, and innovative clubs Focused service, action-oriented clubs Public awareness of accomplishments Engaged and participating members Simplified messages and streamline programs from Rotary International 23% OF THE REGIONS ROTARIANS HAVE LESS THAT TWO YEARS in Rotary. And, what was the key feedback? Growing, vibrant, and innovative clubs while promoting of the importance of the local and global network of friendship and fellowship. Fun, exciting, flexible and action-oriented clubs which focus on the needs of members and communities. They want Recognition for the club from the communities they serve. Engaged and participating members. THEY SEE TOO MANY MEMBERS WHO DO NOT PARTCIPATE and ARE NOT ENGAGED IN CLUB PROJECTS. Simplified messages and streamlined programs from RI that reflect the true purpose and mission of Rotary. One respondent noted something very prominent: “Rotary should be the most recognizable global network of everyday men and women working together to accomplish extraordinary measures.” Fellow Rotarians, THERE IS COMPETION FOR PEOPLE’S TIME, ENERGY AND RESOURCES. WE MUST ADD VALUE TO COMPETE. ROTARY MUST ADDRESS THE PERCEPTIONS OF NON-ROTARIANS AND THE NEEDS OF OUR MEMBERS, IF WE ARE TO GROW AND REMAIN STRONG.
Because of the MEMBERSHIP TRENDS AND RESEARCH, in 2009 the completely revised.
The plan was simplified from 7 to 3 Strategic Priorities, a new “Core Essence Statement was developed.” Third version since July 1, But that’s ok. RI is continuing to improve the plan. It is a living plan that will change over time Be assured that the plan is at the heart of the actions that Rotary will be taking over the next few years. During the Rotary Coordinator Training, President Ray Klingingsmith, RIPE Kalyan Banerjee and RIPN Sakuji Tanaka spent several days with the group. Our Rotary leaders are committed to helping us change Rotary and the Strategic Plan is the guide. The three strategic Focus Areas are at the top of the circle. The Core Essence Statement is inside the circle. RI asked a group of North Western doctorate students to develop and statement that represents who we are, what we do, why are we Rotarirans. The “Core Essence Statement “is the result. Rotary’s CORE VALUES SERVICE, FELLOWSHIP, DIVERSITY, INTEGRITY AND LEADERSHIP which The RI Board adopted in and is one of the things that sets us apart. Now lets get deeper into the focus areas of the strategic plan. NEXT SLIDE.
Three Strategic Focus Areas
Support and strengthen clubs Focus and increase humanitarian service Enhance public image and awareness The three Strategic Priorities or Focus areas. Support and Strengthen Clubs Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service Enhance Public Image and Awareness Very simple and straight forward. At the Rotary Coordinator training in Feb. ,President Ray Klinginsmith, who was the driving force behind the changes we are seeing, said “don’t get caught up in the fact that this is a Strategic Plan, meeting the GOALS that what is important. Each has some major GOALS YOU WILL NOICE THAT MANY OF THE GOALS DIRECTLY RELATE TO THE PERCEPTIONS OF NON ROTARIANS AND OUR YOUNGER ROTAIRANS!! HOLD UP HANDOUT. They are on the back of the handout. I’m not going into great detail on the GOALS because they are very clear and understandable. That is the beauty of this plan.
Support and Strengthen Clubs
GOALS Foster club innovation and flexibility Encourage clubs to participate in a variety of service activities Promote membership diversity Improve member recruitment and retention Develop leaders Start new, dynamic clubs Encourage strategic planning at club and district levels SUPPORT AND STRENGTHEN CLUBS Foster club innovation and flexibility – Think big and different Encourage clubs to participate in a variety of service activities – balance activities Promote membership diversity- More interesting club and a Huge Membership opportunity especially in our Zone Improve member recruitment and retention- If clubs attain the majority of the GOALs of the plan. THIS WILL HAPPEN Develop leaders – Business, community and Rotary Start new, dynamic clubs – Clubs that attract younger energetic members who mold the club to their needs Encourage strategic planning at club and district levels – Successful clubs have long range goals with annual objectives. When we have strong and viable clubs with multi year plan, coupled with Rotary’s continuing appeal of Community service and networking, we know The club will gain and retain Members. Humanitarian service increases. That is the result everyone is looking for.
Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service
GOALS Eradicate polio Increase sustainable service focused on New Generations programs The Rotary Foundation’s six areas of focus Increase collaboration and connection with other organizations Create significant projects both locally and internationally FOCUS AND INCREASE HUMANITARIAN SERVICE Polio eradication remains the clear humanitarian priority and we are soo close. Focus on The New Generations programs that or our future and the Rotary Foundation’s six areas of focus. Increase collaboration to leverage ourstrengths with other like minded organizations. Create significant projects both locally and internationally – increases our presence and works toward the Foundations Future Vision <<TRF’s six areas of focus are: peace and conflict prevention/resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, and economic and community development.>>
Enhance Public Image and Awareness
GOALS Unify image and brand awareness Publicize action-oriented service Promote core values Emphasize vocational service Encourage clubs to promote their networking opportunities and signature activities ENHANCE PUBLIC IMAGE AND AWARENESS We need to Portray a clear message to the world about Rotary’s actions and successes both locally and internationally. Unifying our brand image is a big challenge globally. Make sure the community knows what Rotary is doing, how your clubs is serving humanity. Emphasis vocational service in the community and club level. Let’s talk about Business!! Networking on Signature Projects attract prospective members. We will hear more about this from Ginger. Let’s look at recent actions that Rotary has taken to support the RI Plan.
Recent RI Actions Rotary Public Image Coordinator (new position)
RI Public Image Grant doubled to $4 million Two E-clubs per district Rotary Foundation “Future Vision” Pilot Club programs -(200 clubs each) Associate Members, Corporate Member, Satellite Clubs, Innovative and Flexible Clubs New “Vibrant Club Leadership Plan” - Focused on Strategic Plan Goals COL will entertain changes in membership and attendance requirements Rotary Public Image Coordinator new beginning July 1, 2011 Equivalent level as the RRFC and RC. This is an extraordinary investment by Rotary. Art and I are very excited announce to you that our current Rotary Public Image Resource Coordinator, Ginger McDonald has been elevated to the new RPIC position and we will continue to work as a team to implement the Strategic Plan. Doubling of RI Public Image Grant funding to $4 million. E-Clubs pilot started some time ago and is now an official program allowing each district to charter two e-clubs. Future Vision will encourage larger sustainable projects in the six areas of focus. Many will include other organizations and relationships. District Designated funds will increased with decisions on how to use the funds made at the district and club level. Pilot clubs: Associate members: For those who need to experience Rotary with out an immediate commitment Corporate members: Where the corporation has the membership but up to four employees can participate. Satellite clubs: Smaller groups supported by an existing club but can meet at a different place on a different day. Innovative and flexible clubs: Encourages clubs to think of creative ways to serve their communities, add value to their members, and gain membership. NEW VIBRANT CLUB LEADERSHIP PLAN Replaces the old Club Leadership Plan. Show the new Vibrant Club: Leadership Plan. 2013 COL will see resolutions make membership and attendance requirements less stringent
Planning “What If” District Governor Chain (DG, DGE, DGN, DGND)
3-5 year plan with one goal of: 100% of clubs attaining 80% of Strategic Plan Goals AGs are trained to understand the club planning process Assist clubs in developing a 3 year club plan using the Strategic Planning Guide and Vibrant Club Plan District Governor’s Official Visit Governor discusses Club Plan with the Club Board We know that to be successful the District and Clubs need a plan. What If. Explain the Chain: The chain is linked together toward a common point, but each link can move within its own space.
Rotary Youth “What If” District develops a “New Generations” path to Rotary membership Interact members are “preferred” for RYLA and Youth Exchange All New Generations, club scholarship awardees, etc. are tracked using Facebook, Twitter, etc. What if Rotaract members “Graduate” to a member of the sponsoring or other Rotary club? What if this becomes a tradition? What if clubs meet with Parents to explain why Rotary and the club are interested in “Youth?” What if there are Potential Rotary members among the parents? We know that the youth are out future. WHAT IF
International Project “What If”
AG encourages clubs in their “territory” to combine support for a new or existing international project (this fits the Future Vision model). Each participating club sends 2 or more members on-site Members report back to the club on there experiences We know that members become dedicated “Rotarians” when they participate in an International Project. Often, some clubs don’t know how to get started so What IF
Signature Project “What If”
District Governor asks each club to develop or enhance a Signature Project District Governor reviews Signature Project during the “official visit” Recognize projects in District Newsletter Feature outstanding Signature Projects at the District Conference A SIGNATURE project is recognized by the community as a Rotary project. It creates an image that every club needs. WHAT IF
Strategic Partnership “What If”
District Committee to identify other organizations within the district Common goals where collaboration on projects would benefit all concerned Develop joint project between Rotary and the organization Characteristics: Mission and objectives align with Rotary International reach Joint media relations The Strategic Plan encourages use to “Increase collaboration and connection with other organizations Last Slide GO TO BLANK These are just a handful of ideas that are raw and need refining. Do they fit your district? I don’t know. I just encourage you to leverage your skills and resources with ideas that extend across the majority of clubs in your district and address most of Strategic Plan Goals.
Some Characteristics of a Successful Rotary Club
Variety of local and international projects Long range plan with yearly objectives Flexible in meeting the needs of their members (customers) Promote networking an personal growth Leader in Foundation participation Recognized by the community Gain and retain members We know the characteristics of successful clubs. These are a few. Variety of local and international projects Long range plan with yearly objectives Flexible in meeting the needs of their members (customers) Promote networking an personal growth Leader in Foundation participation Recognized by the community These serve local and international communities well and they GAIN and RETAIN members NOW, RI can provide the support, programs, and new thinking at the highest levels, but the challenges we face can only be solved by Rotary Clubs with strong guidance from their district leaders. We are all here to help in any way we can, but the front line of support to clubs attaining the goals is you.
Questions and Discussion
Club Recommendations 3 year Club Strategic Plan that strengthens your club with bolder goals and ensures year to year continuity. Visioning results as input. Strategic Planning Guide for Rotary Clubs Vibrant Club Leadership Plan One new idea for each of the strategic focus areas. Think big. Have at least one project each year that reaches beyond anything the club has done in the past (To strengthen the club, increase humanitarian service, enhance public image, etc.). To implement the strategic plan and grow stronger as a club, I recommend these simple actions. If your club does these three things it will greatly enhance the capability to reach new heights. Develop or update the clubs 3 year plan with bolder GOALS and continuity. Use the Strategic Planning Guide in conjunction with the Vibrant Leadership Plan as the base. Think big and do something bigger and bolder than the club has done in the past. Get everyone involved and participating, maybe with other organizations. Focus membership activities toward diversity. The opportunity for membership growth is huge. This seminar is attended by club leaders. As leaders you can embrace the new strategic plan. You will provide the leadership that helps you club leap ahead and reach new heights. I know you can do it. THANK YOU AND GOOD LUCK. STOP. So we talked about some research that uncovered some challenges to Rotary’s growth and viability. We saw some of the things Rotary is doing including a simplified RI Strategic Plan that focuses on the challenges We know that the challenges will be best addressed by Rotarians and their clubs, And what clubs can do.
Diversity “What If” District Membership Committee
Assesses ethnic and racial components of populations served by the district (there are U.S. Census tools to assist) Develops a plan to recruit members from communities underserved by Rotary Considers chartering new ethnic based Rotary clubs Districts and clubs need to mirror their communities, but we do not. What If
5 Zone 26 Facebook Group Pages
One for each Assistant RC and Rotary Public Image Coordinator The pages are administered by them. Closed to pages for members only. Invited via . To join, talk to the appropriate administrator. See the Roster in your folder. Meant to extend “peer” communication Share best practices Identify issues Peer discussions Identify topics for Webinars I want to mention the Facebook group pages we have developed Go to Blank Screen. I often hear the question, “When will RI give us the strategies needed for the districts to assist the clubs in attaining the goals of the plan? Where are the “How To” suggestions or ideas to help? RC Training in April, ever part of the Rotary World was represented, every Rotary Country, every culture, and even with English the common language among many, there were still 6 interpreted languages. The Strategic plan is a global plan. Countries are different, cultures are different, club personalities are different, therefore, Zone and District Staff must interpret the plan and develop the ideas and strategies that are tailored to their area. RI can’t do that for us. They have given us the GUIDE, but Zone and District Leaders must develop the ROADMAP of support for clubs to attain the GOALS of the Strategic Plan. To supplement your thinking, I developed some rough “What If” ideas.
Zone 26 Five Year Membership Statistics
Ending Year July 06 July 07 July 08 July 09 July 10 May 28, 2011 Zone 26 Total Membership 34,197 33,969 33,192 32,020 32,509 31,622 Average District Membership 2,443 2,407 2,371 2,287 2,322 2,259 Increase/decrease - 1.47% - 1.5% - 3.54% +1.53% - 2.71% THIS IS TAKEN FROM RI’s Five Year history for the districts in our zone. With Exception of last year where a few districts gained membership, every year was negative. From July 1, 2006 to July 1, 2010 we lost a net of 1688 members or almost 5% From July 2009 to July, 2010 the zone actually gained 489 members but through March 10 we have lost some 882 members or down 2.71% I also looked at the current membership status for each district as of January , 2010 and we are down another 749 members. Last year’s gain is gone. Congratulations: as of Oct 13: District July May Dif. 5 yr. decrease of 1688 members or Minus 4.94% From July 1, 2010 through May 28, 2011 Zone 26 has lost 884 members = %. Last year’s gain is gone.
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