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التفسيرالرياضي لدالة الموجة وشروط قبول الدالة
(a) غير مقبولة (ليست أحادية القيمة).
(b) غير مقبولة (غير مستمرة). (c) غير مقبولة (قيمة لانهائية حيث x=∞). (d)مقبولة.
Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy
7/6/2018 Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy The wave function, The wave function is often complex-valued. The absolute square |y|2 = y*y is always real and positive (y* is the complete conjugate of y). |y|2 is proportional to the probability per unit volume of finding a particle at a given point at some instant. The wave function contains within it all the information that can be known about the particle. Erwin Schrödinger proposed a wave equation that describes the manner in which the wave function changes in space and time. This Schrödinger Wave Equation represents a key element in quantum mechanics. Dr. Sabry El-Taher
فروض الكم
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Postulate 1. The WavefunctionPostulate: “The state of a quantum mechanical system is described by a wave function (x,t), of the coordinates of all the particles and of time. It is called the state function, contains all the information that can be determined about the system. It must be single-valued, continuous, and quadratically (or square) integrable.”
Examples of the meaning of “The coordinates of all the particles”
For a single particle moving in one dimension: For a single particle moving in three dimensions: For two particles moving in three dimensions: Square-integrable means that the normalization integral is finite:
:postulate2:The Observables and Operators Postulate
“To every physical observable there corresponds a linear Hermitian operator in quantum mechanics”. المؤثرات الميكانيكية الكمية المرادفة للخواص الفيزيائية خواص النظام مؤثر لا بد ان تكون خطية وهرميتية An operator L is linear if and only if :
Hermitian operators: examples
Postulate3:The eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
“The only possible values that can result from measurements of the Physical observable G are the eigenvalues gi of the equation.” eigenfunction eigenvalue operator The eigenfunctions are required to be well-behaved. Example: The time-independent Schrödinger equation: Important fact: The eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator are real.
Postulate 4. Basis Set of functions
“The set of eigenfunctions of Hermitian operators Q will form a complete set of linearly independent functions.”
Postulate 5: Expectation values
“For a system described by a given normalized wavefunction, the expectation value of a physical observable can be found by performing the expectation value integral with respect to that wavefunction.”
A physical system is described by the wave function Ψ, which can always be written as a linear combination of the eigenfunctions of a Hermitian operator Q: A measure of Q for the state Ψ will give as a result any of its eigenvalues qn, each with a probability |cn|2, so that The normalization condition of the wavefunction implies that A measurement of Q forces the system to be in one of the eigenstates, Ψn, of Q: any subsequent measure of Q will give the result qn
Postulate 6: Time evolution of the system
“The time evolution of the wavefunction is given by the time dependent Schrödinger equation” If Ψ(x,y,z; t) is the wavefunction for a physical system at an initial time and the system is free of external interactions, then the evolution in time of the wavefunction is given by This is a linear, homogeneous differential equation, so the linear combination of any two solutions is also a solution.
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